Creator never punish the righteous.

Sunday, 20 January 2013


"Anyone who is present at this time of great difficulty for our master and does not head to Osaka is not a man."
In this prevailing atmosphere、the Tokugawa retainers in Edo City、who had long been praised as the "Tokugawa 30,000 cavalry," set out one after another for Osaka.

Now、as if to coincide with the progression of this fever、a certain heinous phenomenon began to occur in the city of Edo.
This phenomenon spread rapidly throughout the city like a malignant tumor、and by the time the Great Proclamation of the Restoration of Imperial Rule was issued in Kyoto、its full picture had become clearly apparent to the Edo citizens as a social unrest that plunged the city into fear、with an unusually frequent occurrence of robberies against wealthy merchants and street murders.

"Jihei and Sakichi、who were tailing the suspect、were killed、but there is no doubt that this gang of thieves is based out of the Satsuma mansion."
Akatsukasa Takeyoshi、Yoriki at the Minamimachi Magistrate's Office、reported this to Magistrate Asahina Masahiro、but he only received the response、'That's very unfortunate. They had families to support、right?'.

"Of course、those who were unjustly killed by outlaws skilled in vetting their targets had families、and even if they didn't have families、there was no reason for them to be unhappy."

"A target... The toll of their lawlessness was 40、right?"

"Yes、not counting my men、38 people were killed、including one baby and two small children、and 12 ryo was stolen.
In addition、there are seven people who whole body were slashed and maimed by this criminal gangs、and who say、'I would have preferred to die'.
As you know、these criminals place great importance on killing their target."

"I understand what you're saying. anyway、everyone、please don't push yourself too hard and continue your investigation. I'll discuss with Sugiura san right away about the official establishment of the vigilante group that was proposed by the neighborhood association."

However、when one of the turrets of Edo Castle was finally set on fire、the majority of Edo citizens came to believe that 'What do you mean they are our dear friend? It is because we say lukewarm things like that that they are becoming more and more arrogant. They are the enemy. The Tokugawa must immediately take a tough stance against the Satsuma clan as an enemy clan!'.


"That is exactly what the Choshu clan and other villains wanted.
Indeed、we can see that the management of the Satsuma clan's lower residence was a bit careless.
In this regard、it is necessary to urgently request the Satsuma clan to make improvements.

However、and I'm ashamed to admit it、weren't we just as guilty when it came to poor management of public order?
We、and perhaps the Satsuma clan as well、have been too preoccupied with the political situation in Kyoto and may have recently lacked the attention to maintaining public order in Edo city、which was our important base.
And it is axiomatic that violent criminals gather in such places.

From now on、while working closely with Kyoto、ofcourse、we will work together with each feudal clan residing in Edo to make strong efforts to restore public order.
Then、such heinous crimes will disappear."

However、the shogunate merely issued a proclamation expressing such intentions to each neighborhood association in Edo city.



Around 1863、when the situation in western Japan was becoming increasingly dire、the center of the Tokugawa shogunate had moved to Kyoto、and the Tokugawa administration in Edo city was becoming increasingly hollowed out、several fudai (presumably) daimyo domains with around 100,000 goku of land were appointed to guard the city of Edo、primarily for the purpose of cracking down on anti-foreign faction.

※This security system worked effectively (the fact that Edo City was in an air pocket at the time was probably an important factor)、and it seems that Edo was relatively safe until the sudden and unnatural deterioration of security during this period. 2024071617:03(japan time).

One night、about 10 people suddenly appeared in front of the Shonai clan's camp and were making a fuss、making strange noises、when seven bullets were fired into the Shonai clan's camp (at that time、security in the city、including the Shonai clan、was conducted at a set time along a set route、at the request of the Tokugawa shogunate).

Two of the gunfire hit civilians inside the barracks、causing screams inside the barracks、while the people who had been making noise outside immediately began laughing loudly and yelling、and ran off to the Satsuma Kamiyashiki residence in Mita.

※☟Original text as of 8:12am, 23/12/2018(japan time). 2024071709:42(japan time).

A little while ago.
"Exacerbate the security of Edo."
Such a secret directive was sent from Satsuma.
Dispatch of Tokugawa troops from Edo to Osaka had continued.
For this reason it may have interfered with maintaining the security of Edo.
Robbery against a wealthy merchant of Edo became occurred frequently.  
"Robberies go back to the Satsuma clan residence (of Edo).”
The police organization of Tokugawa had already obtained such information.
But they was not able to interfere it by persons shortage.

