This is a suggestion. After the inferior race extinction、I am willing to receive compensation for "sin against humanity"(lol). I will make a trip around Japan around with that money.

"So、Enomoto-san、how should I write the report?"

"Well、after receiving urgent news that fighting with rebel forces had begun in the southern outskirts of Kyoto City、our fleet shifted to battle readiness off the coast of Osaka Bay...then early morning of the 4th."

"I know the exact time、but do I need to write it down?"

"No、there's no need for that.
And in the early hours of the 4th、a sentinel on the Shokaku-Maru spotted one warship and two merchant ships、believed to be from the Satsuma clan、leaving Hyogo Port."

"Should I not note this sentinel's name in the report?"

"No need for that.
They have this thing called a brain、don't they?
If they want to know about it、they'll look it up themselves."

"Understood、that's true."

"So、the Shokaku-Maru and the Fujisan-Maru approached the unidentified fleet on high alert、while the Kaiyo-Maru、on which I was aboard、and the Jundou-Maru began to move into positions blocking the convoy's path.
By the way、at that time I did not feel the need to hide the actions of our fleet、so I instructed them in advance to use communication lights for communication between ships until dawn.
Therefore、I believe that our actions were known to a certain extent even by the unidentified fleet."

"Come to think of it、they were sailing without navigation lights.
Wouldn't it be better to put this sentence at the beginning?"

"Ah、that's right.
So as the two ships of our fleet approached each other、a warship and a merchant ship from the unidentified convoy、none of whose ships had their navigation lights on、collided.
They after all had been sailing without their navigation lights the whole time、but the merchant ship appeared to have suffered heavy damage on its port side."

"Oh、that would be nice too."

"Don't write haphazardly、please write your text according to the report format(lol).
From the ship's silhouette、it had already been confirmed that the unidentified ship was the Kasuga-Maru of the Satsuma clan、but considering that rescue operations might become necessary depending on the extent of the damage from the accident、the Fujisan-Maru first used its communication light to indicate its affiliation to the other party、and then called out three times using its communication light to confirm the affiliation of the unidentified convoy and their safety.
However、the fleet completely ignored the call、and the two ships that collided headed toward the Kitan Strait、while the remaining merchant ship headed toward the Akashi Strait、and they began to flee as fast as they could.
Incidentally、it seems that at this time the three unidentified ships had finally hoisted the flag of the Satsuma clan."

"Then、three ships、presumably from the Satsuma clan's fleet、led by Kasuga-Maru、charged at full speed into the starboard side of the Kaiyo-Maru and Jundo-Maru、which were blocking their path.
So I ordered both ships to quickly steer left to avoid a collision and prepare for further pursuit.
At this time、I visually confirmed that the middle ship of the three ships lined up in a vertical line、the two behind it were merchant ships、had a large hole near the waterline on the starboard side.
The two merchant ships had low waterlines and were probably on their way back to Satsuma to unload soldiers and weapons and ammunition and then reload.
This caused the ship to become unbalanced、which in this case was a blessing in disguise、and it appears that the relatively upper part of the starboard side collided with the Kasuga-Maru.
Of the three boats that overtook us, the first two continued straight ahead、while the last one made a sharp turn to the right….
Ah、sorry、this is where they split up."

"No、it's okay because I'll clean up the text later into a formal report."

"So、as for the one ship heading towards Akashi Strait、we left it to Shokaku-Maru and Fujisan-Maru、which took time to turn 180 degrees and had grown distant from us (which was unavoidable given the circumstances)、and we followed the two ships heading straight ahead.
During this time、we continued to use our communication lights to inform the other party of our affiliation and request to stop every 5 minutes、but there was no response from them.
3 hours after the pursuit began、we continued to follow approximately 2.5 kilometers behind、but considering the later circumstances、it seems that Kasuga-Maru was matching the speed of the merchant ship behind it.
We had already passed the Kitan Strait and it was certain that we would reach the open sea if we continued on this path、but we were worried about the condition of the merchant ship behind us、which seemed to have a fire on board.
If we were to sink in the open sea at this time、the crew thrown overboard would lose their strength to the cold within minutes.
The sun had already risen、but the communication lights were still clearly visible.
'This is your final warning!Stop!If you don't stop we will commence firing!'
So I decided to use one of the 16cm guns to fire blanks.
Of course、since the bullets did not land on the sea surface、the enemy could tell that they were firing blanks."




