amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅡ‐39-5。

水俣病患者症例資料映像をチラッと見た結果の判断で水俣病患者全員ゴミ処刑。今後は不当な風評被害もいりませんね、つうことで。で、ラリったり大量死だったりの犬猫魚など、薬物でもゴミども(処刑)に飲まされたんだろうけど(おれ直系でないと、もしかしたらそれなりに効くのかもしれんけど)、おれは魚は食うけど、そんな恥辱を、つうのも変だけど、犬猫魚など、うちにそっちにトロいのいない。魂が問題なのでね。The beginning of the end of the beginning. 6月 20, 2019

※パソコン電子辞書 "みなまた"で始まる 件数:7件



◆みなまた【水俣】~病〘医〙Minamata disease.

◆Mi・na・má・ta dìsease /mìnəmɑˊːtə-/水俣病.

【医】 Minamata disease; a type of poisoning caused by industrial mercury pollution.


"【教育資料】水俣病 (医学教育ビデオ)"

"【教育資料】水俣病 日本語解説付き (医学教育ビデオ)"

"NHK for School 社会のトビラ 2011年度 第19回 公害[水俣病]"


さんま一派(クドイのが新庄剛志ゴミ処刑。)に台本なしでしゃべらせると同じ自慢話と下ネタがエンドレス。一切己の実情に合っていない自慢話や夢に感動したふりをしてやると、すぐに本気にする、自省という高等動物に不可欠なものが欠如している、マジでバカ。(11月 29, 2018)


出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』

銭屋 五兵衛(ぜにや ごへえ、安永2年11月25日(1774年1月7日) - 嘉永5年11月21日(1852年12月31日))は、江戸時代後期の加賀の商人、海運業者。金沢藩の御用商人を務めた。姓名の略から「銭五」とも呼ばれる。幼名は茂助。「五兵衛」は銭屋代々の当主が襲名する通称だが、この項では最も著名な最後の当主(三代目)について説明する。






we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionsXCIII。



we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionsXLI。12月 07, 2021

"01 Get Back"

"02 Dig A Pony"

"03 For You Blue"

"04 The Long And Winding Road"

"05 Two Of Us"

"06 I've Got A Feeling"

"07 One After 909"

"08 Don't Let Me Down"

"09 I Me Mine"

"10 Across The Universe"

"11 Let It Be"


"Fly On The Wall ~A Unique Insight Into The Beatles At Work In The Studio During January 1969"


"The Beatles - Rooftop Concert "





8月 18, 2019 石原莞爾さんが帝国陸軍参謀ではなくゲルショッカーの大幹部だったら納得できる文章ですが(笑)、という、"※どこのバカ田大學出身の官僚がそんな足がつくテキストを書くんだよ、という・笑・20211207、"随分な作文ですが、実は石森章太郎さんのお父さんとか?

uesday, 24 September 2013

survival of the fittest

"I do not know death as my experience.
Therefore I do not know life yet.
Therefore I don't talk about it." 

This was attitude of Confucius about "field of God".

"Humanity for others."

If I oversimplified teachings of Confucius、it becomes like this.
Confucius kept thinking about it in this war age.

"Humanity for others.
This is only way to improve the world. 
We have a great ideal person named Duke of Zhou. 
You should do the politics like him." 

Confucius preached so to kings (or to those in real power).


However、they did reflect teachings of Confucius in their politics.
Never was it.

After all、Confucius had to leave from the political scene.
After this、Confucius traveled with his disciples everywhere.
And he died leaving "Words" 

After death of Confucius、troubled times had been chaotic increasingly.
Superpower of that time、"Jin".(晋・Shin) 
Of course、Jin also was vassal of Zhou dynasty originally.
And this Jin was country that is able to compete for hegemony against Chu and Qin.

But infighting occurred in Jin.
As a result、a vassal seemed to seize the helm of this country.
Jin was about to be taken over by him.
"We do not tolerate his disloyalty."

But he was attacked by Jin's three powerful vassals with this nominal.
And after this、they became the next men of power of course.
Finally、this Jin was taken over by them.

"Han"、"Wei"、"Zhao". (韓・Kan、魏・Gi、趙・Chou)
Jin was dismantled and these three countries were born.
And of course、time has passed、those in power was born in these countries.

