human beings

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

i trust you

When I was a child、there was a lot of garbage floating in the river in my neighborhood.
It also produced strange bubbles and gave off an unpleasant odor.
This poor environment is not a peculiar phenomenon only in my neighborhood、I think the situation of rivers in Japanese cities at that time was almost the same.
I also heard the word "smog" on a daily basis.

And now、for example today、the air is very clean.
※This is based on a sentence I wrote in Japanese about 10 years ago when I was living near Tōbu-nerima Station in Tokyo. 2023041711:20 (japan time).

"All rivers are very clean."
"There is no garbage floating in the river."

However、unfortunately I cannot say so.
However、there are no strange bubbles in the river、and there is no unpleasant smell.

I don't think this environment is unique to my neighborhood、and I think the environment of rivers in Japanese cities today is roughly like this.
Of course I wouldn't say "everything".


Perhaps、I think politicians made an effort.
I think public officials made an effort.
I think companies made an effort.

Above all、I think human beings made an effort.

Of course I think that had power struggle there.
I think that had moneymaking there.
I think that had something unfair there.

Not limited to politicians and public officials.
I think everyone had something unfair there.

But some of those results are the air and rivers of today.
Of course it's still incomplete.
For example、smog has not yet completely disappeared.

However、all thoughts of the people who live in Japan until now.
(not only Japanese people)
The sum is the current air and rivers in Japan.

I believe human beings had been repeated the years that isn't meaningless.

Wednesday, 19 September 2012


Incidentally、Izutsu san's talk had been continued like this.

Without a meta-language、I don't think that the cosmosization of the international community that I mentioned earlier will be possible.
I think it would be impossible if each ethnic group only knew their own language.

However、even so、there is a limit to just learning the language of another ethnic group.
For that to happen、a meta-language cultural paradigm must be established、and that is where the mission of philosophy.

Well、it's "idealistic theory"、but I think so.





↓ is "roughly". 

Meta-language is a Earthling language.
Cultural paradigm is "common sense of USA people"、"common sense of Iraq people" and "common sense of  Japanese people".
(Of course this can not say "ethnic groups".)

"Become the cosmos of the true international community" is  "became Earthling".

Such meaning I think. ・・・Maybe(lol). 

Thursday, 20 September 2012

closed-door policy

Until around the end of the samurai era in the middle of the 19th century、Japan prohibited exchanges with foreign countries for more than 200 years as a national policy.
It is called "Sakoku".
In the first place、this policy was carried out primarily as a defensive precaution against aggression by the Western countries of Christendom.

※Now、if I were to write it down in a simple way、the Japanese rulers at the time feared that Westerners would spread Christianity to the Japanese、which was different from Japan's culture、and that they would be brainwashed、as a result、Japan would be taken over by a foreign king. 2023041712:42 (japan time).

※When did the word "Sakoku" come into use?2023041712:44 (japan time).

As a matter of fact、this era was “Age of Great Adventures” without good or bad.
For example、I think that news of the Inca Empire in South America naturally came to Japan.

However、in 1854、due to pressure from Western countries、the samurai government decided to abandon its isolation policy.
Putting aside the evaluation of the process leading to its political decision、I think that this is a natural trend considering the current state of the world at that time.
(The departure date has already passed.)

"Western countries was era of after the Industrial Revolution already.
If Japan had not abandoned its policy of national isolation at this point、the gap between Japan and Western countries would have widened further.
Japan was able to catch up with the West because it abandoned its policy of national isolation at this point in the early modern period when it was still technically possible to catch up."

I remember heard so in college classes.
※In the sense that the way to introduce western civilization was opened.


Japan at that time was、so to speak、acoalition kingdom of Samurai.
There were many samurai countries called "Three hundred lords".
The Tokugawa clan was their leader.
Some of these countries were considered potential enemies of the Tokugawa clan.
The representatives were "Satsuma" (Shimazu clan) and "Chōshū'" (Mōri clan).

The Tokugawa clan's hegemony was established with the victory of the Battle of Sekigahara in 1600.
Samurai from all over the country participated in this battle、divided into the "Eastern Army" and the "Western Army" to fight.
As a result、the Eastern Army won、and the countries of the Western Army were almost destroyed.

The representative feudal lords of the Western Army at that time were Satsuma and Choshu.
Until then、they were almost equal colleagues with the Tokugawa clan.
As a result of hard diplomatic efforts、they were not destroyed、but of course they had no choice but to become Tokugawa vassals.

※To put it simply、the Tokugawa clan's national power before the battle was more than double that of each of them.
They were colleagues in the Toyotomi administration.※

The Mori clan had its territory reduced to 3/1 by the Tokugawa.
By the way, it was after this that the Mori clan began to use Choshu (region name) as their common name (or as their "so-called" name.…maybe).


golden years

from めぞん一刻 15 桜の下で

amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅣ‐11-5-THE BEGINNING OF THE END OF THE BEGINNING☺️