Fukushima will my best

Thursday, 23 August 2012


My name is hiroki shibayama.
I live in japan.
First、I can't speak english.
I therefore can't write english.
This blog is translated from Japanese to English by using the Google translation.
Accordingly、this may be little strange sentence.
Please read on the basis of it.


Early summer of last year、I went to visit a friend in Fukushima.
Fukushima is located in the northeast of Japan.
One night and two days.
That was the first time visit to Fukushima to me.
After get back from fukusima、I wrote many short sentences on the basis of my memory of conversation with friend.
And was recently summarized in the blog.
By the way I wrote this sentences while checking on e-mail to a friend.
Because this is my memory,not my record.  
(I wasn’t taking notes in travel)
But my friend is ordinary person who isn't expert.
Above all Japan had after four months from big earthquake at that time.
Japan was still confused in all respects.
Therefore this content may be inaccurate. 
Please read on the assumption of that conditions.
Of course、the responsibility of all content are to me.

Once again.
This isn't exact record of my fukushima travel.
This is only memories of my fukushima travel.
Please read on the basis of it.

Saturday, 25 August 2012

1: The Beatles

(In Fukushima Station)
Well、my friend should have come to pick me by car.


i: Long time no see !
 Thanks for waiting for me today.

f: Welcome to Fukushima.
 Have passed five years from last met?

i: Maybe.
 Time flies.

 ...Hey ! Are you listening to the Beatles now?

f: Yeah、recently I listen well the Beatles.
 So I listend to the Beatles while driving to here.

i: Really?
 I also have been listening to the Beatles on the train.

f: What album of the Beatles have you been listening?

i: Revolver、Magical Mystery…
 In the song、Drive My Car、While My Guitar…
 Oh yeah、especially recent I like Goodnight of the Beatles song.

 And now flowing song in your car is Sgt. Pepper's.
 This is 1967-1970 of the Beatles album?

f: Yeah. 
 Especially recent I like medium term of the Beatles.
 Well、where you want to go of Fukushima?

i: I want to go to the sea first.

f: Not distant.
 But there is one problem.

i: What?
 (While looking at the car navigation.)

f: When go to the sea、we must pass through this mountain road.
 Of course、there is no problem if it's just.

 But this area is comparatively high radiation dose.
 Because flows from the wind along the road from nuclear power plants.
i: This area is off-limits?

f: No. 
 We can pass through there.

i: If that's the case、there is no problem. 
 Radioactivity is still anxious?

f: Now I am not anxious so much.
 If become very anxious、I can not be live as usual.

 Of course、excessive optimism is not good.
 Above all、the accident of nuclear power plants is not over.
 It is understand.

 Well、let's go to the sea.

i: OK.

f: Through the area that is comparatively high radiation dose.

i: Why not.

Sunday, 26 August 2012

2: to the sea

i: Sea、you often go?

f: Not even once.

i: What?

f: From the earthquake、I don't go there even once.
 Of course before that I went the sea well.
 Because、in the countryside as Fukushima had limited the place to go on holiday.

i: Your friends were safe everyone?

f: There was restaurant near the sea、I often went there.

 Tsunami after earthquake.
 A woman who had been working in there was missing.
 Also her home was near the sea.
 Her clue had nothing.


f: Unidentified persons information had been written everyday on the newspaper.
 It was very detailed.
 "May find something."
 I was reading it everyday desperately.

 Not just me.
 "May find something"
 Everyone was reading everyday desperately.

 I remember well.
 That day was very cold. 
 The clothing of unidentified people was also written in detail.

 I think it would was cold so.

Monday, 27 August 2012

3: quiet

f: The place of comparatively high radiation dose is around here.

i: Here?

f: Yes.

i: If you don't say so、I don't notice it at all.

f: Hey、this place have been published.
 But there is more the places of comparatively high radiation dose in fact.

i: Really?
 For example?

f: Part of garden of my house.(lol)
 There is point of comparatively high radiation dose there.

i: Did you measure on yourself?

f: Not just me、life itself is at risk.
 In that case everyone will measure seriously.

i: People who live in this area will have been evacuation?

f: I think so.
 But there is  problem.
 Sneak thief has been increasing recently to a place like this.
 Of course their target is house of after evacuation.
 Even if it is not so、evacuated person's property may become all useless by the nuclear power plant accident.


f: I hope that is possible.


f: When we go this road、intersects with Route 6 of parallel to the sea.

