
千年帝国の鷹篇 / 魔都の章 盲目の巨神 - 放魔 - 人外の戦場 - 鷹の巫女 - 混沌 12月 16, 2018

HELLO VIFAM 12月 21, 2018



"01 紅"









"10 JOKER"





あのですね。10月 26, 2018


"機動戦士ガンダム 第16話 「セイラ出撃」"

"機動戦士ガンダム 第17話 「アムロ脱走」"

"機動戦士ガンダム 第18話 「灼熱のアッザム・リーダー」"




発端。8月 23, 2018

"どろろ 第一面 (パイロット版)"

"どろろ 第二面 「最後の妖怪」"

"どろろ 第一話 「百鬼丸の巻 その一」"

"どろろ 第二話 「百鬼丸の巻 その二」"

"どろろと百鬼丸 最終話 「最後の妖怪」"


こっちサイドの話ですが、魔法はとっとと復活すべきでしょう。凶星輝いちゃってるでしょ、地球にそれ来ますよ、これが本番。11月 14, 2018



愛の讃歌 9月 01, 2018

"01 サン・トワ・マミー"

"02 メケ・メケ"

"03 雪が降る"

"04 ろくでなし"

"05 枯葉"

"06 人生は過ぎ行く"

"07 ラストダンスは私に"

"08 愛の讃歌"

ぼくの地球を守って[20]4月 11, 2019

"01:オープニング・テーマ~三日月の寝台 (ショート・ヴァージョン)"

"02:第1話 「懐しい惑星 (ほし)」・1"

"02:第1話 「懐しい惑星 (ほし)」・2"

"03:第2話 「柊の月基地日誌」・1"

"03:第2話 「柊の月基地日誌」・2"

"04:第3話 「78日間」・1"

"04:第3話 「78日間」・2"

"05:第4話 「優しいフリ、恋のフリ」・1"

"05:第4話 「優しいフリ、恋のフリ」・2"

"06:第5話 「さめぬ想い」・1"

"06:第5話 「さめぬ想い」・2"

"07:第6話 「母星全滅」・1"

"07:第6話 「母星全滅」・2"

"08:第7話 「告白」・1"

"08:第7話 「告白」・2"

"09:第8話 「未来への回帰」・1"

"09:第8話 「未来への回帰」・2"

"10:エンディング・テーマ~夢のすみか (ショート・ヴァージョン)"


"ガンダムvsハローキティ 第1話 「ハローガンダム」"

"ガンダムvsハローキティ 第2話 「めぐりあい」"

"ガンダムvsハローキティ 第3話 「愛・戦士」"



天照帝。この、ナイト オブ ゴールド "イリアス"のバスターランチャーで、現在、地球直撃コースで飛来する直径500キロの隕石を狙撃消滅するのがおれとさゆみの最初のお仕事。7月 25, 2019

Wednesday, 21 August 2013


Yao and Shun are emperors of mythical of China. (堯 と 舜・Gyou to Shun)
"Their's reign was the really ideal society."

They are told that way.
And one more.
"Shun was a man of 東夷(Tou-i)."

This is also told that way.
Translation of "東夷" is "Eastern Barbarians".
In short、"夷" have a meaning of barbarians.

But Shun is a saint of China.

"Shun was born of barbarians、it's strange.
Initially、word of "夷" must did not mean barbarians."

Therefore theory such seems to exist.
※I don't know now when it was said that way.

※I wrote Yao and Shun as "emperors".
This word is written as "皇帝" in Chinese character.
But this word was made about two thousand years later.
What was its expression?
it may be "聖天子 (sei-tenshi)".
The literal translation of "聖天子" is "a holy heavenly child".
Yes、if I check it on the net、I will probably find it relatively easy(lol).※


Yao and Shun did not hereditary their throne.
Yao gave away his throne to Shun.
And Shun gave away his throne to Yu. (禹・U)

"When walking、Yu became a figure of the bear."
Incidentally there is such a legend in Yu. 

He founded ”the Xia dynasty”. (夏・Ka)
This dynasty is the first dynasty of China. 
And thus the throne was became hereditary from here. 

But until now、we had nothing to be able to confirm the presence of this dynasty. 
Invention of Chinese characters.
It is the time of the Yin dynasty of next dynasty.(殷・In)
Therefore this dynasty is considered with the presence of fictitious.

"Ruins of the Xia dynasty may have been excavated."
But recently、I saw its news on TV programs.
Just maybe、we are able to confirmed existence of the Xia dynasty.

In a close example、the Yin dynasty.
Until the excavation of ruins of theirs capital city、they were also believed to be a fictional dynasty.

Incidentally、Japanese pronunciation of ”Yu・禹” is "U". (う・ウ)
And chinese characters bear is "熊". 
Japanese are read this word as "kuma" mainly.  (くま・クマ)

"Yu" and ”U”. (ゆう・ユウ・Yuu&う・ウ・U)
But this Chinese character is also possible to read that way (at least in Japan today).

Thursday, 22 August 2013


Tang dynasty in China. (唐王朝・618 AD~907 AD) 
This dynasty flourished as a global dynasty.

Of course、culture also flourished.
This era、China has produced a poet of many.
Their poetry is called ”Tang poetry” specially. (唐詩・Toushi)

"Currently、many dialects are present in China.
(including the standard languages.)

When we read Tang poetry、they and Japanese language of current、which would be close to the pronunciation of Chang'an of era of the Tang Dynasty?"

※Chang'an is the capital of the Tang Dynasty.(長安・Chouan)
By the way、there are several dynasties that made Changan the capital、but the place and the scale seem to be different.※

There was a person with a question like this. 
※I do not know its answer.

"Japanese language is close to the pronunciation of that time than them.”
But apparently this possibility seems to be.


Chang'an was the capital of the Tang Dynasty.
At that time、many Japanese international students were staying there. 
This international students were called ”kentōshi・kentoushi”. (遣唐使) 
Literal translation of ”kentōshi” is "envoy to Tang".

