Patlabor 2 : The Movie - HD Eng Subs 👈push

Sunday, 11 November 2012


"Yoshinobu used his military power to intimidate the nobility into approving a treaty he led (a treaty in which the Tokugawa would sell Japan to foreign countries in exchange for vast wealth).
This was a serious act of blasphemy by the Tokugawa、not only against the nobility、but above all against the Emperor.
As a Japanese person、this is a very serious problem.
As punishment、we should strip the Tokugawa of his position as shogunate shogun."
Some time later、a large number of such mysterious documents were openly distributed mainly in Kyoto and Osaka.

"The Kawaraban I read in Shimonoseki said that Lord Shimazu was vehemently criticizing the Shogunate regarding this matter?"

"The unprecedented tyranny of the Tokugawa shogunate is clear、and it is only natural that we should vehemently protest against it."
Saigo、who had just arrived in Kyoto、asked this question and Okubo answered that.

"So、was there any kind of reaction from Tokugawa?"

"Yoshinobu is a Tokugawa shogun even if he is rotten、and if he were concerned about the huge backlash that would inevitably follow his actions、he wouldn't have taken such a blatant action in the first place.
Even so、the public's open and harsh criticism of Tokugawa is not in vain.
It actually happened、which is amazing.
Aside from that、what was the outcome of the discussion with Choshu regarding the Choshu troops going to Kyoto?"

"1,500 fully armed soldiers、which they say is the maximum they can send to Kyoto at this point.
However、they assured me that they would all be the best from the Choshu army."

"That means、including our army、we can currently gather 3,500 people in Kyoto."

Around this time、they were devising a plan to gather the forces of the Satsuma clan in Kyoto.
Of course、all this was preparation for war with the Tokugawa shogunate.

And of course、there were many cautious opinions within the Satsuma clan regarding the start of the anti-shogunate war.
Their plan to dispatch troops to Kyoto was not easily approved.

"Okay、I get the point.
Things will probably change once the war actually starts、but we should think of our total military strength as 3,500 people and create an operational plan、Plan A.

There are two main points.

The first is at the outbreak of war in Kyoto with the Tokugawa shogunate、we must never stand in the same position as the Choshu clan during the Kinmon Incident and the Hamaguri Gomon Incident.
We must always be by the Emperor's side at all times.

The other thing is、with that in mind、Kyoto is a difficult land to defend; in fact、Kyoto is a bit of a burden for our troops; we may temporarily make a strategic retreat westward from Kyoto、but we must not be upset."

"Are you going to tell Lord Choshu exactly that?"
"Of course、we don't want to do theater、we want to change reality.
Now、it would be dangerous for us to convey to the Choshu clan only things that are pleasant to their ears、and are filled with diplomatic rhetoric.
What we need to do now、as members of the same anti-Shogunate army、is to urgently and promptly convey to them what we believe to be the truth."

"Understood、by what time will your letter be ready?"

"I will finish writing it before dawn tomorrow."

"If it、I'll leave for Osaka after I eat breakfast tomorrow.
I'll leave Ryusuke (Saigo's younger brother) in Kyoto、so if anything happens, please use him to contact me."

"Are you going back to Satsuma so soon?"

"You too would like to spend your precious free time meeting your lover instead of me、right?
Well、let me take a bath."
Saigo grinned and got up.

"Kichi Saa、of course…"
"Okay、I will ask Katsura san to promptly inform us of the information they have obtained.

※Saigo Kichinosuke Takamori - Based on my memory、Takamori is his grandfather's name、his real name、which his parents(?) gave him、is Saigo Kichinosuke Takanaga(?). 2024012109:44(japan time).

"Still、what if we lose the war?"
"At that time、we will all just be Minamoto no Yoshinaka kou instead of Dai Nan Kou."
When the lord of Choshu heard this Saigo's answer、he accepted Okubo's plan with a smile.

◆kawaraban (type of Edo-period single-page newspaper) from weblio 英和・和英辞典


"Yoshinobu threatened the aristocracy for approval of that Convention.
This is not only against aristocrats、above all it is a great blasphemy against the Emperor.
This is a very serious problem as a Japanese.
We should be deprive of the status of the Shogun of Tokugawa as punishment."
Okubo claimed so.

At the same time、he was planning to muster soldiers from Satsuma to Kyoto.
All was preparation for war of course.