"Ideal of Duke of Zhou."
It did not exist anywhere.

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

on the same day

"Confucius said.
Two sun never ascended on the same day.
As well、two kings never exist on the same day."

About 100 years later from the death of Confucius.
It seems that such words have come to be said by Confucian scholars as the words of Confucius.

"A man becomes a ruler by the mandate of The Lord of Heaven.
Only he receives an obligation to govern this world from Heaven."

This was associated with this thought of course.

"This is the person who will take the throne." 

And in order to clarify this thought、the achievements (legend) of Yao and Shun seems to have formed clearly at that time.

Note:Yao and Shun are the kings who did not hereditary the throne of course.

Confucius spoke little about the realm of God.
Confucian scholar after Confucius.
They basically followed it.

But they talked about Yao and Shun in order to clarify the teachings of Confucius. 
Yao and Shun are gods.
So this was one step into the divine realm.
This may have been acted contrary to the teachings of Confucius.

But maybe they dared to took that action.

Legend of Yao and Shun.
As previously mentioned、it seems to have formed clearly in this period (the era of survival of the fittest).

But archetype of legend of Yao and Shun、it would have existed from long ago.

Those in power.
They might had justify their actions by it.

"Heavenly mandate for a violent person.
It is not like that、never.
We do not leave it to their's arbitrariness."

Therefore、some Confucian scholars may have tried to clarify the definition.
They probably sifted a lot of folklore.

And they probably made it a legend with a solid personality.

By the way、Confucian scholar of the most spearhead of such an idea.
It seems to had been Mencius. (孟子・Mou-shi)

As a corollary、his school seems to a little anti-establishment.

※Is this what I write other's opinion as it is、or I'm writing with a mere thought、I can not judge now.
Please read based on that.※

万邦共同声明「汚辱、恥辱にまみれているのは、お前たちだ」11月 22, 2018







"ETV特集 テレビが記録した知性たち 桑原武夫 1999.3"




Saturday, 20 October 2012 (10月 27, 2018)

for create a world where everyone feels "happy to be born".

Kondo became samurai class.
Of course、it is because his ability was recognized.

And he married in Kobe and eldest son was born.
This is ordinary marriage (maybe the daughter of merchant of Kobe)、he was trying to get the happiness of the ordinary as a promising young man.

But his all was changed by political change.
His mentor Katsu was downfall.
He was parting with family and moved to Nagasaki along with Sakamoto.

After this he would lived with worry about the surveillance of Tokugawa under the protection of Satsuma.

"It wasn't supposed to be this."
He may have thought so sometimes.
However、all things was not bad.
"Saigo visits Choshu and the alliance of Choshu and Satsuma is established."
There was certainly such a prospect.

"Saigo refused to visit Choshu.”
When he got know that fact、at the same time、information on the Great Purge in Tosa would have arrived at him.

Shortly before、Tosa's "revolutionary" main figures were killed as political prisoners.
I think this shock was very severe for Tosa ronin.

At that time、even if there is no direct relationship、I think a lot of people had been suspected. ※At least in their subjectivity.
A doctor of Tosa named ”Nagaoka Kenkichi.”
The man who later become Sakamoto’s secretary and inherit Sakamoto's organization after his death.

During this period、he also escaped from Tosa.

※Certainly thereafter、there is a possibility that he came to Nagasaki.
But of course I don't know if he met Kondo this time.

In either case、I think Kondo had know well current state of Tosa.

"A promising young man became like a arsonist."

Information of arrival to kyoto of Tokugawa shogun also would have came to him.
Finally Tokugawa's invasion against Choshu begins.

He was originally the man who had aspired to study only.
Of course he wanted to help people with his ability.

※Kondo was mainly studying Western studies、which is a trend of the times (that's natural)、but I think he was under the influence of Confucianism from ancient times.

経世済民 governing a nation and providing relief to people.
To put it simply、the ancient scholarship of the East was this quest.※

If Kondo had born after a little more、he would was able to studying in the UK without any problems.
Even in this era、if Kondo had born to samurai of Tokugawa or Satsuma、he would was able to studying in the UK.

※At this time、it may be a best organization in Japan where the Tokugawa shogunate properly evaluated people as people.

He was man excellent enough to be it.
He also had a family already.

And he made money suddenly.

”From the beginning、it was impossible.”