※In fact、(it may be because of efficiency issues)、but it seems that study abroad was being conducted as part of dispatching an ambassador.
I think the permission of the Chinese Emperor is necessary for foreign students to stay in China、after all formal study abroad may be only this way.※

This study abroad was conducted as a national policy.
Besides、exchanges of each other was active of course.
Many cultures have been brought to Japan at that time.

But 907 AD、the Tang Dynasty was perish.
Before that little、this study abroad was abolished.

And after this、Japan began follow the path of their own.

Culture of China that was brought to Japan until this period、it seems to have been saved in Japan.


"ミーム いろいろ夢の旅 第1話 「それでも地球は・・・」"

"ミーム いろいろ夢の旅 第2話 「君は恐竜を見たか」"


"01 新日本紀行"

"02 ジャングル大帝"

"03 勝海舟"

"04 文吾捕物絵図"

"05 学校"

"06 蒼き狼の伝説"

"07 国境のない伝記"

"08 二つの橋"

"09 リボンの騎士"

"10 花の生涯"

"11 天と地と"

"12 新平家物語"

"13 徳川家康"

"14 決断"

"15 多様な国土 (爺さんの里)"

"16 青い地球は誰のもの"

"地球大進化~46億年・人類への旅~ 第一集 生命の星 大衝突からの始まり"

"地球大進化~46億年・人類への旅~ 第二集 全球凍結 大型生物誕生の謎"

はじまりのおわり。7月 31, 2018

それに、この絵の中に写真一枚という組み合わせここだけではなく、あ、そうそう、えっとですね、いろいろ言いはってますが、俺専用"Knight of Gold"Ilias イリアス 頭頂高31メートル、バスターランチャー71メートル 
ロシア LIℬBICO始め…

"Knight of North"Achilles Cross アキレスクロス ギリシア Ølympowír
"Knight of South"Eleanor Cross エレノアクロス マダカスカル Pefestridy Eldo
"Knight of East"Heavens Cross ヘブンズクロス ペルー Çogitángiel
"Knight of West"Jupitre Cross ジュピトルクロス ハワイ島 Stariver love
"Knight of Wind"Dragon Cross ドラゴンクロス 中国 泰山 応安平-5868年愚公に応え山を動かした。
"Knight of Time"Clesia Cross クレシアクロス オーストラリア Araratrose



"1983年11月9日 レーガン大統領歓迎式典"


でですね。8月 06, 2018

結構な艦船が2012/06/02 6:54 [※なにげこの潜水艦シャレで北朝鮮の潜水艦とか ()]

だから、北朝鮮との緊張関係のためだろうと。当時は。2012/07/01 6:31手前が自衛隊奥が米軍

でですね、これが2012/07/03 5:47当時はまったくそんなこと思ってなかったのでマジマジと撮った写真はないんですが、“AMERICAN TOWN FESTIVAL向う左の建物が俺がヒトラーさん設計じゃないかという佐世保市美術館。「なんか嫌味だ」ではなく、だからこういうことだと思うんです。だし(真面目に)アメリカ(あめ)天再夏天才か?いえいえ、すいませんね、で、つまりAll for Re-canan[※神の約束の地Canaanper ardua ad as艱難を経て星へRAFの標語;. ad astra per aspera /星へ困難な道をKansasのモットー[リーダーズ英和辞典第2版より]


DOUBLE CROSS。ま、そこまでいうと()。でも、そうなんですけどね、確実に。2012/07/03 6:48

十部46画/50365244〕〔音〕マン バン〔訓〕まんじ(aswastika
[広辞苑第六版より引用] [※あ、ここは、まんじ子卍]

中国古代説話太陽の中にいるという3本足の赤色の烏の、日本での称。〈倭名類聚鈔[1]〉 →金烏

O’Kelly /oʊkέli/オケリー(1) Seamus O’Kelly (1881‐1918) アイルランドの作家
(2) Seán T(homasO’Kelly (1882‐1966) 《アイルランドの政治家Sinn Féin 党の創設に参加アイルランド共和国大統領 (1945‐59).[リーダーズ英和辞典第2版より]
okapi {名詞}((複数形)okapi(s))動オカピ(キリン(へッ笑)の類;アフリカ産).
Oktoberfest {名詞}(ドイツMunich)十月祭;秋祭り.[パーソナル英和辞典より]


きつりん【吉林】(Jilin中国東北地方中部の省。省都は長春。面積約19万平方キロメートル。漢族のほか、朝鮮族満州族回族モンゴル族などが住む [広辞苑第六版より]

2014/09/30 10:21
127.12°×37.21°未発見の金鉱 愛華山(アイカサン)埋蔵量7101021億円相当


2014/10/18 19:16
イギリスHeartfeel UK地中4.6メートルエクスカリバー102㎝、十4Uの刻印、俺の剣
2014/10/18 18:58
Israellasale sîma 地中4.6メートルロンギヌスの槍197cm、十4Uの刻印、俺の槍

うちのコピー機のスキャン範囲があるので、とりあえず、何その鉱物資源は?て、ありません?(5月 01, 2019)



"防衛装備庁陸上装備研究所広報ビデオ (令和2年版)"

6月13日のさんぽ・鹿子前 9月 02, 2018

6.6月17日、あさのさんぽ・福石観音 9月 05, 2018

20.7月1日、あさのさんぽ・港から千尽へ 9月 11, 2018


23.7月4日、あさのさんぽ・本島歩道橋から佐世保橋へ9月 11, 2018

ETV8 司馬遼太郎雑談“昭和”への道 8月 28, 2018






Monday, 9 September 2013 (8月 09, 2019)


There was such word in the Japanese army at that time.
Literal translation of this term is "the disease that Russia is scary".
"Soviet army is weak." 
Recognition of the Japanese army at the time against the Soviet army.
It was like that.

"Its recognition is wrong.
Certainly our armament has not progressed.
But Soviet army is different from Russian Empire army.
(Previously、Japan fought against the Russian Empire.)
Their armed have been modernization already.
Today、they are more powerful than the Japanese army."
Military officers who did such reports with detailed data.
Of course、they were present in the Japanese army.
(Perhaps、they were people who had a large amount of sense of balance and analytical skills.)

