The bad guys live in hell.

Saturday, 13 October 2012


Sakamoto established a company in Nagasaki with support from the Satsuma clan.
(This is said to be Japan's first modern company).
Naturally、many of Sakamoto's comrades from his Kobe days were involved in this company、but their salaries currently come from the Satsuma clan.

"I can't survive on such a low salary."

They are not celestial immortals who don't need to eat anything.
This meant that food、clothing and shelter were guaranteed for the time being、but one man soon began to complain.
(By the way、when I looked into their salaries、I didn't think they were low salaries at all.
I think that extreme inflation was already progressing throughout Japan.)

However、objectively speaking、what was most important to them at this time was that they were under the protection of the Satsuma clan.
They were mainly ronin from the Tosa clan (although the man who complained was different).
At that time、they were treated as suspects of national crimes by the Tosa clan government in their home country.

Ever since the battle in Kyoto、the Tosa ronin and Choshu samurai were subject to being killed by the Tokugawa shogunate at any time.
And Nagasaki was a territory of the Tokugawa shogunate.

On the other hand、the Satsuma clan remained on the side of the Tokugawa shogunate (ostensibly) until the final stage.
Therefore、since they were under the protection of the Satsuma clan、Tokugawa shogunate officials could not interfere with them.

※I don't know now whether they were using pseudonyms connected to the Satsuma clan or calling themselves Tosa ronin at this time. 2023092112:07 (japan time).

However、I think that they were under the surveillance of the Tokugawa Shogunate.
The Tokugawa era was also an era of surveillance society.
Their situation was probably not so optimistic.
(Of course "they" were in that world、too.)

※"007" may be extreme、but I think now the "so-called" spies are those who will fight for humanity.

※For example、the guards at Oura Cathedral.
Along with their mission to protect Westerners、they were also watching to see if hidden Japanese Christians approached the cathedral.
Naturally、there must have been a guard house near the church (I think I read a book that said something like that).
However、I believe that the farmers of Urakami easily entered (and left) the church ("turning a blind eye"、although、of course、there is a general impression that this era was a bribery society).

The former task was probably more important to them.

However、after a while the people of Urakami were "rounded up"、but this sentence is written based solely on my imagination、and this is just my impression、but I don't think they (Tokugawa Shogunate officials) are adventurists enough to use churches as bait.

※After this encounter、the people of Urakami began openly acting as Christians、which is prohibited by national law. 2023092112:54 (japan time).

By the way、the Japanese government's persecution of these people、which began with this "round-up"、continued until after the Meiji Restoration、when it was stopped due to severe protests from Western countries.

As I may mention later、they called this persecution a "journey."
They were sent to various parts of Japan and tortured there. ※

※As a result of continuing to supplement the text、the story doesn't connect well with this (lol)、but. 2023092113:04 (japan time).

I think people like Sakamoto were closely monitored as dangerous elements of the anti-Tokugawa shogunate.
"What is being planned behind the scenes?"
Officials of the Tokugawa shogunate must have had a fairly accurate grasp of the truth.

※About 10 years before、I was thinking of writing such a novel (of course in japanese).


Incidentally、decades later、the man who complained about his low salary became the Japanese government's foreign minister.

※"Out of all of us、you and I are the only ones who can make a living even if we quit being samurai."
"I'm want to washing of Japan."
Sakamoto seems to have told him that.

"I would like to meet with you soon to discuss Japan's future."
There is also a letter that Sakamoto sent to him just before he was assassinated.※

※By the way.
"Please stepping on it.
I want to share the pain that arises in your heart when you do that.
I just exist for that purpose."
In the novel by Endo Syusaku san、it comes out as the word of Christ.

"That is just the thought of Japanese Buddhism." (Was it Jodo Shinshu?)
Endo san's friend Shiba san says so (lol).

They seemed to have spent every new year at same hotel in Kyoto with their wife.※


golden years

from めぞん一刻 15 桜の下で

amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅣ‐11-5-THE BEGINNING OF THE END OF THE BEGINNING☺️