ガイド23 チェンバロを鳴らせ。

we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionsXLV。12月 08, 2021

天照帝。この、ナイト オブ ゴールド "イリアス"のバスターランチャーで、現在、地球直撃コースで飛来する直径500キロの隕石を狙撃消滅するのがおれとさゆみの最初のお仕事。(V)o¥o(V)。7月 25, 2019

Wednesday, 21 August 2013


Yao and Shun are emperors of mythical of China. (堯 と 舜・Gyou to Shun)
"Their's reign was the really ideal society."

They are told that way.
And one more.
"Shun was a man of 東夷(Tou-i)."

This is also told that way.
Translation of "東夷" is "Eastern Barbarians".
In short、"夷" have a meaning of barbarians.

But Shun is a saint of China.

"Shun was born of barbarians、it's strange.
Initially、word of "夷" must did not mean barbarians."

Therefore theory such seems to exist.
※I don't know now when it was said that way.

※I wrote Yao and Shun as "emperors".
This word is written as "皇帝" in Chinese character.
But this word was made about two thousand years later.
What was its expression?
it may be "聖天子 (sei-tenshi)".
The literal translation of "聖天子" is "a holy heavenly child".
Yes、if I check it on the net、I will probably find it relatively easy(lol).※


Yao and Shun did not hereditary their throne.
Yao gave away his throne to Shun.
And Shun gave away his throne to Yu. (禹・U)

"When walking、Yu became a figure of the bear."
Incidentally there is such a legend in Yu. 

He founded ”the Xia dynasty”. (夏・Ka)
This dynasty is the first dynasty of China. 
And thus the throne was became hereditary from here. 

But until now、we had nothing to be able to confirm the presence of this dynasty. 
Invention of Chinese characters.
It is the time of the Yin dynasty of next dynasty.(殷・In)
Therefore this dynasty is considered with the presence of fictitious.

"Ruins of the Xia dynasty may have been excavated."
But recently、I saw its news on TV programs.
Just maybe、we are able to confirmed existence of the Xia dynasty.

In a close example、the Yin dynasty.
Until the excavation of ruins of theirs capital city、they were also believed to be a fictional dynasty.

Incidentally、Japanese pronunciation of ”Yu・禹” is "U". (う・ウ)
And chinese characters bear is "熊". 
Japanese are read this word as "kuma" mainly.  (くま・クマ)

"Yu" and ”U”. (ゆう・ユウ・Yuu&う・ウ・U)
But this Chinese character is also possible to read that way (at least in Japan today).

Thursday, 22 August 2013


Tang dynasty in China. (唐王朝・618 AD~907 AD) 
This dynasty flourished as a global dynasty.

Of course、culture also flourished.
This era、China has produced a poet of many.
Their poetry is called ”Tang poetry” specially. (唐詩・Toushi)

"Currently、many dialects are present in China.
(including the standard languages.)

When we read Tang poetry、they and Japanese language of current、which would be close to the pronunciation of Chang'an of era of the Tang Dynasty?"

※Chang'an is the capital of the Tang Dynasty.(長安・Chouan)
By the way、there are several dynasties that made Changan the capital、but the place and the scale seem to be different.※

There was a person with a question like this. 
※I do not know its answer.

"Japanese language is close to the pronunciation of that time than them.”
But apparently this possibility seems to be.


Chang'an was the capital of the Tang Dynasty.
At that time、many Japanese international students were staying there. 
This international students were called ”kentōshi・kentoushi”. (遣唐使) 
Literal translation of ”kentōshi” is "envoy to Tang".

※In fact、(it may be because of efficiency issues)、but it seems that study abroad was being conducted as part of dispatching an ambassador.
I think the permission of the Chinese Emperor is necessary for foreign students to stay in China、after all formal study abroad may be only this way.※

This study abroad was conducted as a national policy.
Besides、exchanges of each other was active of course.
Many cultures have been brought to Japan at that time.

But 907 AD、the Tang Dynasty was perish.
Before that little、this study abroad was abolished.