"They're Kyōro-byō.
In short、they're cowards.
They have overestimated the opponent  by their own cowardice."

But this was a label that is adhered against them.
And they were removed from the promotion ladder on the army.


By the way、the Russian Imperial Army.
Japan fought against them in the Russo-Japanese War. 

Although this is obvious.
Also at that time、they were not weaker than the Japanese army of course.

During the war、the Japanese army moved forward.
And the Russian army fell back.
And War became a cease-fire.

War became a cease-fire before Napoleon to reach Moscow.
This would be things like that.

Shortly before of cease-fire.
The Russian army of frontline had been enhancing after another.
By contrast、Japanese army had reached the limit. 
In short、the national power of Japan was the limit.

But at that time Russian Empire also had a serious problem at home.
Russian Revolution was just around the corner.

And battle of Tsushima was the victory of Japanese Navy.
Russian Empire lost their's navy in this battle. 

Japan is an island nation.
And this era was not the age of the Air Force yet.

Although this is frivolous writing、reason to stop the war with each other is found by it.

※The Japanese leadership at that time was fully aware of their limitations and was willing to endeavor to end the war、such as by requesting mediation to the United State.

Although this may be that is said in Japan only.
This period.
Secret fund of large amounts of Japan seems to have become funds of the revolutionary movement in Russia. 

Thursday, 12 September 2013 (8月 10, 2019)

rights of people

"If the loss of more than 30% came out by the battle.
Front commander has the authority to retreat by own sole discretion."
According to the episode I heard、apparently there is a "common sense" such in most European countries.
This is very different from the common sense of the Japanese military at the time.

"Mortality rate of high-ranking officer in the Pacific War.
The U.S.military was overwhelmingly high rate compared to the Japanese military." 

Previously、I also read an episode like this.

※Injury rate and death rate on the way.

"Ethics of Protestantism and the spirit of capitalism" of Max Weber san.
I'm reading it now(at Japanese translation of course).
And had been written about the origin of basic human rights in this text.
"The origin of basic human rights.
It's in a law of the God.

People have an obligation to obey the law of God.

No one is allowed to disturb it.
(include the secular power of course.)

The law of God is unhindered by anyone (※as long as it is not tinged with anti-social nature).
This is the fundamental rights of people. 
Such a view is present in the Protestant."

"Nation can not salvation of soul of people.
It can only God."

Note: This is my summary of text that has been translated into Japanese from German.
Not be accurate.


"Human requests a sacrifice too much against the same human.
This is a prohibited behavior by God.
(It's behavior only God is allowed.)" 

Idea like this.

"If the loss of more than 30% came out by the battle.
Front commander has the authority to retreat by own sole discretion."

Origin of this "common sense".
There may be this idea out there.

"Armor of this tank is * inches.
The thickness of this armor is sufficient to prevent enemy attacks.
Therefore your life are safe."

"The inside of the tank of the U.S.Army during World War II.
It was written so there."

※Of course、if the enemy did not launch a more powerful new weapon(lol).

Previously、I also read an episode like this.

Saturday, 14 September 2013 (8月 14, 2019)

six years ago

I go back to Nomonhan in 1939.
It was three years after of the terrorist attacks against Minobe san.

Kantōgun has expanded the conflict with ignoring the demand of the general staff headquarters.
And they had big defeat.
The general staff headquarters in Tokyo was the center of Japanese military.

First、become the staff officer of Kantōgun in Manchukuo.
Next、be transferred to the general staff headquarters in Tokyo. 

It seems that this was the success road of army officials at the time.


A strange thing happened.

Kantōgun took action at own discretion and big failed.
※I do not know now whether it was a purely unmanned land there.

Liability issues arise there.
That's natural.

"Who is responsible for this operation?
We don't know it.”

However、the responsible person became unclear.
And above all、the existence of this battle itself was not clearly disclosed to the Japanese.

"We must erase the fact of this defeat (as for domestic).
If we punish someone, that is the admission of our defeat.
Therefore、we should never do it." 

Of course it might have been more direct.

"We do not want to dispose ourself with such a thing.  
There was no such facts in the first place."

Thought such as the following、it also might have been present in them.

"We do not want to damage the authority of the Japanese military by the conflict of just small area like this.
Because it will damaging the authority of the Emperor as Generalissimo.
We must absolutely avoid it.”

Of course、as excuse for their self-protection.


However、this was intended for high-ranking officers only.
Soldier's situation including field commander (like a platoon leader for example) were different completely.
(Japanese army did not collapse by virtue of their mortal combat.)

Japan had advanced the invasion of China already.
Soldiers who survived this battlefield.
After this、many of them seems that were sent to hard-fought field.

And field commanders.
"You should die to take responsibility."

When he go back to his room (or his tent)、handgun for self-determination had been put on a desk.
Of course、the room was unmanned already. 
Such facts were many.
And of course、the man who put handgun to their's room did not take responsibility anything.
(The man who commanded it.)

This is six years ago of collapse of Empire of Japan.

Sunday, 15 September 2013 (8月 14, 2019)


"Labor is the duty to God.
And people profit from own labor.
It's the will of God.

Reject it.
It's act contrary to the will of God.
People must be received this profit absolutely.

However、there is a condition.
Do not use it for narrow interests.
This profit must be only used for the duty to God.

Represent to the world the glory of God.
Because this profit is a thing that has been commissioned by God for it.
In short、commercial activity is the act of representing the glory of God.

Therefore、people have a duty to manage and operate properly this profit.
people has to serve God as mechanical for profit activities."

According to the text of Max Weber.
There was such thought in Protestant.

"This irrational thinking."

Rational pursuit of legitimate profit by investments of the capital.
In other words、modern capitalism.

"There is a possibility that this thought has an important meaning to the development of it.
They could not be used own profits for own pleasure.
So they continued to used it for business expansion."

And they were never speculative about their commercial activities.
And they were never exclusive with respect to commercial activities.

They just worked very well.
And they kept the simple life.
"Honest" was accompanied to there always.
Because God does not forgive injustice never.