※I think that this troop dispatch made the uncertainty about the situation of Edo、but I don't know now how much it affected the number of people who maintained security.※
※I think that clan residence was basically the extraterritoriality.
Also for officials who crack down on crimes against the general public、I think that Samurai was basically outside their jurisdiction.
Above all、for the Tokugawa this time the relationship with Satsuma was very delicate.※
※I have written my idea about this in the past.※


After that、the situation more worsened.
Edo Castle had been arson.
And robbery against a wealthy merchant of Edo continued to happen frequently. 
"We should severe deal against Satsuma."
Such opinion became stronger inside the Tokugawa government in Edo.

However Edo 's security officials opinion were calm.
Strengthening of policing.
We should be done it first.
Edo's security will recover naturally by it.
And we don't know well the situation of the Kyoto.
We should refrain from rash and blind act."

Shonai clan.
They were one lord of responsible for the security of Edo. 
Shooting had been added to their base.
”The shooter ran away to the Satsuma clan residence.”
This provocation was become successful. 

※Shonai is in the northwestern part of Yamagata Prefecture、it was the territory of Sakai Clan of senior statesman of the Tokugawa of successive.
I think that the lord of this time was the younger brother of Katamori of Aizu.※

Monday, 21 January 2013

failure thing

"This has become a very difficult situation.
In this situation、it may be difficult for the Tosa clan to remain at the conference、or rather、considering Yodo kō's temperament、he may return to Tosa immediately."
During a break in the meeting、Goto spoke to Iwakura in a somewhat joking manner.

※Their rest rooms were divided according to their "status," but Iwakura himself appeared in the rest room of the "vassals" and spoke passionately with them. 2024071617:52(japan time).

"I see. That is unfortunate.
If that is the case、will probably you return to Tosa with Toyoshige kyou? I don't know when we will meet again、but please give my best regards to Toyoshige kyou."

Iwakura said this without changing his expression、then asked、looking around the room、'Is there anyone who knows much about the British early childhood education system?'.

"However、Okubo-kun、it seems that there are still many clans、not just the Tokugawa fudai、that harbor regrets and feelings of guilt towards the shogunate.
Well、that's probably only natural given the timing.
In order to ensure a smooth launch of the new government、it might be a good idea to incorporate some of their opinions and invite Yoshinobu here to offer an apology to the Imperial Court in his own words.
That way、they would be able to fulfill their obligation to the Tokugawa and let go of any regrets they may have.
It's just a formality、after all.
In fact、I could order Yoshinobu to return his territories then and there."

"Iwakura kyou、what thought process led you to such meaningless sophistry?
That is compromise. Compromise is evil.
Do you really understand the terror of Tokugawa Yoshinobu、a man with abilities that rivaled Ieyasu kō?
Any compromise with him would mean the failure of the Restoration of Imperial Rule.
We have only one option: the complete destruction of the Tokugawa Shogunate.
There is no other way to open up a new era."


"It seems that there are forces among them who want Yoshinobu kyou to come to Kyoto to improve the situation.
Iwakura kyou seems to be one of the important people among them."
All of Kyoto's military forces had joined those in Osaka Castle、and the Tokugawa Shogunate forces in Osaka、about 40 kilometers from Kyoto、had finally become a major force、but shortly after this、rumors like this began to spread within Osaka Castle.

"It is natural that various rumors of uncertain veracity would spread in such a situation、but if such a request actually came to me from the Imperial Court、I intend to go to Kyoto alone to demonstrate Tokugawa's true intentions.
It'll be fine、there's no way the Imperial Court would do anything lawless to harm me.
It might be a good idea to ask the Satsuma clan to escort me along the way.
During this time、everyone、please keep your reins firmly in place so that our troops do not go out of control."
In Osaka Castle、Yoshinobu expressed his beliefs to Itakura and other ministers in the form of a roundtable discussion.

"The crew of a French merchant ship from Yokohama are saying some strange things."
At that time、a report was brought.

"A civil war has begun in Edo City."

※☟Original text as of 8:12am, 23/12/2018(japan time). 2024071709:44(japan time).

"Tosa can not continue discussion under such circumstances.
Yodo might go back to Tosa."
Goto of tosa said so to Iwakura.

"If become such a thing you guys can not hold the new government."
Of course it was such pressure.
"Please you back to Tosa.
There is no problem."
Iwakura replied.

"Sympathy to the Tokugawa is strong yet."
However Iwakura also had think so.
"Call Yoshinobu to Kyoto and let him apologize.
It might be a good way."