And after this、Japan began follow the path of their own.

Culture of China that was brought to Japan until this period、it seems to have been saved in Japan.



"ミーム いろいろ夢の旅 第1話 「それでも地球は・・・」"

"ミーム いろいろ夢の旅 第2話 「君は恐竜を見たか」"


"01 新日本紀行"

"02 ジャングル大帝"

"03 勝海舟"

"04 文吾捕物絵図"

"05 学校"

"06 蒼き狼の伝説"

"07 国境のない伝記"

"08 二つの橋"

"09 リボンの騎士"

"10 花の生涯"

"11 天と地と"

"12 新平家物語"

"13 徳川家康"

"14 決断"

"15 多様な国土 (爺さんの里)"

"16 青い地球は誰のもの"

"地球大進化~46億年・人類への旅~ 第一集 生命の星 大衝突からの始まり"

"地球大進化~46億年・人類への旅~ 第二集 全球凍結 大型生物誕生の謎"

"地球大進化~46億年・人類への旅~ 第三集 大海からの離脱 そして手が生まれた"

"地球大進化~46億年・人類への旅~ 第四集 大量絶滅 巨大噴火が哺乳類を生んだ"

"地球大進化~46億年・人類への旅~ 第五集 大陸大分裂 目に秘められた物語"

"地球大進化~46億年・人類への旅~ 第六集 ヒト 果てしなき冒険者"

"地球大進化~46億年・人類への旅~ 第七集 そして未来へ"

"サイボーグ009 第27話 小さな来訪者"

"サイボーグ009 第28話 闘いの未来(あした)"


"01 声ありき"

"02 MODE UP"





"07 炎吹男"

"08 再会"

"09 ジェベジ・ハン"

"10 世界の基軸"







"17 友よ"


"19 FOR F... "


"21 帰還"


we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionsXLVI。12月 08, 2021

4月 17, 2019 赤勝て白勝て運動会。40年前には予定されていた2020年の東京オリンピックまであとわずかですが。

Tuesday, 7 May 2013


Naturally another lords of the eastern Japan had the same fate、but its correspondence was various.
For example、reduction of land tax rate.
"Pay taxes by money instead of payment in kind."
By the way、tax reduction was generally performed by the following method.

At this time、the price of rice was set lower than the market value.
They was subjected to tax cuts without lowering land tax rate by it.
※Does this mean that the farmers sell at the right price in the local market and the difference remains for them? 

They were reluctant to make a precedent.
"Reduction of land tax rate."
The Tokugawa era was era of "the precedent principle".
It may be lords(and their vassals) did not want to make a clear precedent like that.
Of course this was a first aid.

From this great famine until the Meiji restoration、population did not recover.
Such areas were also many.

Debt from large merchants、this case was many most.
And lords lost even the ability to pay interest on debt soon.
This also occurred frequently.
Then what happens?
They were not a company.
They were feudal lords.


Use a feudal lord's authority for evade paying their's debts.
Merchants who made large loans to lords、they went bankrupt.
Of course、debt of lords (as a root problem) did not disappear by it.
It was only lost the money for return the debt.

So lords looked for a new loan.

But of course they lost the trust from the merchant.
Conditions of the loan had become more and more severe.

Financial of lords became to further deteriorate.

"Five years、please downgrading our duty to 10,000 goku.
Of course we will lower our actual income to that level.
We will pay the debt in its surplus.
And we will rebuild the lives of farmers."
Soma clan was submitted its petition to the Tokugawa Shogunate.

This was an action taken only by Soma clan ​among the clan nationwide.
This was breaking the precedent.
And the Tokugawa Shogunate had approved it. 

Wednesday, 8 May 2013


Rulers of 10,000 goku or more.
They had been defined as "the clan lord" by the Tokugawa regime.

Rulers of 10,000 goku or less.
They were defined as "vassal" of lords or the Tokugawa.

So lord of 10,000 goku was the lowest value of lords.
It obligations also had been kept low.