 If turn to the right on Route 6、we can go to the nuclear power plant.
 Of course can't go there in fact.

 And This Route 6 was boundary line of tsunami damage.
 Sea side area across the Route 6 had extensive damage.
 Well、arrive soon.


There was nothing.
"I don't know where driving now"
This place is in places such as came to every holiday.
In such a place、my friend said so many times.
The Sea was quiet.

4: going north

i: Four months from the earthquake.
 This road still closed.

f: Oh、that warning? 
 No problem.
 We can ignore it. 
i: Really?

f: Look that car.
 That car is driving on this road while avoiding the warning signs.
i: I see.

f: After the earthquake、this road became closed immediately.
 And as it is. 
 It can not be helped because had extensive damage by earthquake.
 Maybe there would be the priority there.


f: Rain has been falling. 
 Let's go to a different place.
 Above all、I don't like that wandering around the disaster area.
 Go to Sendai city?

i: Sendai city is distant from here?

f: Go north along Route 6 and merge onto Route 4. 
 This drive will takes about two hours.
 Is that Ok?
i: Ok.
 By the way、Sendai city also had extensive damage?

f: Yes. 
 When I just was in Sendai city、the earthquake had.
 At first、I could not understand what had happened.
 The entire city of Sendai had became a power outage immediately by the earthquake.

 I was only lucky that gate of my car’s parking lot was able to opened manually.
 I tried to go home of Fukushima city in a hurry.

 But the road had extensive damage. 
 Major traffic jam.
 Huge aftershocks continue.
 Stoppage of telephone communication.
 I did not know that reason at that time.
 The road to Sendai airport there were a lot of police officers.
 I could not understand the situation completely.


i: Also Sendai city had damage of the tsunami?

f: Yes.

Tsunami had been came close to center of sendai city.

i: You knew that the tsunami had came at that time?

f: I didn't know at all.
 Because Sendai city situation was extreme confusion.
 At least I didn't know at all.

5: I 'm so tired

f: You were born in Nagasaki、right?

i: Yes. 

f: The atomic bomb of Nagasaki.

i: What?

f: There is discrimination even now?

i: Have you heard the discrimination about it?

f: I never heard of it.

i: Me too.


i: Well、Sendai city is as usual than I thought.

f: Reconstruction was quicker because this area is center of Sendai city.
 Above all、Japan's current building seismic resistance may high.
 The building itself withstood the huge earthquake.
 Japan has many earthquake that is not in vain.
 Hey、aren't you hungry?
 Wanna get something to eat in Sendai station?

i: Yeah.


f: Is good here?

i: Yes.
 Oh、this Restaurant’s BGM is the Beatles.
 Everyone has listen to the Beatles.(lol)
 …on Twitter.

f: What?

i: "When I tired of listen to music、I listen to the Beatles."
 I saw a tweet like that.
 We are tired?

f: Of course.(lol)
 By the way、highway will be free now.
 Because I have a certificate disaster.
 So go back to Fukushima on the highway.
 Any thoughts?

i: Right.
 Because I'm tired little.(lol)

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

6: my living environment

i: This highway is still doing repair work.

f: Yeah.
 This highway had heavy damage after immediately earthquake
 However this highway was only lifeblood of Fukushima.
 Fukushima survived by relief goods that was transported in this highway.
 Of course、even now.

i: Lifeline was all useless?

f: My house?

i: Yes.

f: I think that was different on the locations.
 My house case in Fukushima city、electricity is three days、water is one week、gasoline is one month.