"It should not.
All compromise is bad.
Compromise means failure of restoration.
We must destroy the Tokugawa regime thoroughly."
Okubo insisted so.

"They (new government) hopes that Yoshinobu come to Kyoto."
Such information had been brought to Osaka.
"If there is such request、I alone go to Kyoto." 
Yoshinobu had think so、but.

"War with Satsuma had began at Edo."
At same time、such information also had been brought to Osaka.


江戸薩摩藩邸の焼討事件(えどさつまはんていのやきうちじけん)は、薩摩藩が江戸市中取締の庄内藩屯所を襲撃した為、幕末の慶応3年12月25日(1868年1月19日)に江戸の三田にある薩摩藩の江戸藩邸[注釈 1/薩摩藩三田屋敷(現在地・東京都港区芝5丁目7-1 NEC本社ビル附近)]が江戸市中取締の庄内藩新徴組らによって襲撃され、放火により焼失した事件のことである。この事件からの一連の流れが戊辰戦争のきっかけになった。






慶応3年5月21日(太陽暦6月23日)、中岡慎太郎の仲介によって、土佐藩・乾退助と薩摩藩・西郷隆盛の間で締結された薩土討幕の密約では、この浪士らの身柄を土佐藩邸から薩摩藩邸へ移管することも盛り込まれた。翌5月22日(太陽暦6月24日)に、乾は薩摩藩と締結した密約を山内容堂に稟申し、同時に勤王派水戸浪士を江戸藩邸に隠匿している事を告白。土佐藩の起居を促した。容堂はその勢いに圧される形で、この軍事密約を承認し、退助に軍制改革を命じた。土佐藩は乾を筆頭として軍制改革・近代式練兵を行うことを決定。乾は、5月27日(太陽暦6月29日)、中岡慎太郎らに大坂でベルギー製活罨式(かつあんしき)アルミニー銃(英語版)(Albini-Braendlin_rifle)300挺[注釈 2/ベルギーからの直輸入ではなく、米国南北戦争で使用され、戦争終結後に余剰となった武器類が日本へ輸入されたものと言われる。]の購入を命じ、6月2日(太陽暦7月3日)に土佐に帰国。中岡は乾退助の武力討幕の決意をしたためた書簡を、土佐勤王党の同志あてに送り、土佐勤王党員ら300余名の支持を得た。(これがのちの迅衝隊の主力メンバーとなる)。薩摩藩側も5月25日(太陽暦6月27日)、薩摩藩邸で重臣会議を開き、藩論を武力討幕に統一することが確認された。一方、幕府側は、6月10日(太陽暦7月11日)、近藤勇ら新撰組隊士を幕臣として召抱え、勤皇派の取締りを強化した。



— 山内容堂






討幕の密勅の直後の慶応3年10月14日に大政奉還が行われ、討幕の実行延期の沙汰書が10月21日になされ、討幕の密勅は事実上、取り消された。討幕のための挙兵の中止も江戸の薩摩藩邸に伝わったが、討幕挙兵の噂は瞬く間に広まっていて、薩摩藩邸ではその火のついた志士を抑えることはできずにいた。騒乱行為はますます拡大していき、慶応3年11月末(1867年12月末)には竹内啓(本名:小川節斎)を首魁とする十数名の集団が下野出流山満願寺の千手院に拠って檄文を発し、さらに150名をも越える一団となって行軍を開始。同年12月11日(1868年1月5日)から数日間、栃木宿の幸来橋付近や岩船山で関東取締出役・渋谷鷲郎(和四郎とも)率いる旧幕府方の諸藩兵と交戦し、鎮圧された。敗れた竹内は中田宿で捕らえられ、処刑された(出流山事件)。しかし、参加者数名が脱走して薩摩藩邸に逃げ込んだ。同年11月25日には上田修理(本名・長尾真太郎)ら十数名の集団によって甲府城攻略が計画されるが、事前に八王子千人同心に露見し、八王子宿で撃退された。その際の襲撃者たちもやはり薩摩藩邸に逃げ込んだ。同年の12月15日(1868年1月9日)には鯉淵四郎(本名・坂田三四郎)を首魁とする三十数人の集団が相模の荻野山中藩の大久保教義の陣を襲撃し、薩摩藩邸へ戻ったが、こちらは死者1名、負傷者2名で比較的損害は小さかった。12月20日(1868年1月14日)の夜には鉄砲や槍などで武装した50名が御用盗のため同藩邸の裏門から外に出たところ、かねてより見張っていた新徴組に追撃され、賊徒は散り散りとなって薩摩藩邸へと逃れた。賊徒側も反撃に及び、12月22日の深夜、新徴組が屯所としていた赤羽根橋の美濃屋に30人あまりの賊徒が鉄砲を撃ち込んで逃走、薩摩藩邸に逃げ込んだ。翌12月23日には 春日神社前にある庄内藩の屯所として使われていた寄席の「吹貫」に鉄砲が撃ち込まれ、その亭主と使用人の2名が死亡した。

