I don't know the exact date right now.

Sunday, 2 December 2012


"It is true that it is extremely unrealistic and almost impossible to think that the Tokugawa shogunate would accept the Tosa clan's policy of restoring imperial rule in the current difficult socio-political situation.
However、that is only the conclusion that comes from considering this issue without one、but most important、factor.

Yes、the current Tokugawa Shogunate shogun is Yoshinobu kou.
He is undoubtedly one of Japan's wisest monarchs、and most importantly、he is one of the Japanese people who best understands Japan's current situation in the world.
I'm sure of that.

There is no other way to rescue Japan from its current predicament other than this policy.
He's not the one who doesn't understand that、this proposal will definitely be approved."

Goto stayed up all night persuading the strong opposition within the Tosa clan、then he personally went to Nijo Castle、the center of the Tokugawa shogunate in Kyoto、and submitted this policy to restore imperial rule as the official opinion of the Tosa clan.

"If there was a better alternative to the Tosa clan's proposal、of course the Tosa clan would be willing to follow it.
But do we currently have any other options?
The government of Japan has been officially handed over to His Majesty the Emperor by the Tokugawa Shogun、and from now on、all equal people will unite under His Majesty and aim to realize a better society.
The Tosa clan believes that this is the only way to peacefully resolve the current difficult situation in Japan.
Everything is imminent.
Please consider this for the sake of Japan's future."
He said this to Itakura Katsukiyo、a prominent figure in the Tokugawa Shogunate. 


"Lords、this time、the Tosa clan submitted a policy to restore imperial rule to Kōgi.

For example、suppose that the Tokugawa shogunate decided to return the administration of Japan、which had been entrusted to the imperial court for a long time、to the imperial court.
In my personal opinion、I have no objection to that.
This is because、needless to say、the Tokugawa is nothing more than a vassal of His Majesty the Emperor、as all of us Tokugawa vassals think.
And by doing so、the Tokugawa will also be able to make clear to the people the simple truth of the absolute loyalty to the Emperor that all of us Tokugawa samurai possess.

However、as a very practical matter、even if we returned Japan's administration to them、I do not believe that they would have the ability to take control and manage it.

Above all、the social situation in Kyoto-Osaka is worsening day by day、and there is a high possibility that riots will break out by rioters incited by dissatisfied elements.
The fact that the peace and order in this region is still maintained today is the result of the relentless efforts and sacrifices of the Tokugawa Shogunate.

If Tokugawa were to suddenly abandon the Japanese government under these circumstances、it is impossible to predict what would happen."
※I don't know whether he was in Osaka or Kyoto at this time.

"If the Tokugawa shogunate were to abandon Japan's government under the current circumstances、there is no doubt that Japan would enter an era of military divisions similar to the Sengoku period 300 years ago.
Such a situation is only beneficial to the foreign countries that are now intently aiming to colonize Japan."
It seems that there were many opinions like that as well. 

Monday, 3 December 2012


The Tosa clan submitted a policy to restore imperial rule to the Tokugawa shogunate as the clan's opinion、and its contents were almost the same as "The eight policy in the ship" drafted by Sakamoto and others.

"Members of Parliament are elected by those who have the right to vote."
The difference was probably that this point was made clearer.
What is important is that there appears to have been no rejection or notable opposition among the Tokugawa Shogunate ministers who read this opinion (of course、Goto et al. have probably already explained to them several times the amount of text).

"If the Tokugawa shogunate were to suddenly relinquish its right to rule Japan at this point、Japan would definitely return to an era of military divisions like the Sengoku period 300 years ago."
There were certainly such opinions.

"My opinion is different.
Japan is already in an age where armed daimyo (lords of war) are scattered all over the place, similar to the Sengoku period、and if this situation continues、this will only become more so.
Unfortunately、I think it is no longer possible for the Tokugawa Shogunate to maintain public order in Japan under the current system.

The only authority that can unite the hearts of the Japanese people in this regard is His Majesty the Emperor.
Tokugawa temporarily returned the power of Japan to His Majesty the Emperor and unified its name and reality、and、I am very humbled by His Majesty、but Tokugawa will once again replace His Majesty and be in charge of governing Japan.
(Naturally、fundamental institutional reforms will be carried out as soon as possible.)
If this is it、it would also be possible to obtain the approval of most of the Tokugawa vassals.
(In fact、it would be unreasonable to impose practical duties on His Majesty the Emperor.
Someone has to do it on behalf of His Majesty.)"
That's what Yoshinobu thought.