"For example、your state is in the monarchy.
Even so、the state itself is the only rights subject.
King is just one of the organ of governance of the state.
In short、the state itself has sovereignty as a legal entity."

So-called "Nation corporation theory".

Incidentally、recently I got to know this word by looking at the electronic dictionary.
It was linked to text for Minobe san.
※Of course、 from about high school student、I know "theory of the Emperor as an organ of government".

Jellinek is a German.
And he is a person of early 20th century from the mid-19th century.

Max Weber is also a German.
He is about 10 years younger than Jellinek.

Now、I examined "Nation corporation theory" in the electronic dictionary.
It seems that Jellinek is not the first advocate of the theory.
Establishment of this theory seems to be the mid 19th century.

Jellinek is like a person who has further developed this theory on era of "modernization" progresses.

Well、the aside it.

"Thought base of the two is the same."
I feel so.

And "the theory of the (Japanese) Emperor as an organ of government" of Minobe san.
This may be like a syncretism of Shinto and Buddhism (A kind).
I feel so too.

※Suddenly what does he say(lol).


ETV特集 「戦後日本 人民の記憶」 鶴見俊輔さん。9月 01, 2018







◆悼 〔心(・)部8画/11画/常用/3773・4569〕


It has no direct relation to the content、but for the purpose of preventing the manufacture of false Christ (lol).

America never kills innocent people、but this is scheduled on a global scale as a fact in the near future. 11月 09, 2018

Thursday, 15 November 2012


The last provisions of the eight policy in the ship.
"Ⅷ.The value of gold and silver will be same value with the Western countries."
This issue was serious enough to be incorporated into the new administration's concept.

By the way、this policy was written in cooperation with Nagaoka Kenkichi.
He was a distant relative of Sakamoto.
He escaped during Tosa's great oppression、came to Nagasaki、and became Sakamoto's secretary (if I say).

Incidentally、I have never read its book、but there is a book on the theme of the issue of hidden Christians in his book.
(Perhaps it was written around this time.)

Long ago、he had came to Nagasaki once.
At that time Japan was still peace.
※I think that it is before Perry's visit to Japan.
At that time、Nagasaki was the best place to learn Western medicine.

However、he was summoned from Tosa regime.
His suspicion was "Christian faith.”.

A village headman who is on the Nagasaki was in trouble at that time.

"I'm not want hold family's funeral ceremony by Buddhism."
Because many such people appeared in Urakami.

"But this has been determined by law since long ago.
It's a violation of the law and is felony."
Village headman persuaded so.

"We are a Christian.
We can't ask Buddhist monk for our funeral."
They replied.
"If this is the case、I must submit a list of people that don't follow the laws of Tokugawa."
Village headman said finally.

The names of most of Urakami village were lined up there.

※My grandfather (mother's side) was a bishop of Tendai Buddhism.

Friday, 16 November 2012

where is Santa Maria?

There was a legend.
"After seven generations、Padre will coming again to this land.
And Christian faith will flourish again."
About 250 years had passed、since priest gone from Japan.

"Padre is now in Ōura with Santa Maria."
There was a rumor like that in Hidden Christians of Urakami area of Nagasaki.

"The legend might true. 
I want to make sure the truth."

"What if the rumor was not true?
If found to have been our Christian faith we will all be killed."

Variety of opinions came out.
It is natural、because it was directly connected to their death.

"Even if I'm killed I won't regret it."
After said so、some people went to Ōura.

"Where is Santa Maria?"

"A baby she hugged in her arm.
He is Jesus."
It was a confession of the Christian faith in Japan for the first time in 250 years.
At the same time、this was the beginning of the persecution of the last.


アメリカがそうなら日本が世界がそうでないわけはない (個人的見解)。9月 01, 2018


zion 8月 31, 2018

音節 Zi・on 発音記号・読み方/zάɪən(米国英語)【Weblio辞書 英和辞典・和英辞典より】


おれが聞いてる話とちがうので。8月 07, 2018









機動警察パトレイバー THE MOVIE 1 20200729。


"01 夏の嘲笑"

"02 ヘヴィ・アーマー"

"03 暴走事件"

"04 トマト畑"

"05 迫る不安"

"06 HOS"

"07 虚影の街"

"08 政府公報"

"09 GEGE"

"10 共鳴"

"11 出撃命令"

"12 海へ"

"13 突入"

"14 ID:666"

"15 方舟"

"16 バベルの崩壊"

"17 朝陽の中へ"


"01 Asia"

"02 Indication (兆候)"

"03 Unnatural City"

"04 Riot"

"05 ...with Love"

"06 Theme of PATLABOR 2"


Asura 1月 15, 2019

Thursday, 14 February 2013


"After this Restoration、Imperial Court will have to hold national lords' meetings.
But powerful lords is still Tokugawa faction.
Tokugawa therefore will can seize the initiative at the meeting.
Maybe Yoshinobu thought so until this time. 

However Yoshinobu's prospectu has been shattered by defeat in this war.
The situation has all changed.
Imperial Court is a need to works urgently as japan government." 
Ernest insisted so.

There was Kobe about 20 km west of Osaka.
There was a trade center of Hyogo here.
(Also there was foreign settlement.) 

Imperial Court sent a delegation from Kyoto to there.
And they had a consultation with the diplomatic corps. 
"I want to return regime to the Emperor.
There was this proposal from Yoshinobu.
Imperial Court decided to allow this.
After this、Imperial Court will responsible for the regime of Japan.

The name of the supreme power person in Japan on diplomatic.
After this、it change from Tycoon (大君) to Tenno (天皇)."
There was this notice to the diplomatic corps.
Tycoon is Tokugawa king (shogun).
Tenno is the Emperor.

Friday, 15 February 2013


"Currently、can the Imperial Court control the whole of Japan?"
French ambassador asked its question.
"Unfortunately、we can't it now.
Because Tokugawa has revolted at east Japan.
However、we can improve it gradually.
In the near future、authority of the Imperial Court extends to all of Japan."
Representative of Imperial Court answered so.

"If all Japanese will comply the Imperial Court、the Imperial Court may be able to dominate all of Japan."

