Aside from that、"Sawayaka Gorou"、Family register name of forgery "Yoshimoto Hiroshi 吉本浩".〒453-0016 愛知県名古屋市中村区竹橋町11−15 👈I clicked here when I clicked on the Google map suitably lazily. Naturally they are garbage (Execution). ※It ends as soon(lol). 👈無くなり次第終了(笑)。

Sunday, 27 January 2013

matchless warriors

"Stop the attacks on Tokugawa immediately!"

"However、it is an indisputable fact that they were the ones that launched the attack first."

"That is because you are blocking the passage of Yoshinobu and his entourage!"

"If Yoshinobu really had the intention of apologizing to the Imperial Court、it would be natural for him to come to Kyoto with only a small entourage.
However、we have had several negotiations with several thousand fully armed regular Tokugawa troops、but we have been unable to confirm the presence of Yoshinobu among them."

"Of all people、you are saying that their side are only disrespectful?"

"I am simply stating the facts.
They are currently plotting to use their enormous military force to impose their will on the Imperial Court.
The war has already been started by them、and as the hedge of the Imperial Court、we have a duty to resolutely eliminate them."

"Talking to you guys is a waste of time.
Let me meet Saigo!Now!"


"Kichinosuke sā、Okuge-san people are pestering us to let them meet you?
Everyone has brought their families and servants、so there's a huge traffic jam in front of Hamaguri Gomon Gate.
I think that if you meet them、it only waste our precious time on this important moment、so what should we do?"

From the time when even in the center of Kyoto city、the sound of shelling could be heard like thunder in the distance、and the smoke from large-scale fires could be seen in the distance、aristocrats began to call for an immediate halt to the fighting with the Tokugawa army、one after another. They rushed to the Kyoto Imperial Palace、which was their New Government Forces headquarters.

"I certainly feel bad about getting them caught up in the fighting."

The situation was already on high alert、but after the fighting began、all key points on the outer perimeter of the Miyako-Ōji Road were blocked off by 1,200 Tosa soldiers、making it impossible to pass through.

"Only on Kamo Kaido will people be allowed to pass、whose identity is guaranteed by the head of the aristocratic family or someone equivalent to that to the person in charge of security.Please put this in writing as an official Daijokan order immediately."

"Is it a 'Dajokan order' rather than a 'Dajokan request'?
In that case、we cannot handle this clause based solely on our judgment..."

"Yes、I'm sorry、but please bring Miyamoto-san here as soon as possible."

From the time when them the anti-Tokugawa Shogunate coup forces began planning a practical defense of Kyoto city、they began to refer to themselves as Dajōkan.


"Can the part of Dajokan Order No.131 that says、'However、until the effect of Dajokan Order No.76 is suspended after going through the proper procedures、travel into Kyoto city from outside the city will be limited to those with permission from the Dajokan' also be treated as a general proclamation?"

"Yes、that's okay."

"Understood. Then、I will immediately inform all parties and make this an official order.
With this、many of the internal nuisances can be pushed out of the sumo ring..."

"I truly feel bad for putting them and their families in this fighting、because most of our families who are fighting are not in this danger zone."

"Yes、I do."

Miyamoto Kenji.
He was a former sumo wrestler from the Choshu clan's Rikishi-tai、and was born into a farming family in Suo village、so he was not an official Choshu samurai、but he had a cheerful personality、was excellent at accounting、and got along well with Saigo、who loved sumo、over their taste in sumo style. Therefore、around this time、he held a position similar to that of a high-level liaison with the Satsuma clan.



"Shii-kun?What's up with you in a place like this at this hour?"

As Miyamoto was about to leave Saigo's office (he was the de facto commander-in-chief、but at this time、rooms were still separated by clan)、he was suddenly called out to by a young man still in his teens、accompanied by a Satsuma clan guard、and stopped in his tracks.


Shii hesitated for a moment、but then immediately saluted Saigo and began to speak.