春日丸は、帰還が目的であったため戦闘を継続せず、開陽丸よりも速力が高かったので鹿児島へ逃げのびた。途中機関が故障したため由岐浦の岸に乗り上げた翔凰丸は拿捕される事を恐れて自焼した。榎本武揚は、自焼した翔凰丸を見て「敵ながらあっぱれ」として讃えたという。 なお、この海戦による死傷者は双方皆無だったが、兵庫港から出港時に、春日丸と平運丸が衝突し、この結果、春日丸は船体を損傷した。鹿児島到着後、日本国内での大型船の修理が困難な事から、慶応4年4月3日(1868年4月25日)付で、大型船用のドックがある上海での修理を新政府へ対して申請、これを英国商人に依託し、修理の為、上海へと渡る事となった。


保谷徹 戦争の日本史18 戊辰戦争 吉川弘文館 2007年 ISBN 978-4642063289 from wiki.

"The result was the same; they increased their speed and the condition of the merchant ships visibly worsened.
I decided to move the Kaiyo-Maru slightly diagonally to the left、so that I could fire only at the Kasuga-Maru、even though this might result in some distance between us and the enemy.
And I instructed the Jundo-Maru to avoid combat as much as possible、a difficult mission of course、and to drive the merchant ship from the left toward the coast of Shikoku.
It may not be a good idea to use literary expressions、but it was clear that the merchant ship on fire was in a state of 'a candle about to burn out'.
As a result、this merchant ship could of course be said to have been cornered by the Jundo-Maru、but it seems that they intentionally ran the ship aground on the coast near Yuki and destroyed it themselves.
The Jundo-Maru was not in a position to land the Marines、and after confirming that the merchant ship was in a condition that could not be reused、it immediately returned to pursue the Kasuga-Maru、so the safety of the crew of the merchant ship is unknown. It was not a 'sinking in the conventional sense,' but details are currently being confirmed.
Well、Kaiyo-Maru fired 25 shots at Kasuga Maru、and Kasuga Maru fired 18 shots at us、but neither of them had any effective impact、and the speed of Kasuga-Maru、which was now a single ship、was It was faster than our ship and we finally lost track of it.
Similarly、in the direction of the Akashi Strait、it was impossible to pursue them due to their original starting position、but the merchant vessels were empty and ran away quickly、so in the end they were never able to catch up."

"Enomoto-san、it's a literary expression."

"From any point of view、this is a legitimate wartime job action.
So why do I have to apologize to those guys in haori sitting in the inner chamber of Osaka Castle?"

"Please voice your complaints against them yourself."

※☟Original text as of 8:47am, 1/7/2019(japan time). 2024081514:06(japan time).

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

"Why became this situation?"
Osaka Castle was extremely confused.

"Does Tokugawa have someone like Satsuma's Saigo?"
"Does Tokugawa have someone like Satsuma's Okubo?"
"There is no reason that we can win."
Yoshinobu said so to his confidant.
"Tokugawa became an enemy of the court.
I didn't want a war in the first place.
I don't want to point the gun to the Emperor any more.

I'm going back to the Edo.
And I will penitence myself for the Emperor.
I think this is the best way for do not spread the war."
Yoshinobu also said so.

"Several ambitious men carried out battle against the court in a dogmatic manner. 
Shogun is not involved in it at all.
If someone killed the Satsuma samurai at Osaka.
Tokugawa will be pay indemnity money for per capita
A person who started combat without our permission (military commander of Tokugawa).
We punish him. 
And it goes without saying that we deference to the Emperor."

※Although it is clear that it is a defeat process when they themselves punishing military officials、I think that it was not compensation for the war dead.

The policy was decided、Yoshinobu’s confidant began political campaign.

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

come together

Yoshinobu was decided return to Edo.
However persons who know his return.
It was only his confidants.


"Battle is yet to come."

This era's Osaka Castle was a huge fortress (against weapons at the time).
And Tokugawa was still a large troops.

"Please you comes out in front as general commander."
Soldiers were propose enthusiastically it to Yoshinobu.
Perhaps because they are based in Osaka Castle of the strong castle、the morale of the soldiers was higher still.
※Troops that do not participate in the previous battle also probably were many. 


"If this situation continues、I go back to the Edo is impossible."
Yoshinobu thought so.
"Tomorrow I will be go to the forefront."
He gathered the main commanders of Tokugawa troops、and he declared so to them.

Of course、the soldiers who heard it were delighted.


"I greatly appreciate your efforts.
But the true battle is yet to come.
Please do your best."
Katamori of Aizu lord.
He spoke so to each and every vassal who return.
(Aizu had suffered enormous damage by this battle.) 
He was called from Yoshinobu at that time.