※I looked into Nagasaki City's prostitute at that time.
Because I thought about making sister of Ukiyo-e artist as younger prostitute of Kondo's lover.
For example、in the case of Edo、many of them were daughters of poor farmers in the Tohoku region.
(I think that the situation had continued until mid-20th century.)
However、Nagasaki's case、it seems many of them were from local residents.
What they have in common is their short life expectancy even then.
It seems that there were many cases where their bodies was thrown away in front of the temple.

Here I change a topic a bit.

I won't saying "everything is so".
Because I believe shouldn't say "everything is so".

I read it in Kobayashi Yoshinori san's "Gomanism Sengen (declaration)".
Go(u)man arrogance + ism

I guess it was Southeast Asia、during the Pacific War、on the evening leaving for the front line tomorrow、a commander took his men to the comfort station (ianjyo 慰安所 in short、it is a brothel).
Of course it was for buy a woman.
But a commander himself seems to have spent time doing nothing in the lady's room、
"Good memories were made thanks to the commanding officer"、his men said that to him in the car on the way home to the base.

"Why will you thank me?
You may die tomorrow."
At that time he thought so.

Of course、I think the commanders would have been various.

But perhaps the front commander had the highest mortality rate.

Well、I think everyone understands what I will write、but I think they're all married couples.
Of course race is irrelevant.
Please check it yourself about comfort women.

Here again I will change the topic a bit.

There are women called geisha in Japan.
Geisha sells performing arts to customers.
The prostitute sells their body to the customer.
Literal translation of Geisha is a person performing arts.

Of course、these two jobs are different.
But at that time、many of Tosa and Choshu historical figures' wives were them.

劃一。構造はこうだと。8月 23, 2018

"その時歴史が動いた 「改革者か、悪徳老中か?~田沼意次、江戸の経済改革に挑む~」"

"その時歴史が動いた 「満州事変 関東軍 独走す」"

"石原莞爾 本人映像 肉声"

"内鮮満周遊の旅 満洲篇 (1937年 満鉄映画製作所)"

"仮面ライダー 第83話 「怪人イノカブトン 発狂ガスでライダーを倒せ」

"仮面ライダー 第84話 「危しライダー!イソギンジャガーの地獄罠」"


"01 Sunday Morning"

"02 I'm Waiting For The Man"

"03 Femme Fatale"

"04 Venus In Furs"

"05 Run Run Run"

"06 All Tomorrow's Parties"

"07 Heroin"

"08 There She Goes Again"

"09 I'll Be Your Mirror"

"10 The Black Angel's Death Song"

"11 European Son"


"01 Vicious"

"02 Andy's Chest"

"03 Perfect Day"

"04 Hangin''Round"

"05 Walk On The Wild Side"

"06 Make Up"

"07 Satellite Of Love"

"08 Wagon Wheel"

"09 New York Telephone Conversation"

"10 I'm So Free"

"11 Goodnight Ladies"


"01 Berlin"

"02 Lady Day"

"03 Men Of Good Fortune"

"04 Caroline Says Ⅰ"

"05 How Do You Think It Feels"

"06 Oh Jim"

"07 Caroline Says Ⅱ"

"08 The Kids"

"09 The Bed"

"10 Sad Song"


"Lou Reed - Rock n Roll Animal (Full Album) 1974"


"01 Vicious"

"02 Satellite Of Love"

"03 Walk On The Wild Side"

"04 I'm Waiting For The Man"

"05 Oh Jim"

"06 Sad Song"




ピエロの語源?はキリストですね。4月 01, 2019

Monday, 22 April 2013


"I know what."
Ernest said on the fly.

"Probably Ogasawara Nagamichi being in your enemy side.
It was during negotiations with the Tokugawa Shogunate after the Namamugi Incident、the first official document I took responsibility for translating was his writings.

The Tokugawa diplomats of those days were people who kept repeating ambiguous statements.
We were made to frustrating always by them.

However、they continued to refuse to interference in the internal affairs by foreign countries.  

'With our military cooperation、we will wipe out Tokugawa's enemies at once.'
This offer to the Tokugawa was exist from back then. 
Yes、they kept refused it.
I think can trust them、but…."
"It is urgently necessary for the Ōu alliance to take on the appearance of a nation.
Naturally head of the goverment is necessary for this."
During their meeting with the foreign merchants、this agenda came out.
This information had reached the new government forces in Edo.