"Please downgrading our obligation to ten thousand." 
If it was a normal situation、Tokugawa would never admitted this petition.
Because there was a possibility that lead to the abandonment of the obligation of lords.

But the situation at this time was too emergency.
At this time、the Tokugawa Shogunate did aid 5000 ryou in only Soma clan.
(Ryou両 is a monetary unit、roughly $ 5,000,000?)
East Japan was the same situation everywhere.
There was a limit to relief as the Government of Japan.

"We should not block the way of their self-help."
This concept had became dominate inside the Tokugawa Shogunate.  

"A limited time."
They approved the petition in this condition. 

Also history of Soma clan might was acting on the positive. 
Small clan、many of them were originally chief vassals of the Tokugawa clan.
After Japan unified by the Tokugawa clan they became lords.
Large lords who survived the Warring States period.
※This may not be limited to them.
They branched clan、made ​​a small clan in their territory.
"When the pedigree of the head family extinct、we welcome our lord from the branch."
This was done in this concept of feudal era.
(Scale is different、but Tokugawa clan also performed the branch.)
※Under the Tokugawa law、if the incumbent was dead and there was no successor、it clan was destroyed.

Including large lords and the Tokugawa clan、most of them were moved from their's home land in its history.
(Or they were destroyed in history.)

But Soma clan was the lord of their land from the 12th century.
(From the time of the samurai regime of the first.) 

※Their name and name of the land are the same.
I don't know now when they started calling themselves Soma.
In the first place、I think they came to give the name of the land to make a distinction within the same samurai clan(according to Shiba san's style、they are actually land reclamation farmers.).※

This was unusual.
(Satsuma clan also was likely.)
※I think that Shimazu was appointed as the lord of Satsuma by the Kamakura Shogunate(the first samurai regime). 
I don't know their origin now.※

They had been respected as a distinguished family.

"あるマラソンランナーの記録 東京シネマ製作"



はじまりのおわり。7月 31, 2018




それに、この絵の中に写真一枚という組み合わせここだけではなく、あ、そうそう、えっとですね、いろいろ言いはってますが、俺専用"Knight of Gold"Ilias イリアス 頭頂高31メートル、バスターランチャー71メートル 

ロシア LIℬBICO始め…

"Knight of North"Achilles Cross アキレスクロス ギリシア Ølympowír
"Knight of South"Eleanor Cross エレノアクロス マダカスカル Pefestridy Eldo
"Knight of East"Heavens Cross ヘブンズクロス ペルー Çogitángiel
"Knight of West"Jupitre Cross ジュピトルクロス ハワイ島 Stariver love
"Knight of Wind"Dragon Cross ドラゴンクロス 中国 泰山 応安平-5868年愚公に応え山を動かした。
"Knight of Time"Clesia Cross クレシアクロス オーストラリア Araratrose



 "1983年11月9日 レーガン大統領歓迎式典"



でですね。8月 06, 2018


結構な艦船が2012/06/02 6:54 [※なにげこの潜水艦シャレで北朝鮮の潜水艦とか ()]

だから、北朝鮮との緊張関係のためだろうと。当時は。2012/07/01 6:31手前が自衛隊奥が米軍[※なにげにここにも専門家も見かけない軍艦夏の空母ロナルドレーガンとか、写ってるとか?]

でですね、これが2012/07/03 5:47当時はまったくそんなこと思ってなかったのでマジマジと撮った写真はないんですが、“AMERICAN TOWN FESTIVAL向う左の建物が俺がヒトラーさん設計じゃないかという佐世保市美術館。「なんか嫌味だ」ではなく、だからこういうことだと思うんです。だし(真面目に)アメリカ(あめ)天再夏天才か?いえいえ、すいませんね、で、つまりAll for Re-canan[※神の約束の地Canaanper ardua ad as艱難を経て星へRAFの標語;. ad astra per aspera /星へ困難な道をKansasのモットー[リーダーズ英和辞典第2版より]


十部46画/50365244〕〔音〕マン バン〔訓〕まんじ(aswastika
中国で「」と同じ発音し、仏書で「」の代りに用いるようになった。「まんじ」は「万字」の意。[広辞苑第六版より引用] [※あ、ここは、まんじ子卍]