"I am Shii Kazuo、commander of the 2nd Company of the Kiheitai、1st Platoon. I have a message for Commander Saigo from Miura Goro、commander of the 2nd Company of the Kiheitai; 'At 3:00 pm today、we 100 members of the 2nd Company handed over the role of guarding the Kyoto Imperial Palace for 24 hours to the 4th Company、and while we were waiting at the guard post inside the Imperial Palace、we learned that our troops in the west of Fushimi were being attacked by the enemy and were struggling. We would like to head out to reinforce them. Commander、I kindly ask for your kind consideration'."

"Has the 2nd Company already left?"

Faced with this unexpected turn of events、Miyamoto couldn't help but ask Shii a question that exceeded his authority.

"Yes、as we left Sakaimachi Gomon、I received orders from Captain Miura to convey this message to Commander Saigo.
I also want to return to the 2nd Company right now and fight against the enemy."

Miura Goro was not an official Choshu samurai、he came from a family of vassals of the Choshu samurai (however、he was a well-known genius in the clan's public school)、Shii Kazuo、who was 16 years old at the time、was from a family of official Choshu samurai with a stipend of 150 koku、but it was not uncommon for Choshu samurai to volunteer to join Syotai such as the Kiheitai at this time.

"Saigo Sensei!I apologize to the Daijokan on behalf of the Choshu clan.
Rest assured that our clan will take full responsibility and bring them back."

"No、Miyamoto-san、it's probably impossible to bring them back now.
If we try to do so forcibly、there is a risk that it will cause confusion on the front lines.
Rather、it would be more realistic to accept what has happened as it is and make good use of it、and it would also allow us to respond to their sincerity with sincerity.


"Saigo-sa、you have received an urgent message from the Tosa clan."

At that moment、Saigo received a report from a Satsuma samurai in charge of guarding this headquarters.
Miyamoto was still in the room、so naturally no orders had been issued yet、for a moment、they imagined a clash between the Tosa soldiers and the nobles fleeing Kyoto.

'After careful consideration, based on our experience so far、of the Kyoto city security duties currently assigned to us、the Tosa clan、we have determined that a minimum of 500 men、with a generous 700 to spare、would be sufficient、including the search for suspicious people which is being carried out with full cooperation from "each neighborhood association".
Therefore、we will have 500 reserve soldiers among us.
The Tosa clan would like to entrust this force to the Daijokan Headquarters、and would like them to immediately issue instructions to deploy it to the front lines so that it does not become a paramilitary force.'

"We Tosa samurai all feel that it's a shame that the Tosa clan's army can't join the fighting force."
"No、if the Tosa clan can take charge of guarding central Kyoto city、we can deploy our entire army to the south with peace of mind."

Due to the strong will of Yamauchi Toyoshige、who was the de facto lord of the Tosa domain、the 1,400 Tosa clan soldiers who were in Kyoto at the time were not allowed to join the new government's front-line forces、and as a result they were only responsible for guarding the city of Kyoto as the rear guard for the entire army.

"The entire army has already assembled in front of the Seiwain-Gmon Gate.
Furthermore、the 200 soldiers who remain at the Tosa clan residence feel the same way as us."


"Hanjiro-don、I think it would be much more convenient to unify the chain of command than the current situation."
"That's right...But they beat us to it."

'The results justify the actions.'

At this time、their arbitrary actions、which were ratified by Saigo and others as an official order of the Daijokan numbering system、became the forerunner of many of the worst mistakes that were made by the Empire of Japan in the future.

That aside、afterwards、the 2nd Company of the Kiheitai、which moved south、captured 400 old-style armed Shogunate troops near Teradaya who had advanced from the west to surround the 500-man Satsuma clan army、which had become too prominent and isolated on Chushojima、they defeated it and then advanced to the line of Misu Shrine in cooperation with the Satsuma clan army.