And now、a Imperial prince were present in the Ōu region.


Each commanders of the government forces、their operational action plan against the Ōu alliance was also officially decided.

"I will also go to the front line as soon as possible."
Saigo said to Omura.
Originally、you were supposed to be in the headquarters as Supreme Commander.

"Please don't mind.
My big face will be useful for guys."

The two laughed.

"I am honored to this order."

"I'm not kidding now、I really want to thank you".

"Rather than that、how about preparations for the operation?"
"Is going well.

You may have already received the information about the enemy ships around Niigata Port、Satsuma warships eliminated it.
The enemy ship was originally the Tokugawa navy.
They don't own the Navy.

And also enemy troops are not deployed in Hirakata.

The Tokugawa Navy on the Pacific side is under Enomoto's control.
They can not interfere with our operations.
We run all our operations as scheduled."

Wednesday, 24 April 2013


"Enemy troops have landed in Hirakata、the total number of it is unknown."
When the Ōu alliance tried to launch an attack against the Shirakawa Castle、this report was delivered to them.


If we think Shirakawa is this low point、Sendai is this top point.
 "/" is twice as long in an upward direction than  "\".

This another top point is Aizu、and this another low point is Hirakata.
Although its main part was through in the mountains、there was also roads here.
(Incidentally、if you go straight from Aizu as it、you will arrive to Niigata port.) 

The center point is current Koriyama city.
It was a territory of Nihonmatsu (Niwa) clan at that time.
Miharu (Akita) clan were also present in this center area.

With Miharu and Nihonmatsu as the rear bases、they were moving forward to Sukagawa.

Sukagawa is 10 km south of Koriyama.
There was on the middle of Shirakawa and Koriyama.


Japanese Haiku.
The universe of 17 characters.

It may not have been as influential as Chuck Berry' sans、but after the Beatles、John Lennon san's lyrics seem to have been influenced by haiku (maybe).

Matsuo Bashou who was a representative figure in haiku.
200 years ago from this time、he was traveled Ōu region.
After sightseeing in Shirakawa、he stayed at a friend's house of Sukagawa.

"I'm sure you wrote a haiku in Shirakawa.
Please tell me it."
Basho had been asked so from Sukagawa's friend.

"Shirakawa no Seki is the entrance for another world.
I thought emotion of the ancient peoples who used to live here.
And I noticed、same emotion has been filling also in me.
I was so moved by the fact and I could not make a haiku.
Elegance is exactly Shirakawa.”
And they laughed.

Shirakawa castle attacking troops of the Ōu alliance.
And now、they were gathered in Sukagawa.


"トップランキング SCIENCE 奇妙な宇宙シグナル〜ボイジャー1号発のニュースとは?"

"トップランキング SCIENCE 偽の真空―宇宙にとっての”Delete”キー"

"トップランキング SCIENCE 巨大ダイヤモンド原石は木星レベルの天体!"

"トップランキング SCIENCE 巨大で恐ろしくも魅力的な惑星、木星"

"トップランキング SCIENCE 巨大な幽霊の「手」が宇宙空間に広がっている!"

"トップランキング SCIENCE 驚きの原始銀河ヒミコ:最古級の天体"

"トップランキング SCIENCE 驚きの中性子星ランキングTOP6"

"トップランキング SCIENCE 驚きの発見!科学者が遭遇したゾンビ星!"

"トップランキング SCIENCE 驚きの発見!銀河から消える物質の行方を専門家が解明!"

"トップランキング SCIENCE 驚くべき宇宙の大変動!中性子星とブラックホールの衝突"





"NHK人間大学 知の現在 ~限りなき人間へのアプローチ~ 12回シリーズ 第5回 サル学の現在と人間 ノンフィクション作家 立花隆 (amazonによると1996年7~9月期放送)"

"NHK人間大学 知の現在 ~限りなき人間へのアプローチ~ 12回シリーズ 第6回 脳死ー生死の本質を考える ノンフィクション作家 立花隆 (amazonによると1996年7~9月期放送)"



Around 1996、in Japan、AIDS was mixed in preparations for hemophilia patients due to a mistake involving the interests of the Ministry of Health and Welfare and pharmaceutical companies、and many hemophilia patients became AIDS and became a big social problem.