"From now、I will going back to Edo in secret.
Please come together."

Thursday, 7 February 2013

selection of the worst

"Reinforcements soldier arrived from Kishu clan (Clan of the Tokugawa).
After this、further reinforcements arrive.
Rebuild our posture、we will launch a counterattack."
Aizu's Sagawa said so.

Commanding officers of the Tokugawa troops.
They did planning counterattack strategy of course.

"Yoshinobu seems will go back to Edo from now.
Katamori also seems accompany him." 

"Doing that is selection of the worst."
Katamori desperately persuaded Yoshinobu.
But Yoshinobu will not listen at all.

"Come together me !"
Finally Yoshinobu was angry and issued a strict order to Katamori as Shogun.
At that time、this rumor had been flowing rapidly in Osaka Castle.

Aizu’s chief retainer asked for a meeting with Katamori.
"He is meeting with Yoshinobu now."
But this request was denied.
After that Aizu’s chief asked for a meeting many times.
"He is meeting with Yoshinobu now."
Each time、this request was denied by the vassal of Yoshinobu.
During this time、Yoshinobu had ”escaped” from Osaka Castle.

※☝Original text as of 8:47am, 1/7/2019(japan time). 2024081514:06(japan time).

"This time I really realized that even if two battleships sailing at maximum speed fire at each other, they will not hit the other party.
However、perhaps because of that、and perhaps because the wind direction was good、the gun smoke didn't really interfere with gunfire or navigation.
We need to thoroughly examine what would happen in a fleet battle or in a case further downwind."

"But the enemy's shells didn't hit our target either、so their soldiers must have been equally or even less well trained than us、but the enemy ship was fleeing in a straight line、so if we'd calculated the relative speeds of our ships and the wind direction、we should have been able to land some closer shots at the very least.
In addition、as the Jundō-Maru did、although they did not require such high accuracy、hitting the surface of the sea would have been able to guide the enemy's course to some extent."

※"Is it like this report(lol)?"

"Yes(lol)、they are the ones who put out smoke where there is no fire、so it would be easier to deal with them later if we had created a place in advance where they could make accusations in an easy-to-understand manner." 2024082306:29(japan time).※

"That's right、this naval battle is a treasure trove of valuable data for us. Let's consider it quickly."

"By the way、Enomoto-san、is it okay if I don't write something like、'wearing a haori coat and sitting comfortably by the brazier in the inner room'?"


"Admiral Enomoto said!Even if it can't be written in the report、it will become a legendary quote(lol)."

"Ah、because my room is definitely warmer than the inner sanctum of Osaka Castle.
Humans tend to unconsciously exclude from criticism those matters in which they are favored(lol)."

"Ah、yes、I would understand if it was the Kitan Strait、but I cannot overlook the fact that a Satsuma clan-registered ship was able to pass through the Akashi Strait at breakneck speed before dawn.
We will need to rethink our defense of Edo Bay."

※"But 'the life of a government official' is really troublesome.
If it weren't for the kindness I have received from Shogun-ke and the people we must protect、I would like to take a fleet with my comrades and build our own country on a faraway desert island."

"Where will you get the money for food、drinking water、fuel for your fleet、and docks to repair your ships?"

"I know that.
Don't you have the 'men's spirit of adventure'(lol)?"

"What do you think of Ezo as your dream land?
It has a certain population、a fertile hinterland that can be developed in the future、and Hakodate Port even has a simple dock for repairing ships."

"Oi!Kishi Nobusuke yo!
There are Japanese people living in Ezo、but it's an island inhabited by Ainu people like you、right?
I don't want to bother other people with my dreams."

"Yes、sadly、there are many people there who are suffering from lawless violence and who need justice." 2024082306:56(japan time).

※"Now、the Ainu land is facing a serious crisis.
A merchant from the mainland is planning to start salmon fishing、so he approached my 'peers' and banned the Ainu from catching salmon in the rivers.
For the Ainu、salmon is an important preserved food for the winter.
My father was arrested for 'poaching'、but through my connections he was somehow released.
Naturally、'poaching' continues unabated. The reason is simple. Otherwise、it will be impossible for the Ainu to overcome this season." 2024082307:24(japan time).※


"Are they planning to arrest all the Ainu who survived this winter as accomplices in poaching?
And take away the land and everything that existed.
This is a situation where something like this could really happen." 2024082308:00(japan time).


golden years

from めぞん一刻 15 桜の下で

amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅣ‐11-5-THE BEGINNING OF THE END OF THE BEGINNING☺️