※☟Original text as of 7:43am, 30/12/2018(japan time). 2024072917:35(japan time).

"In this way we just have to wait for our extinction.
We have to put a suicide corps into the enemy's position."
Hijikata decided it and Nagakura had volunteered for it with the Shinsengumi’s valor persons.

”Shinsengumi Shimatsuki” of classic literature on the Shinsengumi.
(Shimatsuki’s mean is "from the beginning to the end.")

Matchless warriors.
At this time they are expressed so.

※"ikki tousen 一騎当千"
It literal translation is "a cavalry (ikki) equivalent to a thousand (tou-sen)".※

But they could not get close by the enemy's shooting furious.

They suffered serious damage、did retreat to the magistrate's office.


Choshu’s troops by non samurai.
They were responsible for the security of the Imperial Palace  as an elite unit at that time.
"We also want to fight Tokugawa like other units.”
Miura Gorou” its commander.
However he thought so.
※I think he himself was a samurai in Choshu.
"As reconnaissance."
He went to Fushimi with squad of Kiheitai.
Of course thIs soldiers were commoner.

But they had experienced combat many times already.
As a result、they brought a great blow to the Tokugawa troops they encountered. 

Matchless warriors.
It was them at that time.

※Although I think that it was a part of the Kiheitai who was under Miura's command、I do not know how they were punished for this job violation.

※☟Original text as of 7:43am, 30/12/2018(japan time). 2024072917:39(japan time).

Monday, 28 January 2013


Tokugawa's main troops Aizu.
They fought the enemy with maximum force along with the Shinsengumi.

But their armed was also old style.
They had numerous casualties in a fierce battle.
(The Shinsengumi’s casualty rate was about 60% on this "Battle of Toba Fushimi".)

However they fought to the last of course.

Aizu samurai named ”Hayashi Gonsuke”、65 years old.
Even after the battle becomes a disadvantage、he continued fight on the front line.
He picked up fallen’s gun and continued fight until his death.

Before long Tokugawa troops began to retreat naturally.
One of the commanders of Aizu samurai named ”Sagawa Kan-be-e”.
"At this rate、we can not win."
He sputt out such words.

"Tokugawa is certainly a great army.
But nobody has fight like Aizu."

Of course he and his colleagues continued fighting until they could not support their front.

"At this rate、we can not win.
The Emperor should evacuate to Hiei."

Battlefield was a conflagration.
It was able to distant view from the Imperial Palace.
The aristocracy in Kyoto began to make a noise.

※Okubo thinks、"The Emperor's disappearance from Kyoto is a last resort". 2024072917:37(japan time).

滝川具挙は薩摩側の代表、椎原小弥太と山口仲吾に通行許可を求めたが、薩摩軍は朝廷へ問い合わせ中であるとしてそれを認めなかった[注釈 26/前述のとおり、本来鳥羽街道方面の指揮官であった竹中重固は伏見にいたが、『昔夢会筆記』での徳川慶喜の証言によればこの交渉を行ったのは滝川具挙ではなく竹中であるとされている。]。このような交渉が繰り返されたが状況は変わらず、午後5時頃、滝川は「最早や夕刻ともなるによって、強行して入京す」と最後通告を行ない、これに対して椎原が「われわれは朝命を奉じ、この地を守るものゆえ臨機の応対を仕る」と答えた。そこで、旧幕府軍は封鎖を強行突破するため縦隊で行軍を開始した。椎原、山口が自陣へ走り「手切れだ」と叫ぶと薩摩軍は合図のラッパを吹き、それと共に一斉に射撃を開始した。