"Demand an apology!Ministry of Health and Welfare!"

Then、the people、mainly young people, rose up to peacefully denounce the Ministry of Health and Welfare and pharmaceutical companies、and young people who represented the victims became members of the Diet.

Of course、pharmaceutical companies were also subject to severe social sanctions、and from around this time、various corporate scandals continued (discovered by whistleblowing、etc.).

More than 25 years have passed since then、and although this may be the norm、or maybe I'm just an information-poor person、I've never heard of any of the victims at that time developing AIDS.

If someone of them were to develop AIDS in the future、it would probably be for a different reason.

Garbage is slaughtered.2022081218:39(Japan time).

"NHK人間大学 知の現在 ~限りなき人間へのアプローチ~ 12回シリーズ 第7回 臨死体験とは何か ノンフィクション作家 立花隆 (amazonによると1996年7~9月期放送)"



『月刊TACTICS No.40 83-102ページ』

"未来少年コナン 第1話 のこされ島 (wikiによると1978年4月4日放送)"

"未来少年コナン 第2話 旅立ち (wikiによると1978年4月11日放送)"

"未来少年コナン 第3話 はじめての仲間 (wikiによると1978年4月18日放送)"

"未来少年コナン 第4話 バラクーダ号 (wikiによると1978年4月25日放送)"

"未来少年コナン 第5話 インダストリア (wikiによると1978年5月9日放送)"


"のび太の結婚前夜 ~the night before a wedding~ (wikiによると1999年3月6日に『ドラえもん のび太の宇宙漂流記』と同時上映公開)"

"東京国際アニメフェア2008 特別編集版 悟空の著作権入門"

1990年には悟空の大冒険のキャラクターが登場し著作権を解説する教育ビデオを製作。著作権法に基づき1997年、2008年に一部改定されている。声優は八戒役の滝口以外は一新されている。from wiki.


『時代の風音』は堀田善衛さん司馬遼太郎さん鈴木敏夫さんの鼎談集。で、おれはラピュタのコンテも持ってますが、あのですね、違うのは当然なんですが、司馬さんがお書きになられた漫画版ナウシカとは少し線が違う気がするので(アニメの線です)、鈴木敏夫さんによるコンテ。で、シナリオ、構成は高畑勲さんと4人。あ、鼎談の時期も含め、何について話されているか、おれの意図も、普通にわかるでしょ。9月 03, 2019

Wednesday, 16 October 2013


"The differences of values​."
This episode is described about it.

In short、at the time this episode was created、cremation did not exist in China.
I think It was not common at least.

By the way、current Japan is generally cremation (I think burial is prohibited by law).
But the custom of cremation did not exist in Japan originally.

Cremation seems to have spread to Japan along with introduction of Buddhism to Japan.
China’s situation would be similar with Japan probably (as to cremation). 
Note:Cremation is called 荼毘(da-bi) in Buddhism.
(荼毘 is a transliteration of cremation in Pali.)
It's one of the important Buddhist ritual.

※It is pronounced "da-bi" in modern Japan.

※Although each period is different、there are many cases where the sound when the Chinese characters was brought to Japan remains as it is、so it may be that Japan preserves the old sound of the character more often than in modern China. 

Of course China is wide、and it seems that there were considerable differences in the pronunciation of Chinese characters even at the same era. 20211113.


China Changsha. (長沙・Chou-sa) 

Changsha is located originally in the country of Chu (楚・the pronunciation of modern Japanese is "so") of the Warring States period.
Chu was a large country in the south of China at that time.
(They were destroyed by Qin (秦・the pronunciation of modern Japanese is "shin") in 223BC.)  
1971、noble tomb of the initial Han dynasty were excavated at there.
And bodies of the marchioness was found in a complete form.
(Her death was around 195BC-187BC probably.) 

"She seemed to be alive."
It is said so.

Of course、this is the tomb of a noble family in southern China at the time.
But probably cremation will was not common in China yet.

In short、Buddhism will was not common in China yet.


"If so、when did China start cremation?"

I suddenly wondered about it、so I checked it on the net.

According to it.
Until recently、China seems to have been burial in general.
Cremation seems to have becoming popular more recently in China.
Therefore、cremation and the spread of Buddhism seems to be irrelevant in China.