"The process to achieve that without disruption is currently unknown to me."
- The last thing I need to avoid right now is being assassinated (of course、his guard against the outside is perfect).
The Tokugawa just is Japan's greatest armed daimyo、isolated from all others、and we cannot afford to let this go wild. -

Tokugawa still did not respond to Goto、who had been waiting in a separate room for several hours.

"If Tosa's proposal is rejected by the Shogunate、Satsuma will immediately raise an army.
Similarly、the Tosa clan should immediately dispatch troops to Kyoto."
The night before this day、such a notice had been delivered from the Satsuma clan to the Tosa clan without any concealment.
In fact、regardless of the success or failure of Tosa clan's proposal、Satsuma clan had decided to raise an army.

Tuesday, 4 December 2012


"If this policy of restoring imperial rule is rejected by the Tokugawa、you should simply commit seppuku and die at Nijo Castleto to show your protest.
Of course、I will also die fighting the Tokugawa."
This was also the night before submission、Sakamoto said this to Goto during the final discussion at the Tosa clan residence in Kyoto.

The situation was such that it was difficult to predict whether the plan to restore imperial rule would be accepted by the shogunate or not、as the consequences would be extremely serious.

"It goes without saying."
Goto replied.

"It is self-evident that the only way to peacefully resolve the current extremely chaotic situation in Japan is through this policy of restoring imperial rule.
I will risk my life to negotiate with the Tokugawa、that's why…."

Goto continued speaking.

"Until you hear the news that I'm dead、please don't take any drastic action based on your personal judgment."


"This policy of restoring imperial rule was rejected by the Tokugawa shogunate.
What this means is that in today's Japan、reform from above is impossible、and there is absolutely no hope for self-purification.
They are free to board the sunken ship、but I will never allow them to put all Japanese people on board…."

Sakamoto suddenly stopped speaking.

Goto: You can't die、no matter what happens, you must come back alive.
And this time、let's aim for a revolution from below、led by the true Japanese people."
"That being said、the stupid plan you used to talk about、'inciting hidden Christians to attack the Nagasaki Magistrate's office to raise funds for the revolution,' is no good."
At this point、Nagaoka chimed in with a friendly voice.

"You know that when you get to know them、right?
They are good, ordinary people everywhere."

"Nagaoka san、I'm thinking of you as your friend、and I can see that right away.
However、the day may be drawing near when these ordinary people all of Japan will have to stand up."
Sakamoto answered Nagaoka、whom he himself had chosen as his secretary.

※"Hey Goto, will the Tosa clan raise an army along with Satsuma?"

"I can't say for sure、because I really can't predict that、but I think Taisuke will do that.
Sakamoto、don't you know more about the current "Taisuke" than me?

…This is my personal opinion、but if the anti-Shogunate army were to raise an army、it would be extremely significant that the Tosa clan army would be included from the beginning."

"That's right、I think so too." 2024032818:38(japan time).※


About six months ago、a secret Christian church for hidden Christians was being built in Urakami、Nagasaki.
However、around that time、a top secret investigation by the shogunate police had already begun、and one night during mass、they were attacked by the Tokugawa police corps.
As a result、about 30 Christians were arrested that night alone.
(Of course、Japan did not yet have a modern police system.)

※I may have already mentioned that later (lol)、but I don't know the date of this raid now because I don't look it up now. 2024032813:29(japan time).

※About five years ago、Sakamoto's comrades raised an army in Yamato (now Nara Prefecture) in order to become pioneers of the revolution.
When they first raised an army、there were only about 50 people、but later 1,000 people joined, including Totsukawa goshi from the central part of the Kii Peninsula. (according to electronic dictionary)

By the way、I heard on "How do you like Wednesday" that Suzui Takayuki san's ancestors were from Totsukawa.
And there is also a short story by Shiba san that depicts an incident in which good local officials of the Tokugawa shogunate were slaughtered by the "revolutionary army" (as an evil and despicable thief who exploits common people's property /2024033107:16/ japan time ).

Of course、there is definitely a truth that is different from the "historical facts".
And of course、the officials (managerial positions?) dispatched from Edo to the local shogunate territories were said to have been carefully selected to be people with excellent personalities who could serve as role models for other clans in managing their territories.※


"NHKスペシャル 放送80周年 日中共同制作 新シルクロード 第2集 トルファン 灼熱(しゃくねつ)の大画廊"


"新日本紀行 投書シリーズ わが山河 第3集 やがては夢の中に ー湖底に沈む村々ー"



amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅣ‐45-1-タクテクス No.6 特集 奇襲!空挺作戦/クロスオブアイアン 最新ルールへのリフィット/TAC-CON情報 東京・横浜・大阪コンベンション1-51ページ。

amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅣ‐42-11-☺️ε`○)。

amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅣ‐3-4-襲撃のプレリュード。