4日午前5時頃、旧幕府軍は下鳥羽の陣地を出て薩摩軍陣地を攻撃した。旧幕府軍は前日に大損害を受けた第一連隊に代わって第十一連隊と砲4門を第一線として攻撃前進した。(第七連隊と第十二連隊の2個連隊との説もある)薩摩軍は私領二番隊が戦列に加わり、一部の部隊の位置が入れ替わった他は前日同様の配置であったが旧幕府軍は前日同様、戦線の中央突破を図ったため、包囲に飛び込む形となり、前方と左右より射撃を受けた。そのため旧幕府軍の両翼の部隊は向きを変えて応戦したが、中央の部隊はなおも突進して薩摩軍中央の小銃五番隊、私領二番隊に迫り、猛烈な射撃を加えた。しかし薩摩軍はこれを持ちこたえ、旧幕府軍は戦線を突破することができなかった。しばらく両軍の間で火戦が行われたが、次第に旧幕府軍の損害が増え、旧幕府軍は攻撃を断念して下鳥羽の陣地へと後退した。この戦闘において、馬上で第十一連隊を指揮していた幕府陸軍歩兵奉行並の佐久間信久が狙撃され、戦死した。 午前8時頃薩摩軍は攻勢に転じ、下鳥羽の旧幕府軍陣地を攻撃した。この間、旧幕府軍は損害を受けた第十一連隊に代わって第十二連隊を前面に出して再度攻勢に出るつもりであったが、その前に薩摩軍の攻撃を受け、防御戦闘を行った。旧幕府軍は米俵を胸壁としつつ薩摩軍に激しい射撃を浴びせ、薩摩軍は陣地に近づくことができなかった。薩摩軍は散兵で射撃し、そのうち小銃六番隊は一人あたり100発以上の射撃を行うなど、激しい火戦が行われたが戦線を崩すことはできなかった。そのため、薩摩軍は一旦後退して弾薬を補充した後、再度攻撃前進した。今度は小銃隊からの支援要請により小銃隊だけでなく砲隊も前進した。砲戦をしつつ前進した一番砲隊は4門の砲のうち2門が途中で破損したが、残りの2門が旧幕府軍陣地近くまで進出し、至近距離から榴弾を撃ち込み、米俵でできた胸壁を吹き飛ばして破口を作り、また旧幕府軍の砲台を制圧した。正午過ぎには薩摩軍の増援として兵具方一番隊と一番遊撃隊が到着した。加えて、伏見からも小銃一番隊が転進し、薩摩軍最左翼の外城二番隊と協力して南下し、旧幕府軍の右側面を攻撃した。これにより旧幕府軍は前方と右側面より包囲されることとなった。旧幕府軍はしばらくは持ちこたえたものの、午後2時頃、富ノ森方面へ後退した。この戦闘で幕府陸軍第十二連隊長窪田鎮章および連隊副長秋山鉄太郎が戦死した。富ノ森には築造兵が酒樽に土砂を詰めて畳や戸板などを積み重ねて胸壁とした陣地を構築しており、後退した旧幕府軍はその陣地に入った。