This difference.
This is mere idea、but it may be differences in the way of acceptance of Buddhism.

Japan before Buddhism was introduced、gods from ancient times lived in there of course.
But after Buddhism came over to Japan、they became gods of Buddhism.

In short、Buddhism has absorbed the religion of ancient Japan.
(Although Buddhism has also transformed into Japanese-style Buddhism by it.)

By contrast、China.
Buddhist had been absorbed to the thoughts itself.
(Although Buddhism has existed as Buddhism of course.)

※I do not know the basis of this sentence、what I was thinking(lol).
In modern Japan、we celebrate Christmas on December 25th and visit a shrine on New Year's Day.
In old China too、did the people's custom mix naturally?※

※On average、the Japanese climate is humid and things are prone to putrefaction. 20211113.

Thursday, 17 October 2013

sentient beings

"Enlightenment of self."

Originally this element seems to have been the strongest in Buddhism.

"Relief of sentient beings." 
Around the time that Buddhism met to Hellenism、its historical context is not clear、but Buddhism seems to came to have this thought.
And introduction of Buddhism to China、its initial.
This thought has inhibited the spread of Buddhism in China.

There seems to be a theory like that.


Time that Buddhism was introduced in earnest in China.
It's era of the Later Han (漢・the pronunciation of modern Japanese is "kan") dynasty (around 67AD)

"Sentient beings.
In short、all living creatures.
It is saved equally by the Buddha."
This thought.
"This may be a little misleading in China."

Initially、Buddhist seems to have thought so.

"Existence different from the birds and animals.
It's human."
Because such thought was strong in China at that time.

Around the second half of the 2 century.
(The end of "the Han dynasty".)

Buddha scripture seems to have begun to be translated into Chinese.
"If all living creatures are not saved by the Buddha、I also never be saved."

Although this is my paraphrase、there are such sentences in its original text.
And paraphrase is also present in Buddhist scriptures itself that has been translated into Chinese.
"All living creatures (this part is not my paraphrase). "
This is paraphrased to "all human beings". 
Note:The person who did this translation.
He was the person of Central Asia.






文責当然俺。あらゆる意味で天皇は一切無関係。日本時間2019年1月8日現在の韓日中台米の所謂国のトップはゴミ(処刑)。(1月 08, 2019)




※そうそう、バイデンさん大統領就任で一括させてもらったのですが(笑)。don't let me down. 20220717。



Reality 9月 04, 2018

"01 New Killer Star"

"02 Pablo Picasso"

"03 Never Get Old"

"04 The Loneliest Guy"

"05 Looking for Water"

"06 She'll Drive the Big Car"

"07 Days"

"08 Fall Dog Bombs the Moon"

"09 Try Some, Buy Some"

"10 Reality"

"11 Bring Me the Disco King"

"12 Waterloo Sunset"


"日本 映像の20世紀 埼玉県"




"ETV特集 シリーズ テレビが記録した知性たち 第4回 堀田善衞 歴史の眼 フランス文学者 清水徹"


"Battle Nausicaa Image Album 08"








"天空の城 ラピュタ"

角川春樹(角川家と一切無関係)、美輪明宏、江守徹、原田知世、まったくしらんけど槐柳二という男(実際の声は植垣康博さん)はゴミ処刑ってことで。今後も声似てる(似せてる)方ってことで。8月 05, 2018



"Legend of the Wind Nausicaa Image Album 01"

"Toward the Land Far Away Nausicaa Image Album 02"

"Mehve Nausicaa Image Album 03"

Torumekia Nausicaa Image Album 04

"The Sea of Corruption Nausicaa Image Album 05"

"Ohmu Nausicaa Image Album 06"

"The Dorok Army Strikes Back Nausicaa Image Album 07"

"Battle Nausicaa Image Album 08"

"The Road to the Valley Nausicaa Image Album 09"

The Days Long Gone Nausicaa Image Album 10

"Bird Person Nausicaa Image Album 11"



◆hys・ter‐ /hístər/, hys・tero‐ /hístəroʊ, ‐rə/
—comb form 「子宮」「ヒステリー」の意.