やた‐がらす【八咫烏】(ヤタはヤアタの約。咫(あた)は上代の長さの単位)①記紀伝承で神武天皇東征のとき熊野から大和に入る険路の先導となったという大烏。姓氏録によれば、賀茂建角身命(かもたけつのみのみこと)の化身と伝えられる。古事記[中]「今、天より―をつかはさむ中国古代説話太陽の中にいるという3本足の赤色の烏の、日本での称。〈倭名類聚鈔[1]〉 →金烏





O’Kelly /oʊkέli/オケリー(1) Seamus O’Kelly (1881‐1918) アイルランドの作家
(2) Seán T(homasO’Kelly (1882‐1966) 《アイルランドの政治家Sinn Féin 党の創設に参加アイルランド共和国大統領 (1945‐59).[リーダーズ英和辞典第2版より]
okapi {名詞}((複数形)okapi(s))動オカピ(キリン(へッ笑)の類;アフリカ産).
Oktoberfest {名詞}(ドイツMunich)十月祭;秋祭り.[パーソナル英和辞典より]


きつりん【吉林】(Jilin中国東北地方中部の省。省都は長春。面積約19万平方キロメートル。漢族のほか、朝鮮族満州族回族モンゴル族などが住む [広辞苑第六版より]

2014/09/30 10:21
127.12°×37.21°未発見の金鉱 愛華山(アイカサン)埋蔵量7101021億円相当


2014/10/18 19:16
イギリスHeartfeel UK地中4.6メートルエクスカリバー102㎝、十4Uの刻印、俺の剣
2014/10/18 18:58
Israellasale sîma 地中4.6メートルロンギヌスの槍197cm、十4Uの刻印、俺の槍

うちのコピー機のスキャン範囲があるので、とりあえず、何その鉱物資源は?て、ありません?(5月 01, 2019)



"防衛装備庁陸上装備研究所広報ビデオ (令和2年版)"

6月13日のさんぽ・鹿子前 9月 02, 2018

6.6月17日、あさのさんぽ・福石観音 9月 05, 2018

20.7月1日、あさのさんぽ・港から千尽へ 9月 11, 2018


23.7月4日、あさのさんぽ・本島歩道橋から佐世保橋へ9月 11, 2018

おれが聞いてる話とちがうので。8月 07, 2018




"美味しんぼ 第111話 「料理と絵ごころ」"






機動警察パトレイバー THE MOVIE 1 20200729。


"01 夏の嘲笑"

"02 ヘヴィ・アーマー"

"03 暴走事件"

"04 トマト畑"

"05 迫る不安"

"06 HOS"

"07 虚影の街"

"08 政府公報"

"09 GEGE"

"10 共鳴"

"11 出撃命令"

"12 海へ"

"13 突入"

"14 ID:666"

"15 方舟"

"16 バベルの崩壊"

"17 朝陽の中へ"


"01 Asia"

"02 Indication (兆候)"

"03 Unnatural City"

"04 Riot"

"05 ...with Love"

"06 Theme of PATLABOR 2"


we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionsXLVII。12月 08, 2021

8月 24, 2019 dragon cross 

Wednesday, 2 October 2013


Basically、the Chinese characters have the pronunciation of two or more in Japan.

Pronunciation of the Chinese characters original.
And pronunciation of the ancient Japanese corresponding to it.
(Before the Chinese character is transmitted to Japan.)

For example "名".
Today、common pronunciation of this word is "mei".
This is pronunciation of this Chinese characters original.

And another common pronunciation of this word is "na".
This is pronunciation of the ancient Japanese. 
Of course、there might was change in pronunciation by era.

Currently、vowel of Japan is five.
Although rely on my memory only、I think vowel was six in the old days.
If not so、there might was a regional difference of pronunciation in the old days.


How to use this phonetic equivalent of the Chinese characters.
The Japanese may have learned it from them.