1月5日、薩長間での協議の上、新政府軍は長州軍第五中隊、第一中隊を先頭として伏見街道(淀堤)を淀方面へ向けて前進した。伏見の長州軍には砲隊がなかったため、因幡藩の砲2門が長州軍に随伴し、その後に薩摩軍の小銃隊(十二番隊、二番遊撃隊、三番遊撃隊、二番隊、四番隊、私領二番隊)と砲隊が続いた。淀堤は宇治川右岸の堤防であり、南東に宇治川が流れ、北西は横大路沼から続く湿地帯であり、鳥羽街道方面同様、部隊を広く展開できない地形であり、新政府軍は狭い進撃路を進まざるを得なかった。旧幕府軍は淀堤上の千本松に防御陣地を構築し、会津兵(含 別撰組)、新選組、遊撃隊と幕府陸軍の一個小隊が守備についた。その前方の警戒陣地には斥候と砲2門が配備された。新政府軍の先頭である長州軍第五中隊が千両松付近に近づくと旧幕府軍は街道上の長州軍を砲撃し、長州軍がこれに応戦した。長州軍第五中隊は旧幕府軍の斥候と砲兵を射撃によって撃退し、砲2門を奪取した。すると枯れた蘆荻の茂みに潜伏していた会津藩の槍隊20~30名が長州軍の側面から白兵突撃を行ない、長州軍は射撃で応戦したが会津兵は長州軍の隊列に突入し乱戦となった。この戦闘で第五中隊の中隊司令であった石川厚狭介が戦死した。長州軍第五中隊は何とか会津兵を撃退したが、死傷者が多数発生したため一旦後退して部隊の整理を行ない、代わって長州軍第一中隊と因幡藩の砲隊が第一線に進出した。新政府軍と旧幕府軍双方が小銃や大砲で射撃し、両軍の間で激しい火戦が行なわれた。新選組も砲2門で射撃を行なっていたが、新政府軍の射撃により隊士が死傷した。火戦で勝負がつかなかったことから、新選組と会津兵は白兵突撃を試みたが、新政府軍の射撃によって撃退された。一方、川と湿地に挟まれて兵力を展開できない新政府軍も前進できず苦戦した。そのような中、因幡藩砲兵の砲が損傷し、射撃不能となった。薩摩軍の小銃十二番隊が長州軍の直後にまで割り込んで射撃を行なったが前進は困難であった。また、薩摩軍の臼砲が後方から友軍超過射撃をおこなったが、不慣れな間接射撃のため命中不良であった。小銃十二番隊はそれでも前進を試みるが茂みに潜伏していた会津兵の槍隊による待ち伏せ攻撃を受けた。薩摩軍は射撃によって会津兵を撃退したものの、別の会津兵の一隊が藪の中から薩摩兵を激しく射撃し、さらに別の会津兵の一隊が斬り込み攻撃を行なって乱戦となり、薩摩軍にも死傷者が発生し、小銃十二番隊隊長の伊集院与一も戦死した。また、2門の砲のうち1門が損傷し、もう1門は弾切れとなった。一旦後退していた長州軍第五中隊はこの状況を見て再度前進し、友軍をかき分けて第一線に進出し、旧幕府軍陣地へ向けて前進を始めた。旧幕府軍からの射撃を受けて第五中隊には死傷者が相次いで発生したが、これを意に介さず突進して旧幕府軍陣地に突入した。今回も潜伏していた旧幕府軍部隊が前進する長州軍へ斬り込み攻撃を試みたが後方の新政府軍部隊からの射撃によって撃退された。第五中隊の敵陣突入に続いて、長州軍第一中隊、薩摩軍小銃十二番隊も前進し、新政府軍は大集団となって突進した。戦線を維持できなくなった旧幕府軍は淀小橋を渡って淀市街へ向けて後退し、これを追撃する新政府軍は午後2時頃、淀小橋に到達した。



山内容堂は在京の土佐藩兵に「此度の戦闘は、薩摩・長州と会津・桑名の私闘であると解するゆえ、何分の沙汰ある迄は、此度の戦闘に手出しすることを厳禁す」と伝令を通して告ぐが、伏見方面では土佐藩士・山田喜久馬、吉松速之助、山地元治、北村重頼、二川元助らの諸隊は藩命を待たず、薩土密約に基づき戦闘に参加し旧幕府軍に砲撃を加えた。これが効を奏し幕軍は敗走。(渋谷伝之助隊は迷った末、参戦せず)土佐藩兵は勝利を挙げるが北村重頼率いる砲兵隊は妙法院に呼び戻され、厳しく叱責を受け切腹を覚悟する中、錦の御旗が翻り、藩命違反の処分が留保される。from wiki.

Tuesday, 29 January 2013


"Retreat to the Kizu River line?What does that mean ! ?"
"It means what you hear."

This is what the hatamoto Matsumura Noboru、current Tokugawa Shogunate Army Lieutenant、answered his longtime friend Sasaki tadasaburo.

