It took almost 4 hours.

Sunday, 23 September 2012


People like them called "kin'nō".
When I translated using Google、"kin'nō" is "loyalism".

"People who are loyal to the emperor."
I think "kin'nō" is such meaning. 
"To ordinary people、the word kin'nō sounded like a robber or an arsonist."
"We were striving to overthrow the Tokugawa shogunate、but until just before the Meiji Restoration、I honestly didn't think it would happen."

After the times have changed、a man who was once a ronin from Tosa said so.


 Well、for the sake of explanation、let's go back in time about 250 years.

Representative feudal lords of the Western Army other than Choshu and Satsuma at the Battle of Sekigahara in 1600.
One of them was Tosa (the Chōsokabe clan).

But the Chosokabe clan was destroyed by the Tokugawa after the war、and Tosa became the territory of the Yamanouchi clan.
After this、throughout the Tokugawa hegemony、the former vassals of Chosokabe were placed in a lower position than the samurai of Yamanouchi.
They were called "郷士/Goushi" (This translates to "village samurai" in my literal translation).

"Situation makes a person"
I don't know if these words represent the truth、but within various constraints、a kind of democratic culture was born in Goushi.

By the way、from the background of its establishment、the Yamanouchi clan felt a historical debt of gratitude to the Tokugawa shogunate.
Therefore、after this、many ronin appeared from the descendants of former Chosokabe samurai.

※After the Battle of Sekigahara、I think the Yamanouchi clan's territory was about five times larger than before.
Is it about 240,000 g(k)oku?
At that time、Japan used to express the size of their territories by the amount of own rice harvested.

"石/Koku" is a unit of rice yield、and1 koku is about 180.4 liters.
And "石/Goku"、this may result in voiced sounds due to Japanese pronunciation.

May be "goku" if the last vocalization unit of measure exceeds 1000.
For example、214,320 koku - It is troublesome to write the Japanese pronunciation of this number in the alphabet、so it is omitted (lol).
Please you think "that's what he says only"(lol).

By the way、I think this unit of measure is rarely used now.
However、it is possible that farmers still use it on a daily basis.※

※Choshu at that time had 369,000 goku.
Although this is an official figure、it is said that the land reclamation business and other new developments in Choshu were prosperous、and the actual yield during this period exceeded 1,000,000 goku.

Aside from that、"In the past、we were Mouri samurai."
It seems that there were many ordinary people in Choshu who had such family legends.
And in the case of Choshu、its legends had enough credibility.
And importantly、the lords and retainers of the Mouri also thought so.

After this、the thought will come to fruition as "Japan's first national soldier".※

※Ronin's "shares" may have been the main target、but I think the trading of "samurai status rights" was common.

※I don't know the details now、but from what I can remember、I think the price was very high even for the lower-class Tokugawa samurai rights in Edo.
For example、I think a wealthy merchant bought the rights to his own children who weren't the eldest son who couldn't take over the store.
This is from my memory、so it's inaccurate、so please do your own research if you're interested (lol). 2023050822:13 (japan time).


More than 250 years passed after the Battle of Sekigahara、Kyoto has seen many assassinations and robberies、and security has deteriorated significantly.

Were these tragedies limited to Kyoto?
No、(especially) robberies weren't limited to Kyoto.

"We are kin'nō."
"You should be willing to fund our righteous reformation."
Violent gangs that threaten merchants in groups like that have already begun to emerge mainly in big cities.

And an assassinations in Kyoto.
As an individual thought of a ronin.
As an idea of the ronin organization.
And as some clan intrigue.

”Create a situation.”

As a result of the intersection of various selfish thoughts、the devastation in Kyoto、which suddenly became the center of politics、 had become too serious.

”Create a situation.”

Of course、there were many robberies、the public order in Kyoto deteriorated remarkably.


By the way、the aforementioned Tosa ronin attained prosperity after the Meiji Restoration.
However、that was a very rare case.

In the style of Shiba Ryotaro san、I would say、the samurai who belonged to each clan also had the aspect of diplomats when they went out of their own territory.
In short、they were guaranteed a certain level of status.

Unlike that、ronin basically don't have a guardian、especially after this、their life becomes very cheap.
For example、most of the Tosa ronin who participated in this revolution were killed before the establishment of the Meiji Restoration.

When the era began to move、their work was inherited by Yamanouchi samurai.
Depending on how we look at it、it could be said that the Yamanouchi samurai had deprived them of their life-threatening achievements.

However、including Yamanouchi samurai、after the Meiji Restoration、'Tosa' became a major nucleus for the germination of democracy in Japan.

※It may have been a limited connection between extremists、but even before that、exchanges between the two factions of Tosa had already begun.※

※He、Tanaka Mitsuaki、after his rise、he seems to have received various notoriety.
After the Meiji Restoration、he was collecting manuscripts of deceased comrades in order to prevent its dissipation.※

※Of course、if you don't know what kind of person he is、you can interpret this fact as you like. 2023050907:28 (japan time).

※By the way.


This is what happens when I speak this word clearly.
But actually、the last "U" is not pronounced clearly.


Does it feel like this (it's not the English pronunciation of "too")?

I hope there is a notation to extend the ending on "o"、but I do not have that notation on my computer now. (as the bar on top of the o.)

For example pronunciation "kyatto" in Japanese is close to pronunciation "cat" maybe.※

This is probably my opinion from 2012 (lol). 2023050907:41 (japan time).


golden years

from めぞん一刻 15 桜の下で

amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅣ‐11-5-THE BEGINNING OF THE END OF THE BEGINNING☺️