 My family had live in the light of the candle.
 But it was still better、we could not wash our hands a one week because water was very precious.

f: Soon get to hotel、there is my familiar tavern there.
 Do you wanna go for a drink?
 This car will ask the chauffeur service.

i: Why not?
 That area is some extent high radiation dose?

f: By my mental arithmetic、about thirty times of before hydrogen explosion of nuclear power plants.

i: For example television of fukushima is announce in detail the radiation dose of the day?

f:  Detail is not.
 More details must be announce on circular notice of the town.

i: Radiation dose of your house was measured yourself?

f: I borrowed equipment to be examined radiation dose.
 Because it is fairly high price.

 Result、most high radiation dose was 45 micro sievert in pin point of the garden.
 But、except it isn't high radiation dose.

 Into my house is low radiation dose.
 It is 0.2 micro sievert.
 And radiation dose of outside my house is about 1.2 micro sievert.
 Of course、on the level of my living environment.

 Well、arrive soon.

7: Fukushima will our best

f: He is my old friend came from Tokyo.

she: Did you come to a volunteer of the affected areas?

i: No、I think this word will rude maybe、but I came on tourism only.

s: That does not matter.
 Please go look at the current state of the Fukushima.

 Oh yeah、I'm wearing T-shirts that was bought at charity event.
 (Fukushima will our best.)

i: This tavern was okay?

s: No、there was heavy damage.
 I didn't think this tavern can open again at that time.
 But、this tavern had open again with the cooperation of a lot of people.

f: Is natural that help each other on difficult times.
 Will our best !(lol)

s: Yes.


f: The event of an earthquake、I was in the 7th floor of a building in Sendai city.
 In a terrible shaking、power outage、the ceiling fall.

 Do you remember?
 Little before this huge earthquake、was earthquake done.
 First I thought this is the aftershock of it.
 I said so to person who were near at that time.

 "Shaking of earthquake quite different、I must die !"

 But he screamed so.
 I had aware of the death when heard it.

 And I went outside after the shaking finally subsided.
 Debris of Glass... they're scattered.
 Screaming lady on the road.
I thought ”this is a reality...?"


i: But、Sendai city had very vibrancy now.

f: Yeah、that vibrancy to reconstruction.
 But case of Fukushima there is exist accident of nuclear power plants.
 Therefore people living in Fukushima has been uncertain future now.

 Above all、a growing number of people committing suicide at Fukushima.
 That may still increase.
 When the hope to live has completely broken、people will have to die only.

 "Don't make an irresponsible statement."
 I want to say that to the person in charge in Japan.

 Do you know?

 "This is irresponsible statement"
 "Don't believe"
 Even if think so、there is no choice but to have hope.
 There are such many people now.

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

8: great popularity Fukushima

i: What time now? 
f: Shortly after 11 pm.

i: Walk a little?
 Because I’m a little drunk.

f: Ok.

i: For example、the gutter of that road is a high radiation dose?

f: I haven't measured, but possibility is there.
 Because radioactive material accumulate in the rain flow. 

 Gutter of the road.
 Part of the garden.
 Low place may high basically.

i: Hey、I feel this town is good.

f: You bet.
 Oh、this shop's sweets is very delicious.
i: This is famous shop?

f: This town is my born town.
 I lived here by time of a child.

i: I see.
Hey、just strangely bright sky over there.

f: It's the direction of the nuclear power plant.

i: Ah、is the recovery work of a nuclear power plant 24 hours a day?

f: Maybe that light is other's.
 A nuclear power plant is much distant.
 Of course、I think that restoration work is being carried out without the rest.

i: Do you know?
 ”Radiation of very small amount is good for your health.
 There is also a theory like that.
 Just maybe、after several decades、only Fukushima Prefecture may become extraordinarily long-lived.

 "if you want to live longer will go to fukushima !"
 People all around the world will begin to say so、and Fukushima may become great popularity.
 And very many people will come to Fukushima from all around the world.

 Well、I make an irresponsible statement also.

f: You are not responsible position.

i: Right.
 Thanks for today.
 Regards tomorrow.


golden years

from めぞん一刻 15 桜の下で

amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅣ‐11-5-THE BEGINNING OF THE END OF THE BEGINNING☺️