"The Uji River line in the direction of the Fushimi Magistrate's Office had already been breached by the enemy.
Currently、five Army battalions are deployed along the Kizu River line、and the Engineer Corps is constructing powerful artillery positions.
I cannot help but be amazed at the heroic deeds of the Mimawarigumi since the start of the war、but currently an enemy battalion、likely Tosa clan soldiers、has advanced to the east side of the Katsura River.
The withdrawal of our forces from this area has already begun. If you remain in Kamogawa-cho、you will be left behind in enemy territory.
However、at the moment、it seems like the enemy is also in the process of organizing their front lines and reorganizing their troops、just like us. 
Next time、instead of being ambushed during a peaceful march, we can fight fair and square.
Don't miss this opportunity、Mimawarigumi should also retreat to Iwashimizu-no-Ogū right away."

"I understand if that's the case. Let's do that."

"Also、it pains me to say this to you a veteran warrior、but please avoid the route along the Katsura River as much as possible when you withdraw.
We would like to avoid the possibility of an unexpected encounter with the enemy as much as possible until my army is in good shape.
I think you guys have a good knowledge of this area and will be able to get to Hachiman Shrine without getting lost."

"Understood. Let's do that.
Hey、Yamada!Tell everyone to prepare to leave!""


"Do you still have any requests(lol)?"

"I don't think you never do something like that、but please do not set fire to the houses when you withdraw."

"Ah、I thought so because it was so unnatural、but was that fire caused by arson by our troops?"

"Ah、that's a ridiculous story.
Our troops、which were attempting to surround the enemy forces at Chūshojima from the north、were surprised by the enemy、and some of the soldiers set fire to nearby houses in defense - that's what they said、but as they were downwind they were eventually all troops driven back south of the Uji River.
The only relief is that the fire didn't spread as much as expected because the area has many rivers and moats.
After all、we call ourselves the Liberation Army、and yet we put such an unnecessary burden on civilians."

"However、I feel that when the war started we were too concerned with protecting the property of the people、and in the end we ended up lagging behind the enemy.
In the end、it will only cause greater harm to our fellow citizens."

"That may be true、but in this case、weren't they simply succumbing to their own fear of death?
Well、these are people who until recently had nothing to do with war.
And they barely had anything but spears and swords、and then suddenly they were hit by a barrage of gunfire from state-of-the-art guns.
I can understand the feeling of taking such action.
We undergo rigorous training every day、but we are no different from them in that we have no experience in actual combat.
To be honest、for example、I don't know how we would react if we were to face the Kiheitai、who have been trained through numerous battles and are even stronger than rumor has it.
To be honest、for example、these people made their name in the class war coup within the Choshu clan、so I can't really say much about it openly、but I don't know how we would react if we were to face the Kiheitai、who have been trained through numerous battles and are even stronger than rumor has it.
This may sound harsh、but the first thing 'modern armies' do in training is to create soldiers whose bodies will naturally follow any order given by their superiors、without them having to think about it、but we might end up doing the same thing as them."

"You're an army officer too、aren't you?Don't be so insecure(lol).
It's okay、I don't know if it's because of a sense of responsibility、but from my experience、when that time comes、I feel strangely calm."

"As expected、it's Sasaki Tadasaburo from Mimawarigumi."

"Just to let you know、it was our first time being thrown into the middle of gunfire、and then we quickly gave up on assault attacks with swords.
If we had continued to bayonet charge into the enemy line of fire in that condition、we would all be dead senselessly or crazy(lol).
However、for example、if we have your backing and are reasonably sure it is necessary even without it、we are always willing to launch a bayonet charge.
I think that's true for everyone.
I wonder if it's because of my experience as a Mimawarigumi or my innate personality that makes me feel that way. 
・・・No、I think there are quite a few people who think that way.
Even the Kiheitai were originally an amateur group of common people who responded to Takasugi's requests、right?
Also、most of the enemies we are facing are probably new to actual combat、but once they do、their courage is amazing、and in the blink of an eye、their proficiency as warriors quickly improves. I know this from my own experience as their enemy(lol).
Well、I don't understand difficult things、but if you're in a situation where you have no choice but to do it、then you have no choice but to do it、and you can do it.
You never behave in a cowardly manner, and you never let your subordinates do it either. Isn't that all you need to keep in mind?