Interpreter of the French ambassador.
It was an officer of the Tokugawa.
He did mistranslated deliberately.
"This is somewhat strange."
Of course Ernest had participated in this conference.
He was able to understand Japanese.
He asked the same question. 
And modified the translation of the answer.

※According to the fact that transmitted、he seems to have been a genius of language. 
He may have asked in Japanese and translated the answer himself into French (While checking with an interpreter in Tokugawa).※


In the first place、Ernest was involved in this response plan.
Maybe there was also this possibility.
(Substantially responsible persons of diplomacy of the new government
It was his friend.)

Saturday, 16 February 2013

beyond thought

"Tycoon may leader of other lords.
But he is not the head of Japan.
He is just a lord with the largest territory in Japan."
The person who first noticed this fact.
It was Ernest Satow.

"Diplomacy is a promise between countries.
The UK can not diplomacy with regional lord as the Japanese government."

"Mikado (the Emperor) exist on top of the tycoon.
Yes、Mikado is the truth head of Japan.
Those who think so has increased also in Japanese people.
(Thought of reverence for the emperor.) 

Mikado become the head of Japan formally.
Then lords gather under Mikado (include tycoon).
And establishment of Lord conference as Policy-making body.

When considering the modernization of Japan.
It is the most rational way."
Ernest thought that way.

Thought of expulsion of the foreigners.
Of course there was also this problem at that time.
It was dangerous in Japan simply because Western people.
They were attacked by the Japanese.
But Ernest went to Osaka before this war.

"Osaka is close to Kyoto."

Osaka was Japan's largest commercial zone.
But Osaka had not been opened so far to other countries for this reason.

"Osaka become opening soon.
Osaka's economy will rise by it."
Osaka merchant was speak joyfully to Ernest.
Era was trying to beyond thought.


"戦後50年特別企画 松本清張 事件にせまる 連合赤軍の崩壊"




"2016.01.26 市民連合シンポジウム 基調講演 柄谷行人さん 「憲法九条の今日的意味」"












"街道をゆく 第3回 奈良散歩"

8.3月10日まで 8月 30, 2018





まあ例によって記憶たよりで書いとりますが、今までは青銅製だったか、互いに同じような武器を持った歩兵の集団() vs 騎兵の集団(匈奴)を、騎兵の運用に適した場所でやっていたから、漢としてはいかんともしがたいところがあった。でも製鉄技術の革新により、どうにも少量しか作れなかった鉄が大量生産可能になり、それにより漢兵の装備が青銅製から鉄製にかわり、戦闘の優劣が劇的に変化したと。

























































































































さて『文革で中央に出てきた。というよりも、文革ののろしをあげた闘将』。『一九六五年、「"海瑞罷官"を評す」によって北京市副市長 呉晗氏を攻撃し、文革の口火をき』り、『「三家村を評す」によって彭真氏らの北京派が崩壊するきっかけをつくり』『「労働者階級は必ずすべてを指導せよ」でもって文革派の政治的方向を明示した、といわれる』姚文元さん。

















road gang,gang up on{against}20180830



Holy virtue 11月 03, 2018

Saturday, 3 November 2012

his majesty

”King of Tokugawa (Shogun 将軍) isn't rulers of Japan.”
Ernest Satow of diplomatic staff of the UK said so in the first.

His name maybe not known in the UK.
Also not well known in Japan too.
However、his existence is very important for the history of Japan.
At first the UK translated "the King of Tokugawa (Tai-Kun 大君)" as His Majesty.
But there was ”Mikado 帝・御門・神門” on top of king in Japan.
”In this case、our Queen (Her Majesty) becomes under Mikado.
This is strange as a relationship of equal nation.”

He noticed that on first.

※"Tai-Kun" is how to read by the Chinese characters of Chinese style in Japan、when read in Japanese style、it becomes O(o)kimi.
"Okimi・O(h)okimi 大君・大王" is also a word that represents the Emperor of Japan by ancient style.
If you are interested、please check it yoursel(lol).

I think that there are many excellent Japanese culture studies written in English and others.
Currently I can only think of Donald Keene・キーン ドナルド・鬼怒鳴門 san (After the Tohoku earthquake、he acquired Japanese nationality.)、Edward George Seidensticker san and Edwin Oldfather Reischauer san.
However I read only sentences written Japanese of them until now.
I can't read English now(lol).※

"Tokugawa is just one lord of Japan.
Therefore treaty with king of Tokugawa has no effect on the other lords. 
※Naturally、while Tokugawa's power was strong、he had a certain degree of binding power against each lord.

The UK's treaty is only treaty of between the UK and Japan.
The UK cannot conclude an inter-state treaty with one lord.
The treaty shall be concluded between nation.  

Tokugawa should clearly return to the position of one lord and Mikado should clearly become Japan's ruler.

And council of the lords do the political of Japan."

He wrote an article like that to the Japan Times anonymously.
In no time、this article had been translated into Japanese.

After that this became one of the guiding principle in Japanese reformers.
By the way、Japanese knew that he wrote.
So everyone wanted to meet him.
From then on、he got to know many important Japanese people.
That remains as important testimony.

For example.
"Katsura had the courage and determination of the maximum for Military and Political.
However his demeanor was only gentle."

Sunday, 4 November 2012


During the war of Tokugawa and Choshu、serious situation had occurred at Osaka.
The King of Tokugawa died of illness.
He was 21 years old.

He had an assistant from the Tokugawa clan because he was originally sickly.
The name of this assistant was "Hitotsubashi Yoshinobu".
He was became next king ”Tokugawa Yoshinobu”.
And this Yoshinobu became the last king of Tokugawa.
Of course、he had no way of knowing it at that point.

Incidentally、he was not in the position to become king originally.
He became king at an unusual career.
※If you are interested.

"If person that don't have that ability become king、the survival of the Tokugawa administration is difficult.”
Inside the Tokugawa administration、there was recognition like that already.

※The name of the Tokugawa king who died at a young age was "Tokugawa Iemochi".
Katsu gave him the greatest tribute.※

"I go to the forefront.
And thenI shall go to Hagi (the home ground of Choshu)."
After inauguration、Yoshinobu declared so and decided the day of departure to the forefront.

