claims did not change

Friday, 28 September 2012

"We should retaliate against Japan with force right now."

However、the British acting ambassador did not accept this request、which made up the majority of public opinion.
※This may not be unique to Yokohama、but of course、this is public opinion within the foreign settlement (and of course、rumors of this incident would have spread quickly overseas).

※I write "the British acting ambassador", which is probably "the British charge d'affaires". 2023061118:46 (japan time).

"Identify the killer and hand him over to us."
"Payment of justified damages for this incident."
Instead of using force、he demanded these two things from the Tokugawa shogunate based on international law.

As a result of the negotiations、the Tokugawa Shogunate agreed to promptly pay the damages.
However、because the culprit of the incident was a samurai of the Satsuma clan、the culprit could not be handed over to England.

※It may be incomprehensible、in Japan before the opening of the country、the Tokugawa shogunate might have been able to "request the extradition of murderers" against Satsuma under strong pressure、even if the Satsuma clan was a major power.

Therefore、the British themselves started negotiations with Satsuma、one of the clans in Japan.
(At this point the British – at least in the Far East – may have begun to question the Tokugawa government's ability to govern.)

The negotiations soon fell apart and a war broke out between Britain and Satsuma、but the war resulted in no victory for either side.

The Satsuma army inflicted great damage on the British fleet、but the city of Kagoshima、the center of Satsuma、was also heavily damaged by the bombardment of the British fleet.

Well、after this a strange thing happened.


"If we demand them with a firm (arrogant) attitude、they will always accept our demands (if we don't behave like that、they will quickly underestimate us and negotiating will only do us a disservice)."

At that time、people from Western society who came to the Far East may have thought so about Eastern society.
In fact、that was how the Tokugawa shogunate dealt with them.
And of course、it was probably a universal "adult response".

The Satsuma (Shimadzu) clan was indeed a large power within Japan、but from the perspective of the world、it was no more than a feudal lord ruling a small part of Japan.
But Satsuma never changed its stance on Britain.
Even going to war with Britain didn't change their claims.
Even after their capital was devastated、their claims remained the same.

An easy negotiating partner for Britain、it may have been the Tokugawa shogunate、who always had an "adult response".

After this、however、Britain became very friendly to Satsuma.


The war also made Satsuma aware of the serious differences between themselves and Western civilization.
Although Satsuma、whose own country became the battlefield、had an overwhelming number of soldiers、Kagoshima、the capital、suffered enormous damage.

Perhaps their stubbornness caused this war.
(And perhaps in terms of "perception" it is a mutual problem.)

However、after this、England and Satsuma quickly became closer.
(Of course、it all started with the Namamugi incident.)
And if politics is a result、then Satsuma will demonstrate the best political skills in Japan from now on.

※By the way、I wrote yesterday "as if the sun rises in the east、this realization has naturally led to clashes with the West".
After this I planned to write that "America is East of Japan."
(I am considerably modifying the sentences I once wrote.)

It happens to me often、but I completely forgot about it (lol).
(It takes me a long time to translate one sentence into English.)

※Am I writing based on the historical events of Prince Shotoku?
I'm not quite sure what I wanted to say now (lol). 
Especially my early English sentences are like a "telephone game" (lol). 2023061120:32 (japan time).

So、I write easily what I remembered.

The Battle of Sekigahara、where about 150,000 soldiers from both sides gathered together.
After many twists and turns、Shimazu (Satsuma) joined the Western Army with about 1,500 soldiers.
(It seems that only the soldiers who were near Osaka at that time participated in this war.)

They in fact intended to join the Eastern Army.
However、after they joined the Western Army、they frequently proposed strategies for victory to the core of the Western Army.
But it was all ignored.

And during the actual battle、they stayed in their own position and didn't move at all.
In the battle、betrayal occurred frequently in the West Army、and the East Army won a great victory.

When the battle was almost over、and as a result、about 100,000 enemies filled Sekigahara、they began to "withdraw" towards the large army in front of them.※


golden years

from めぞん一刻 15 桜の下で

amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅣ‐11-5-THE BEGINNING OF THE END OF THE BEGINNING☺️