Are you all ready?Let's go!"

"Can I talk about what has happened so far、rather than what will happen in the future?"
Sasaki spoke to Matsumura as they walked.

"We will be fortunate enough to be able to return the 42 new guns that we borrowed without damaging any of them、but I wonder if this will cause any inconvenience to Takikawa san?"

"No、it's okay."

"But all the guns are numbered."

"It's okay. It's something that happened on the battlefield(lol)、so we can handle it administratively.
Your troops will definitely need these guns in the future、so I hope they continue to be carried by your troops.
I will also lobby your superiors to get more modern guns into your troops."

"Your help is appreciated."

"However、there is no doubt that both Takigawa san and Takenaka san will find themselves in a difficult position in the future."

"However、Takenaka san had gone to Fushimi for a meeting on the orders of the shogunate、and as I was right next to Takigawa san when the war broke out、I can honestly say that he did nothing wrong.
Additionally、it seems that the battle at Fushimi soon became fierce、and the enemy advanced quickly towards Shimo-Toba. Takenaka san probably couldn't return to his unit even if he had wanted to."

"Third parties have no choice but to judge based on the actual results、and if the war situation does not improve、they will definitely be held responsible for such a huge loss."

"Takigawa-san never had command of the army in the first place、and he never behaved like one.
Well、we just need to win. Then the situation will change again."

"At least、Takigawa-san never had command of the army in the first place、and he never behaved like one.
Well、we just need to win. Then the situation will change again."

"Well then、Sasaki、the sun is still high、of course we're on guard、but there's a possibility that enemy snipers have already invaded this area、so don't take any simple actions."

"Isn't it much more dangerous for you on horseback than for me on foot?You're an officer no matter how you look at it(lol)."

"I know that without you telling me(lol).
Also、this may not be possible if you join up with other retreating troops、but try not to use torches, even after dark.
Not only will the torches in the dark be targeted from close range by snipers、but we also want to avoid the enemy knowing our movements as much as possible."

"Okay、I get it.
Well、see you later!"

"See you later!"

※☟Original text as of 7:43am, 30/12/2018(japan time). 2024080109:54(japan time).

"Our army is Satsuma and Choshu only.
They alone can not win the Tokugawa.
As soon as possible、the Emperor should cut off the relationship with Satsuma and Choshu.
If we do not do so、we must have retaliation by the Tokugawa."
The aristocracy thought so.

Tosa troops participation to battle had prohibited by order of Tosa government.
(In reality、Tosa troops were beginning to participate by the discretion in the field.)


"Evacuation of the Emperor to Mount Hiei. 
Its action would lead to confusion in reverse.
Imperial court should change nothing.
(Because we will fix things up by negotiation.)"

Sympathetic lords to the Tokugawa in Kyoto.
They insisted so.

"Evacuation is not good choice."
Of course Iwakura also insisted so.
”If war situation unfavorable.
The Emperor will moved to west Japan.”
But there was this secret plan from the beginning. 

"Evacuation of the Emperor to Mount Hiei.
This plan can be used for our plan.
Because interest of the Tokugawa become towards Hiei by it.
In the meantime、the Emperor can move to west Japan."

Speculation had been complicated.

※Hiei is located in the northeast of Kyoto、of course it is the head temple of Tendai sect.
Although its scale is different、it may be equivalent to Ueno Kanagaji for Edo Castle.
It may be irrelevant to Buddhism、but its position may be meaningful to protect Feng Shui gate.※


golden years

from めぞん一刻 15 桜の下で

amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅣ‐11-5-THE BEGINNING OF THE END OF THE BEGINNING☺️