At that time、Japanese did not have own characters.
Therefore they borrowed the sound of Chinese characters at first.


This was it exactly.
And "Kana"、characters unique to Japan、was born from there (カナ・かな・仮名).

And then、they began to borrow the meaning of Chinese characters itself.


This imina will be pronunciation of ancient Japan.

If we write ​​to correspond with the Chinese character's meaning、it will be this way.
Today、common pronunciation of this word is "ki".
(This is pronunciation of this Chinese characters original of course.)

And today、common meaning of this word is "contraindications".
And pronunciation of contraindications of the ancient Japanese.
It was "imu". (イム・いむ・忌む)

Well、meaning of "imina".
It’s "the contraindications name" of course. 
Note:"imuna" → "imina"
This change in pronunciation.
"it is" → "it's"
Maybe it's kind of the same way.

"There is a Chinese character of such a meaning."
And then、Japanese found a certain Chinese character.
(Although this is a little exaggerated expression by me.) 
It was "諱".

Thursday, 3 October 2013

go away


Of course this is pronounced "imina" in Japan.
And pronunciation of this Chinese characters original is "ki".

In short、it is pronunciation the same as "忌".
Its meaning is also roughly the same.

Pronunciation of the Chinese characters original.
Pronunciation of the ancient Japanese.
Basically、one Chinese character have the pronunciation of two or more in Japan.
Although this is imagination only.
In the same way?

First、in ancient China、pronunciation (sound) of "ki" was present originally as pointing at roughly meaning of "contraindication".
And two hieroglyphs pointing at roughly same meaning were invented separately.

Its both.
Ancient Chinese called it "ki".

※I think that both "諱" and "忌" are not "文" but "字" of course.


This Chinese characters can be decomposed into two.
Today、common meaning of 言 is "word" or "say". 
And this Chinese characters also can be decomposed into two.
(Upper half of 言 is a deformation of 辛.)
口(Kō) is "mouth". 
And 辛(sin) is the hieroglyphics of "sword".

"Words that I have spoken.
I always hold a sword against it.
If I lied、I shall be subject to punishment."
Origin of 言.
It seems like that. 

This Chinese character is not currently used much in Japan.
Common meaning of this Chinese characters is "differ" or "disobey".
This Chinese character can be decomposed too、of course. 

韋 is 舛.
By the way、口 of middle part.
In this case、this is not mouth.
This is the hieroglyphics of "specific location".

This is the hieroglyphics of " the foot of persons facing the opposite direction" originally.

"Persons who go away from specific location."

Origin of 韋.
It seems like that. 

※What comes to mind with the letter "韋"、it is historical real person's name in the Three Kingdoms、"(悪来)典韋"san.


Today、common meaning of 言 is "word" or "say". 
Common meaning of 韋 is "differ" or "disobey".

"Go away from there to avoid specific words (in order to protect life)."

Origin of 諱.
It seems like that.

※I didn't really understand what I wrote、so I rewritten it without looking it up.

Note:Pronunciation of these Chinese characters.
It is pronunciation of these original.

人形劇三国志 第十三回『許田の巻狩り』

人形劇三国志 第十四回『帝の陰謀』

人形劇三国志 第十五回『関羽の決心』

人形劇三国志 第十六回『関羽の義』

人形劇三国志 第十七回『決死の千里行』

人形劇三国志 第十八回『張飛の虎退治』

"MASTER キートン CHAPTER:24 オプの生まれた日"

"MASTER キートン CHAPTER:25 砂漠のカーリマン"

"沈黙の艦隊 VOYAGE 2"


"機動戦士ガンダム 第3話 「敵の補給艦を叩け!」"

"機動戦士ガンダム 第4話 「ルナツー脱出作戦」"

"機動戦士ガンダム 第5話 「大気圏突入」"

"機動戦士ガンダム 第6話 「ガルマ出撃す」"





"LOST MOON The Triumph of Apollo 13 ”奇跡の生還物語”"

"01 Whole Lotta Love"

"02 Heartbreaker"

"03 Communication Breakdown"