※At that time、the political center of Choshu had already moved to Yamaguchi.
Hagi is the Sea of ​​Japan side and Yamaguchi is inland、but on the Seto Inland Sea side.※

However、unexpected news arrived to him.
The day before the departure date、he received the news of Kokura Castle fall.
Furthermore、Tokugawa area commander escaped by ship alone.
As a result、Tokugawa army in the direction of Kokura、which is a coalition of lords、had scattered.
In effect、it became impossible to continue the war.
Yoshinobu had stumbled at his starting point.


After this battle、also serious situation had occurred at Shimonoseki.
Takasugi was fainted from illness.
His medical condition had deteriorate rapidly.
"We have brought reality to this situation.
I ask you guys for the future."

He said so to the visitors.
After all、that became his will. 

"There is no fun things in this world.
That's why I want to spend fun in this world."

Takasugi dead.
He was 29 years old.

I think I mentioned it somewhere、but in the first place、I think that it was the perception that Tairō (大老) and Rōjū (老中) are prime ministers (and minister).

Of course Tokugawa Shogun is the head of state.

I think France was in the political position of "the Emperor is like a Pope for the Japanese." 20200804。

Monday, 11 February 2013 (1月 09, 2019)


"White flag has been raised in castle."
Choshu troop had confirmed it then they entered into Osaka castle.

"Tokugawa has passed control of this castle to Owari.
Please therefore you talk with Owari."
The responsible person of Tokugawa told so to commander of Choshu troop.

Osaka Castle fell.

A few days after from Yoshinobu's Edo return、Shinsengumi was aboard the ship heading for Edo.
Their comrades when they were first departure from Edo to Kyoto、many of them were dead already.
”Kanto samurai is the best of samurai.”
This was a favorite phrase of Kondo.
Kanto is Tokyo (Edo) area.
I think that I have mentioned it several times、but first samurai government of Japan was made by Kanto samurai.
"I will die as a Kanto Samurai (Bushi 武士)." 
During this voyage、Kondo told to Hijikata.

Tuesday, 12 February 2013


Diplomatic corps in each country had to stay in Osaka at that time.
Because Osaka was the center of politics.
※Foreigners may have been banned from entering Kyoto without a special permission at that time. 

"This time Japanese government will punish the Satsuma.
Therefore may become skirmish.
At that time、please give me a calm response."
Before war、Tokugawa had notified like that to them.

But Tokugawa was succession of defeats.
As a natural consequence、war was coming to Osaka gradually.

"Shouldn't we evacuate from Osaka?"
Diplomatic corps of each country had started this consultation.
”Yoshinobu fled to Edo.”
This surprising information also came there.
Then Tokugawa soldiers also retreated from Osaka.

Thing that was bothering Osaka from before.
The common people's riot.
Not surprisingly、it happened during this  blank period of security.
(It seems that commodity price at that time were certainly too expensive).
Legations in each country also received their assault.

”We will maintained Osaka's security certainly.
Please remain in Osaka.”
There was its notification in a hurry from the Imperial Court of Kyoto.

"Tokugawa was gone from Osaka.
Osaka today is virtually anarchy.
But we had negotiated with Tokugawa until now. 
Because they were Japanese government substantially.
If this situation continues it would be so in the future.
The Imperial Court should issue a resolute statement to foreign countries as Japanese government as soon as possible.”
Ernest Satow in the United Kingdom.
He said so to a friend of the new government. 

Wednesday, 13 February 2013


"The Government of Japan has diplomatic rights with other countries of course.
In other words、regime that owns the diplomacy rights.
It is government of Japan.

And now、it is Imperial Court of Kyoto.
But can not declaration it from us.
So should be declared it as soon as possible from Japanese to other countries."
Ernest Satow said to Mutsu.

Mutsu was a member of Sakamoto's organization.
(This man later to became Minister of Foreign Affairs.)
However、after the death of Sakamoto、he had been struggling.

※He became a lordless samurai with his intention and acted with Sakamoto and his comrades、but he himself comes from Kishu Samurai.

"Imperial court does dispatch responsible person of diplomacy to Osaka.
And Imperial court also does summons Yoshinobu to Osaka.
Then Imperial court will conducted consultation with the diplomatic corps.

Abandonment of right to diplomatic of Tokugawa.
Yoshinobu declare it at that place.
Imperial Court owns the rights of diplomacy as the Government of Japan.
Then Imperial Court declares it."
Mutsu asked Ernest for his opinion on this plan、and Ernest agreed it.

Mutsu was the person close to Tosa.
After this、Ernest went to Satsuma clan residence at Osaka.
He also received a question at there about the diplomatic rights.

The possibility of Tokugawa returning to power has disappeared rapidly.

Incidentally 10月 17, 2018

Tuesday, 9 October 2012


Although this may have been an inevitable distortion due to sudden opening of Japan.
Value of silver was higher in Japan at the time compared to the West.
In other words、value of gold was low.

When western people was replacing silver to gold simply in Japan、they got a huge profit.
As a matter of course、speculative peoples did appeared one after another.
So Tokugawa lowered the quality of gold coin in a hurry.
※Naturally the speculators are Westerners、but Japanese should have intervened as intermediaries.

Of course there was no reason which that gold coin was circulated in the same value as before.
All prices went up rapidly.
Naturally - I don't know now if I can say so - but the common people in Japan didn't know the situation well.

"Our life had become painful from when western people came to Japan.
Main cause is stop of closed-door policy by Tokugawa."
They thought so simply and they began to have an antipathy against Tokugawa.
(Tokugawa was clearly insufficient recognition against this issue in the first stage.
But of course when noticed to this issue、they were tried to rectify it.)

Inflation of prices and the people’s sympathy to Choshu were proportional.

※I wonder if that's true(lol)?


”Build a collaborative relationship with Western countries.”

However、Choshu had already changed his policy in the opposite direction.
This change was possible because they had win the battle against conservative people. (In this case、it means feudal) .