これらの状況下で幕臣達は「続出する騒乱の黒幕は薩摩藩」との疑いを強くし、将軍の留守を守る淀藩主の老中稲葉正邦は、ついに武力行使も辞さない強硬手段を決意する。12月24日(1868年1月18日)、庄内藩江戸藩邸の留守居役松平親懐(権十郎)に「薩摩藩邸に賊徒の引渡しを求めた上で、従わなければ討ち入って召し捕らえよ」との命を下す。これに対して松平は「薩摩側が素直に引き渡すとは思えず、討ち入りとなることは必至だが、庄内藩は先日銃撃の被害を受けており、この状況下で討ち入れば私怨私闘の謗りを受けてしまう。その為、他藩との共同で事に当たらせて欲しい」と願い、受け入れられた。これにより庄内藩に加え、上山藩、鯖江藩、岩槻藩の三藩と、庄内藩の支藩である出羽松山藩が参加。戦闘指揮は庄内藩の監軍(軍監)、石原倉右衛門が執る事になった。 討ち入りに際し、薩摩屋敷の戦力は浪士200名、馬16頭との情報があり、これに対して24日中に庄内藩から500、上山藩から300、鯖江藩から100、岩槻藩から50の合計950名を集め、さらに大砲、鉄砲、槍などが庄内藩の西丸下伊賀屋敷に持ち込まれ、夜食を摂ってから赤羽根橋に集結、25日の討ち入りに備えた。 12月25日未明、出動したこれらの藩兵は薩摩藩邸を包囲する。ただ、薩摩側が窮鼠状態となる事を危惧し、庄内藩が受け持つ北門と西門のうち西門付近は意図的に包囲を緩めておいた。









— 渋沢栄一著『徳川慶喜公傳(4)』267-268頁



私(板垣退助)が戊辰戦争後に再び西郷(隆盛)君と会ふた時、西郷君は『板垣さんと云ふ人は恐ろしい人よ。他人(ひと)の所へあんな物騒な浪士を放り込んで戦争をおツ初めさせるとは、深慮遠謀。… 何とも恐ろしい人よ』と茶化して私に言ふので『それはさてさて人聞きが悪い。近頃迷惑千万な話ぢやが、之を統御された先生(西郷)こそ随分と危険な御仁であつたやうに思ひまする。…とにかく首尾は上々、あれは好機幕開けでござりましたな』と申し上げたら、西郷君は呵々大笑したのを覚へてをります。(中略)あの(江戸での)浪士騒ぎが戊辰戦争の幕開け(前哨戦)であつたと思ふてをります。
—  板垣退助『維新前後経歴談』

東京都港区芝2丁目の薩摩藩邸の土地には、1887年(明治20年)12月に福澤諭吉や金子堅太郎らの招聘でアメリカ・ユニテリアン協会のアーサー・メイ・ナップ牧師が来日してミッション活動を開始したときに、ジョサイア・コンドルの設計の「唯一館」が建築され、ユニテリアン統一主義の布教活動が行われていた[注釈 3/福沢諭吉は日本でしか通用しない教育勅語に変わる道徳の啓蒙団体としてユニテリアンを支持していたが、その思いは通じずに晩年にはむしろ裏切られたという。][注釈 4/日本基督教会、統一教会など17のキリスト教団体がユニテリアン主義者を擁している。]。

惟一館の名称はのちに「三田会館」、現在はホテルの「ローズステイ東京芝公園」(別称「友愛会館」)となっている。from wiki.

Tuesday, 22 January 2013


"After a thorough investigation into a mysterious mob that had been causing chaos in Edo city for some time、it became clear that the Satsuma clan was behind it all. The shogunate then issued an official order to the clans guarding Edo city to attack the Satsuma clan's residence in Mita、which served as their base of operations. As a result、the group was annihilated and many of the criminals were arrested."