"04 Babe I'm Gonna Leave You"

"05 What Is and What Should Never Be"

"06 Thank You"

"07 I Can't Quit You Baby"

"08 Dazed and Confused"

"09 Your Time Is Gonna Come"

"10 Ramble On"

"11 Travelling Riverside Blues"

"12 Friends"

"13 Celebration Day"

"14 Hey Hey What Can I Do"

"15 White Summer-Black Mountain Side"


"01 Black Dog"

"02 Over the Hills and Far Away"

"03 Immigrant Song"

"04 The Battle of Evermore"

"05 Bron-Y-Aur Stomp"

"06 Tangerine"

"07 Going to California"

"08 Since I've Been Loving You"

"09 D'Yer Mak'er"

"10 Gallows Pole"

"11 Custard Pie"

"12 Misty Mountain Hop"

"13 Rock and Roll"

"14 The Rain Song"

"15 Stairway to Heaven"


"01 Kashmir"

"02 Trampled Under Foot"

"03 For Your Life"

"04 No Quarter"

"05 Dancing Days"

"06 When the Levee Breaks"

"07 Achilles Last Stand"

"08 The Song Remains the Same"

"09 Ten Years Gone"

"10 In My Time of Dying"


"01 In the Evening"

"02 Candy Store Rock"

"03 The Ocean"

"04 Ozone Baby"

"05 Houses of the Holy"

"06 Wearing and Tearing"

"07 Poor Tom"

"08 Nobody's Fault But Mine"

"09 Fool in the Rain"

"10 In the Light"

"11 The Wanton Song"

"12 Moby Dick-Bonzo's Montreux"

"13 I'm Gonna Crawl"

"14 All My Love"


"01 You Shook Me"

"02 I Can't Quit You Baby"

"03 Communication Breakdown"

"04 Dazed And Confused"

"05 The Girl I Love She Got Long Black Wavy Hair"

"06 What Is And What Should Never Be"

"07 Communication Breakdown"

"08 Whole Lotta Love"

"09 Somethin' Else"

"10 Communication Breakdown"

"11 I Can't Quit You Baby"

"12 You Shook Me"

"13 How Many More Times"


"01 Immigrant Song"

"02 Heartbreaker"

"03 Since I've Been Loving You"

"04 Black Dog"

"05 Dazed And Confused"

"06 Stairway To Heaven"

"07 Going To California"

"08 That's The Way"

"09 Whole Lotta Love"

"10 Thank You"

ZIGGY STARDUST And The Spiders From Mars The Motion Picture 20210728。


"01 Hang on to Yourself"

"02 Ziggy Stardust"

"03 Watch That Man"

"04 Wild Eyed Boy from Freecloud"

"05 All the Young Dudes - Oh! You Pretty Things"

"06 Moonage Daydream"

"07 Space Oddity"

"08 My Death"

"09 Cracked Actor"

"10 Time"

"11 Width of a Circle"

"12 Changes"

"13 Let's Spend the Night Together"

"14 Suffragette City"

"15 White Light White Heat"

"16 Rock & Roll Suicide"


"01 Hang on to Yourself"

"02 Ziggy Stardust"

"03 Changes"

"04 The Supermen"

"05 Life on Mars"

"06 Five Years"

"07 Space Oddity"

"08 Andy Warhol"

"09 My Death"

"10 Width of a Circle"

"11 Queen Bitch"

"12 Moonage Daydream"

"13 John、I'm Only Dancing"

"14 I'm Waiting for the Man"

"15 Jean Genie"

"16 Suffragette City"

"17 Rock & Roll Suicide"


"Ziggy At The Beeb - THE BEST OF THE BBC RADIO SESSIONS 1970 - 1972"


"The Jean Genie & Round & Round [w Jeff Beck 3 July 1973]"

"The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars (Full Album)"


we are amaterasu kingdom dimensionsXLIX。12月 09, 2021

1953. Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II: 'The Crowning Ceremony' 10月 07, 2018


"Queen Elizabeth II Speech State Opening Of Parliament (1960)"

9月 05, 2019 おれが、もし百貨店の社員だったら、確実に、喧嘩腰に、その場ではない飲食は止めさせます。

"MASTER キートン CHAPTER:9 貴婦人との旅"

"MASTER キートン CHAPTER:12 御婦人たちの事件"

"01 Love Is A Stranger"

"02 Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This)"

"03 Who's That Girl?"