※There is also the implication here of ignoring the domestic laws of the Tokugawa shogunate.
Japan had already opened、but the lords' negotiations with foreign countries would have been quite limited.
In simple terms、Tokugawa may have intended an enlarged version of Dejima in Nagasaki.

More than that、change of main characters of their group would had large affected to this policy change.
Maybe their had thought like that originally.
Above all、they had seen the failure of their fellow and themselves.

※A few years ago、Takasugi and Ito should had tried to arson (attempted) the British Embassy in Shinagawa with their comrades.
Maybe Takasugi was in the early twenties、Ito was around late teens.※

"They have no principle."
They may seem like that.
More than anything、they were seen like that by (part of) their comrades.


After this、they were very criticized and in danger of ongoing assassination.
In fact、some people were killed or seriously injured.
They nevertheless did not abandon this policy.

※Choshu、including all of them、did not abandon this policy.

By the way、this is different from what I wrote yesterday、but after the success of the coup、Takasugi and his lover fled from Choshu for a while.※

It's a book written in Japanese、I think Sato(u) Masayoshi san's book is easy to understand about the economy at the end of the Edo period. 11月 15, 2018

Friday, 23 November 2012

the same direction

"Only the return of the regime to Kyoto is not enough.
We are necessary take financial resources of Tokugawa in order to cover the Financial resources of the new government.
In short、it is to take the property of others.
If have enough the power、anyone would resist the robbery.
There is no reason to Tokugawa accept it.
After all、this is likely to become a war.
We therefore need preparations for war."
Sakamoto said so.


"Reform of the political system is absolutely necessary.
We shall be reform to the system like the UK.
Human resources who enable it.
They certainly exist in Japan.
However they isn't exist in lords.
They exist in more lower class like Saigo and Okubo of Satsuma.

Well、I am a representative of the lords of Japan.
I am representative of the old system. 
If I push through reforms、serious rebound will occur without fail.
It may become fatal to Japan. 
I can not reform with ignore its existence."
This was Yoshinobu's idea.
Its two idea may the same direction.

※This is a topic a bit later.
When the situation became very disadvantageous to Tokugawa、the officials of Tokugawa insisted to Yoshinobu that counterattack against the new government.

"Do we have Saigo and Okubo?"
It was Yoshinobu's answer.※


”Mr. Goto came to explain Tosa's policy."
When Goto visited a Tokugawa executive in Kyoto、he was introduced to a certain person.
It was Kondo Isami of Shinsengumi leader.

Saturday, 24 November 2012

became friends

Around this time、Shinsengumi wasn't a mere armed police by ronin already.
Executives had become a vassal of Tokugawa.
In other words、they had became Samurai.
Of course it wasn't just good luck.
Kondo and Hijikata Toshizo of Sub-Leader of Shinsengumi.
They were originally farmers but they were very competent.

"Human resources is exist to lower class."
They had proven it by themselves ability.
However、this could have been the dawn of a new era.
Yes、the Samurai era is almost over.


In particular、Kondo had more opportunities to attend the Tokugawa conference as an executive.
It necessarily expanded his connections.
One day、he was introduced Goto from the executive of Tokugawa. 

Tosa's policy of returning the Tokugawa administration to the Imperial Court.
He already knew it.

"Let's threaten Goto a little."
He might thought so.
As a general impression、at that time、Kondo was a person feared by the people as the leader of Shinsengumi.

He put his Japanese sword aside and met Goto with a high-pressure attitude at first.
※The Japanese people of those days basically sit on tatami mats (Seiza 正座) and face each other.

"I don't like it.
Please move it to another place."
Goto said laughing to Kondo.
Kondo replied also laughing.
After this、the two became friends.

※I think it was manners to remove the Japanese sword from the body when the samurai visited the house.
And maybe put it on the right side.
If the position is on the left、Samurai can cutting down his opponent in an instant. "居合 Iai"※

A little later、Sakamoto and Nakaoka was assassinated.
Since then、Tosa has suspected that Shinsengumi is the criminal of its assassination.
Kondo becomes Tosa's revenge target.

Sunday, 25 November 2012


It is not found in Choshu's words and attitudes.
I think Tokugawa should never forgive anyone with such an attitude."
Kondo asked Choshu's issue to Goto.

"Choshu is not have word of remorse surely.
But if Tokugawa dissatisfied with it、Tokugawa would have to war again with Choshu.
But I don't think it will succeed.

Now this issue became far worse.
It was mistake of the policy of Tokugawa in the first place.
Everybody knows it.

Therefore public dissatisfaction with Tokugawa is increasing.
Tokugawa shogunate should first admit their own mistakes.
Above all、Japan is now not a situation that can battle inside Japan.
We must think about it first."
Goto replied so.


Shinsengumi at this time was the heyday. 
They became a Samurai.
Kondo's power was like a little feudal lord (his influence was more).
However、it was all superficial.
Signs of collapse was already in Shinsengumi.

Certain day、Kondo said to Goto.
"I envy you.
If I'm also Tosa Samurai.
I will also can work freely just like you."

Of course he was the leader of Shinsengumi. 
And they was became important force of Tokugawa.
He was never stand in the same position with Goto.

"Don't behave rudely to Goto of Tosa."
He said only it to his subordinates.

Maybe the name of village headman was also listed in that list. 11月 10, 2018

Monday, 19 November 2012

unexpected things happened

Policy as Tosa was determined to Taisei Houkan.
Goto and his group was decided to go to Kyoto for policy implementation.

But unexpected things happened there.
An English sailor was killed in Nagasaki.
The suspect was Tosa person who is member of the company of Sakamoto.

Of course、the United Kingdom was strongly protested to the Tosa government.
Then ambassador came to Tosa、he demanded for extradition of criminals.
Goto had to be engaged in this negotiation.
※Of course there may be relations with Sakamoto there、perhaps he was Tosa's Foreign Affairs Officer.


"The culprit seems not a Tosa person."
That information was sent to Tosa already.

Sakamoto also went to Nagasaki and investigate this incident.
"The culprit isn't a Tosa person."
Its results、he was convinced so.