Shortly thereafter、this report was delivered to Yoshinobu in Osaka Castle in the name of the senior councilor Inaba Masakuni、who was currently in charge of Edo Castle.

"I told you so!While we were hesitating、those who remained in Edo City started a major cleanup ahead of us the main army.
The war has already begun.
We too must immediately exact justice upon the poor nobles and Satsuma and Choshu who are monopolizing the Imperial Court with their vile use of force!膺懲"

Naturally、this news had the effect of creating an uncontrollable、explosive excitement among the hatamoto who had gathered at Osaka Castle.

"何で撃った ! !"

"Yes、we used two of the four 12cm smoothbore cannons that come standard on the Banryu Maru against the enemy who ignored our flag signals requesting that the ship stop.
If we had fired blanks、the enemy would have immediately known、※above all、there is a risk that the enemy will misunderstand our intentions (2024071907:03/japan time)、so we used live ammunition.
Of course、it was only a warning shot, as the enemy stopped immediately after the firing."


Yes、that's my order.
We have received investigation reports indicating that most of the main perpetrators of this incident escaped on a Satsuma ship anchored off the coast of Shinagawa、and I'm sure you are aware of that、but as those responsible for the safety of Japan's oceans、we have a duty to board all ships that may be carrying violent extremists.


"No、there were about 10 ronin-like men on board who were obviously using fake names、but none of them matched their appearance to the wanted list."

"そうだろうが ! ! であるのにこの極めて大切な時期にそこまで愚劣な行動を部下に取らせた責任を軍艦頭はどう取るつもりなのだ ! ?場合によっては貴官一人の首ではすまんぞ!!"

"That's the worst kind of consequentialist argument.
We、the Tokugawa Navy、simply acted in accordance with the rules of international law.
If a similar situation arises in the future、we will take similar action.
Please convey to Satsuma that this is my view.
I don't mind explaining it to Satsuma myself."

On January 2, 1868、the Heiun Maru of the Satsuma clan、which was heading from Osaka Bay to Kagoshima、was fired upon by the Banryu Maru of the Shogunate Navy、which was blockading Hyogo Port. 
In response to the strong protest from the Satsuma clan to the Shogunate、Navy Admiral Enomoto Kamajiro said that.


"Apparently、in Edo、a force of around 700 men quickly wiped out 300 people holed up in the fortified Satsuma residence.
We、the Tokugawa hatamoto、has 10,000 ki、and the enemy will be about 6,000.

And Nijo Castle is probably the only stronghold the enemy can take refuge in.
That said、there's no way the enemy will let us into Kyoto easily、so it will probably become a decisive battle on the plains on the border.

If we can't crush the enemy then and there、the old men of Edo will laugh at us.
Come on everyone!Let's go and defeat tanuki and kitsune!"

Leaving 12,000 modern Tokugawa Shogunate infantry、organized in the French military style and mainly consisting of non-samurai class people (it seems that the Hatamoto had to contribute personnel from their territories to the military according to the rice yield of their territories) with a clear chain of command、in Osaka Castle、Hatamoto 10,000 ki set out one after another for Kyoto.

※☟Original text as of 8:12am, 23/12/2018(japan time). 2024071820:02(japan time).

"The Satsuma clan residence had harboring insurgents from before.
Tokugawa attacked there.
At the result we did devastating them.
And we captured many criminals."
This news has arrived to Osaka.

"At last the battle began in Edo.
We also should battle against Satsuma and Choshu of Kyoto."
Such opinion increased at a stretch inside the Tokugawa of Osaka.
"War is began already."
There was the man in Tokugawa navy named "Enomoto Kamajirou".
In fact he shelled to the Satsuma ship at Hyogo sea.

※Although the particulars do not know now、I think that it was probably a demonstration act (alternatively、they were aimed at some other target).※ 


Who took out the attack order against the Satsuma clan residence?
This attack was conducted without any debate by provocation.
It was an explosion of their frustration.

”We punished them.
This is only it"
Become the war by it.
There was no consciousness like that in them.

※Perhaps I'm writing about the current state of mind of something different.


"Shogun (Yoshinobu) seems go to Kyoto.
We also will go together.
If there was a disturbing something、we will eliminated it by our force."
It also might explosion of their frustration. 
The troops Tokugawa gather in Osaka began advancing to Kyoto while leaving Yoshinobu in Osaka.


golden years

from めぞん一刻 15 桜の下で

amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅣ‐11-5-THE BEGINNING OF THE END OF THE BEGINNING☺️