"04 Right By Your Side"

"05 Here Comes The Rain Again"

"06 There Must Be An Angel (Playing With My Heart)"

"07 Sisters Are Doin' It For Themselves With Aretha Franklin"

"08 It's Alright (Baby's Coming Back)"

"09 When Tomorrow Comes"

"10 You Have Placed A Chill In My Heart"

"11 Miracle Of Love"

"12 Sex Crime (1984)"

"13 Thorn In My Side"

"14 Don't Ask Me Why"

"15 Angel"

"16 Would I Lie To You?"

"17 Missionary Man"

"18 I Need A Man"


"01 Never Gonna Cry Again (Manchester・March'83)"

"02 Love Is A Stranger (Los Angeles・July'83)"

"03 Sweet Dreams are made of this (Berlin・March'83)"

"04 This City Never Sleeps (Manchester・October'83)"

"05 Somebody Told Me (New York・July'83)"

"06 Who's That Girl? (Chicago・April'84)"

"07 Right By Your Side (Austin・April'84)"

"08 Here Comes The Rain Again (Stockholm・October'86)"

"09 Sex Crime 1984 (Nuremberg・October'86)"

"10 I Love You Like A Ball And Chain (Rome・November'86)"

"11 Would I Lie To You? (Houston・August'86)"

"12 There Must Be An Angel playing with my heart (London・November'86)"

"13 Thorn In My Side (Brighton・November'86)"

"14 Let's Go (Christchurch・January'87)"

"15 Missionary Man (Sydney・November'87)"

"16 The Last Time (Melbourne・February'87)"

"17 Miracle Of Love (Paris・September'89)"

"18 I Need A Man (Rome・October'89)"

"19 We Too Are One (Dublin・September'89)"

"20 [My My] Baby's Gonna Cry (Edinburgh・October'89)"

"21 Don't Ask Me Why (Rome・October'89)"

"22 Angel (London・September'89)"


"Eurythmics Live 1983-1989 Limited Edition Acoustic Medley"

Cold 9月 11, 2018

"01 Cold"

"02 Why"

"03 The Gift"

"04 Walking On Broken Glass"

"05 It's Alright Baby's Coming Back"

"06 Here comes the rain again"

"07 You Have Placed A Chill In My Heart"

"08 River Deep Mountain High"

"09 Feel The Need"

"10 Don't Let Me Down"

"シャーロック・ホームズの冒険 第13話 最期の事件 (日本語吹き替え)"


"Wonderful old London around 1900"

"シャーロック・ホームズの冒険 第14話 空き家の怪事件 (日本語吹き替え)"


"Queen Victoria Christmas 1848"

”Queen Anne Stuart in 1665”

聖戦士ダンバイン 8月 24, 2018

"第41話 ヨーロッパ戦線"

あれですもんね、天皇陛下として昭和天皇がロボットアニメに出るようなもんですもんね(なにげにご本人とか?MASTER キートンも・笑)。

"第48話 クロス・ファイト"

"最終回 チャム・ファウ"


"ダンバイン とぶ"








HMV 363 London 23.09.18 10月 06, 2018


"Beautiful Ones"


"どろろ 第一面 (パイロット版)"

"どろろ 第二面 「最後の妖怪」"

"どろろ 第一話 「百鬼丸の巻 その一」"

"どろろ 第二話 「百鬼丸の巻 その二」"

"どろろと百鬼丸 最終話 「最後の妖怪」"


You are already dead. 10月 16, 2018




直すから、悪いとこ言って。9月 01, 2018



golden years

from めぞん一刻 15 桜の下で

amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅣ‐11-5-THE BEGINNING OF THE END OF THE BEGINNING☺️