◆hys・te・ria /hɪstíəriə, ‐tέriə/ 
—n 【医・精医】 ヒステリー; 《一般に》病的興奮, (集団)ヒステリー(現象).
[Gk hustera womb; 子宮の変調による女性特有のものと考えられた]

◆scréaming mée・mie /‐míːmi/
《軍俗》 《トラックやジープ後部の発射器から打ち上げる》音響ロケット砲; 《俗》 ギャーギャー泣く子供[大人]; 《俗》 ギャッといわせるほど強烈なもの; [the ~s, 〈sg〉] 《口》 《過度の飲酒・不安などによる》極端な神経過敏, ヒステリー.

◆hys・ter・ic /hɪstέrɪk/
—n ヒステリーを起こしやすい人; 感情変化の激しい人.
[Gk husterikos of the womb (↑)]

—a ヒステリー(性)の; 病的に興奮した, 理性を失った; 《口》 ひどく滑稽な.
~・ly adv ヒステリー的に, 病的[異常]に興奮して

◆ヒステリー【Hysterie ドイツ】

ピエロの語源?はキリストですね。(4月 01, 2019)

ゴミ(処刑)のニセモノは当然ゴミ(処刑)。(4月 24, 2019)

あのですね、真面目に書きますが、道路交通法順守、道路自体も大丈夫、としても、一歩事に、電柱、信号、歩道橋、などをなぎ倒して行く、と、なると、頭頂高31メートルの巨大ロボットを、少なくとも、日本国内で普通に乗り回す、は、現実的でないですね(山林を一歩々々なぎ倒すのも)。やっぱり、基本、宇宙(戦)用でしょうね。(5月 01, 2019)

以前の繰り返しになりますが、世界中の軍隊は地球防衛軍、つまり自衛隊。愛国心とは他国の郷土愛を尊重すること。当然、無法には地球防衛軍として共同で対処。(5月 10, 2019)

処理しやすいようにまず集める、という手法は理解しましたが、その時、森林・建造物などの過度の破壊をともなう、というのは、今後は無い方がいいですね(今後それが行われるというのは、おれの未熟ゆえ、ですけど・偉そうですね)。そこに新しい需用が生まれるのかもしれませんけど、やっぱり建設(そこに込められた意志も)は大変(大切)ですもん。現在、おれはこの世界を実感として知っているとは言えませんが、世界は素晴らしく決して壊してはならないという考えに同意します。(6月 03, 2019)

水俣病患者症例資料映像をチラッと見た結果の判断で水俣病患者全員ゴミ処刑。今後は不当な風評被害もいりませんね、つうことで。で、ラリったり大量死だったりの犬猫魚など、薬物でもゴミども(処刑)に飲まされたんだろうけど(おれ直系でないと、もしかしたらそれなりに効くのかもしれんけど)、おれは魚は食うけど、そんな恥辱を、つうのも変だけど、犬猫魚など、うちにそっちにトロいのいない。魂が問題なのでね。The beginning of the end of the beginning. (6月 20, 2019)

おれの妻には確認済み。令和元年七月四日以後の"ハロプロ"全員ゴミ処刑。皆殺。(7月 04, 2019)

俺と妻はバカが嫌い。令和元年七月十二日以後のお笑い芸人全員ゴミ処刑。皆殺。お笑いごときついでで十分。で、今後、職業ジャンルとしての政治家が必要なのか、俺は疑問を持ちますね。ま、疑問があるなら自分で解決したほうがいいんでしょうが。 - はいはい(笑)。あのですね、今もそうなんだろうけど、今後はもっとシンプル明瞭に、ン十億人単位の実質直接民主制になるだろうなと。それを可能にする条件が整う。俺は造物主だが独裁者ではない。したがってこの世界に"独裁者"は存在できない。俺がありつづけることが民主主義の永遠を担保する。これはもうすぐ終わるけどね(笑)。(7月 12, 2019)

このブログを通して一つ明白なことは、俺は真剣に"死ね(処刑)"と言い、彼女たちはその俺を真剣にサポートしているということ。(8月 05, 2019)

天照帝。この、ナイト オブ ゴールド "イリアス"のバスターランチャーで、現在、地球直撃コースで飛来する直径500キロの小天体を狙撃消滅するのがおれとさゆみの最初のお仕事。(V)o¥o(V)。(7月 25, 2019)


golden years

from めぞん一刻 15 桜の下で

amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅣ‐11-5-THE BEGINNING OF THE END OF THE BEGINNING☺️