And of course there was also a cautious opinion inside Satsuma’s regime.
Okubo's troops deployment plan wasn't approved easily.




※Although the current video file is not Eng Subs (lol). 2024011417:43(japan time)

"機動警察パトレイバー THE MOVIE 2"

竹中直人根津甚八露木茂山崎弘也林修中井貴一ダウンタウンちゅうかこのレベルの連中全員ゴミ。ちがうなら死なんだろ。やるだけやってみろ泥人形。8月 06, 2018


ここがあいたから書いとこう。劇団ひとりムロツヨシ、ゴミ死刑ってことで。つきまといはいかんぞ。8月 04, 2018






※Now、let's return to the main story(lol). 2034011416:52(japan time).

Naturally、the four lords gathered at the meeting had different intentions.

"Satsuma's actions are too hasty.
I can't help but think that their action are not done out of concern for Japan、but rather that they are using this opportunity to achieve some kind of ambition of their own. "
The lord of Tosa domain returned to Tosa without saying much.

However、many people who sympathized with Satsuma had already appeared in Tosa.
What was distinctive about them was that unlike in the past、they were not lower-ranking samurai、but many of them were senior samurai of Tosa.
This fact may have been distasteful to the Tosa feudal lord.
In other words、Nakaoka's efforts have finally paid off.
※Although Nakaoka was previously in his escort team(lol).

※If this "Lord of Tosa clan" is "Yamanouchi no Yōdō"、I think he is in the position of "de facto Lord of Tosa clan" at this point. 2024011417:33(japan time).

There was an upper class samurai of Tosa named "Inui Taisuke".
He visited Saigo with Nakaoka.

"The time to overthrow the Tokugawa shogunate is now."
He argued so vehemently.

※I think their meeting place is Kyoto、but I don't know right now. 2024011417:17(japan time).


Among Nakaoka and Inui's comrades was a man named Goto Shojiro、an upper-class samurai of the Tosa clan.
He came to Kyoto from Nagasaki to meet his master.
However、by that time、the master had already returned to Tosa.

By the way、he was proposing a certain policy in the form of a letter to his master.
※According to my memory、thereby he was called to Kyoto.

Later、this policy would be called "Taisei Hōkan''.

Monday, 12 November 2012


Like many other clans、the Tosa clan decided to start overseas trade in Nagasaki、and Goto Shojiro was put in charge of its branch office、and it was there that he met Sakamoto.

※I'm writing this from memory as well、but this was natural before Japan abandoned its national isolation policy、but even after abandoning the policy of national isolation、the Tokugawa shogunate initially strictly prohibited all clans from having contact with other countries、and I believe that in reality the Tokugawa shogunate monopolized the profits of overseas trade. 2024011520:28(japan time).

He met fellow Tosa native Sakamoto、which was probably very beneficial for him as he started a new and unknown business in Nagasaki.
This is because Sakamoto already had extensive connections in the Nagasaki business community、both Japanese and Western、and had solidified the foundation of his company's business.

"They are、after all、Gōshi.
All I have to do is summon the representative、Sakamoto、to me."
Maybe Goto had such a plan at the beginning.

There were many Tosa Gōshi people at Sakamoto's company in reality.
(This company also participated in the Choshu Army as a naval volunteer force in the last war.)

And there was one problem between them and Goto that was bigger than anything else.
The prime minister of the Tosa government who was once assassinated by radicals centered around Gōshi、Goto was his nephew.

In addition、the pain of the retaliation against them by the upper class of the Tosa clan、that is、the heavy oppression inflicted on their comrades、was still fresh in their minds.

"Goto is our hated enemy!
This is a great opportunity, we should kill him!"
The majority of people around Sakamoto had such harsh opinions、but Sakamoto rejected all of them and went to the restaurant that Goto had specified.

"For example、I will act as the leader of 500 people.
Or、I will use my opinion to move the entire Tosa clan's policies in the direction I want.
Comparing the two、I think the latter is better for Japan.
I believe the latter idea is a good thing for Japan.
That's why I decided to meet you."
At this time、Sakamoto said so.

※When they first met Sakamoto、Goto had invited Sakamoto's favorite geisha to the restaurant in advance.
I suddenly thought、I think Sakamoto's wife's sister was a geisha.※


golden years

from めぞん一刻 15 桜の下で

amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅣ‐11-5-THE BEGINNING OF THE END OF THE BEGINNING☺️