Based on these information、Tosa's samurai insisted bullish negotiations to the Tosa government.
It seems there was a disturbing movement of Itagaki's group there like the former Choshu.

In the course of things、negotiations had to be carried out in a tension.
However conversely might have been calmed the parties mind by it.

"Tosa also will continue investigate the culprit.
If the culprit is Tosa person、naturally、the criminal will be severely punished."
The negotiations were settled like that.

Although the true culprit turned out later、it was Fukuoka samurai.
He had been committed suicide (harakiri) already.

However、this incident wasn't necessarily a bad thing for Tosa.
With this incident as a start、the UK and Tosa became intimate.

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

that no longer meaningless

However after all、Tosa might had wasted their time.
When that case was settled、the situation had become more severe for Tosa's policy.

"Our policy had determine to armed uprising.
Even though、why aren't Tosa's troops in Kyoto right now?
It's our promise."

Saigo questioned Goto so.
Goto came to Kyoto without soldiers.

"This 250 years、in Yamauchi clan there is an obligation to Tokugawa.
Thanks to Tokugawa、Yamanouchi became the lord of Tosa country.
I don't want to war against Tokugawa."
There was a strong will of Yamanouchi Yodo as samurai.


Around the same time、Okubo (Satsuma) visited Choshu.
"The waste any more time is serious damage for Japan. 
Even if only Satsuma、we will raising an army."
He affirmed so.

"Even if contrary to the Tosa's policy、Tosa should not abandon choices of armed uprising."
Sakamoto said so under this situation.
He strengthened the armed of Tosa and went ahead with plans to send troops to Kyoto.

And he made continued an effort to achieve ”Taisei Houkan" at the same time.
His personal relationships including Tokugawa persons was helpful for it.

He met secretly to the Tokugawa key persons.
They also hoped meet to Sakamoto.

"Even if I meet a person who only has a title、it is meaningless any longer."
They were well aware.
Feudalism is ”title”.
※Of course they are one of them. 

"That isn't hold anymore." 
Yes、they were well aware. 

※According to my memory、the ship on which the killed sailor was riding is "Ikaros".

past the past. 10月 20, 2018

Friday, 12 October 2012


When Sakamoto moved his activity base to Nagasaki (approximately)、Christian church was built in Nagasaki O(o)ura for the first time in almost three hundred years.
※I will write it based on my memory、it is said that this church is as it was when it was built、but according to the book I read、its appearance first seems to be a little different from the current church.

At that time、Christian faith of Japanese was forbidden by national law yet.
Japanese guards stood around the church for monitor the Japanese.
Construction of this church therefore was intended only for western people who stay in Nagasaki.
※I think this is natural、it seems that this church soon became a tourist destination for people in Nagasaki.

One night、when Father Petitjean of French was praying in this church、suddenly a small number of Japanese came into the church.
They were seems farmers of nearby.

"Are they onlookers of this church?"
He seemed first think so.

They were farmers of Nagasaki Urakami. 
A middle-aged woman in them asked in Japanese to Father Petitjean.
”Where is Mary (Maria sama)?”
”We are people who have the same faith with you.”
They revealed the faith of their own for the first time in 250 years.

※"Sama" is a honorific expressing respect more than "san".
However、it becomes slightly more formal by that much.
By the way、current、"sama" can be expressed in Chinese characters but "san" of this mean can not.
For example、pronunciation of number 3 is also "san・三"、which can be expressed in Chinese characters.
And this Chinese characters can also be pronounced as "mi" in Japanese(lol).※

Christians during this 250 years in Japan、it same as the Witch of the Middle Ages in Western for the people of that time.
Although its my feeling only、I do think so.

Confession of Christian faith was directly linked to their death.

In Nagasaki、there were several Christian discoveries in the past、and they were persecuted.
※They were tortured until they abandoned their faith.

In that situation、they had kept the faith in 250 years by only their own.
Of course the situation hadn’t changed yet. 

Discovery methods of the Christian believer by Tokugawa was simple.
"Have people step on a picture of Jesus and Maria."
This called "Efumi". 絵踏
※The literal translation is "step on (踏・fumi) a picture (絵・e)". 
This word is usually called "fumi-e"、but it seems that it is officially called "e-fumi".※

This "ceremony" was held on a regular basis.
Urakami area was also that it was the Jesuits territory before the era of Tokugawa Ieyasu.

"Maybe there are Christians in Urakami now."
Perhaps this was a tacit understanding.

”Please stepping on it.
Seeming is important.
Your inner faith is irrelevant.
Because the problem doesn't occur nothing by it.”
Officials of Efumi might had been thinking like that always.
However、after this they no longer hidden their faith.



Greatest Misses 8月 24, 2018

"01 Tie Goes To The Runner"

"02 Hit Da Road Jack"

"03 Gett Off My Back"

"04 Gotta Do What Ⅰ"

"05 Air Hoodlum"

"06 Hazy Shade Of Criminal"

"07 Megablast (The Madd Skillz Bass Pipe Gett Off Remixx)"

"08 Louder Than A Bomb (JMJ Telephone Tap Groove)"

"09 You're Gonna Get Yours (Reanimated TX Getaway Version)"

"10 How To Kill A Radio Consultant (The DJ Chuck Chillout Mega Murder Boom)"

"11 Who Stole The Soul?(Sir Jinx Stolen Souled Out Reparation Mixx)"

"12 Party For Your Right To Fight (Blak Wax Metromixx)"

"13 Shut Em Down (Live in The UK)"



『ぼくの孫悟空③』一九七九年五月三十日第一刷発行 130ページ、131ページ。

昭和57年5月1日発行『HOW TO BUILD GUNDAM2』、146ページの目次に出てますが。

119ページ、戦場の”NEW YORK 0079”0079はガンダムの中の宇宙世紀年号(放送が1979年)。

















"みゆき 最終回"


amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅣ‐45-1-タクテクス No.6 特集 奇襲!空挺作戦/クロスオブアイアン 最新ルールへのリフィット/TAC-CON情報 東京・横浜・大阪コンベンション1-51ページ。

amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅣ‐42-11-☺️ε`○)。

amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅣ‐3-4-襲撃のプレリュード。