is a quote

Thursday, 13 September 2012


Well、in 749、it seems that many events revolved around the Imperial Court that year following the discovery of gold.

One of the events was the establishment of a government office called "Shibi-chu-dai" for the empress of the abdicated Emperor Shomu.
That government office was ostensibly set up to assist the Empress (Empress Dowager)、but in reality it was more for the purpose of assisting the female Emperor's unstable position.
And Nakamaro was appointed as chief of that government office.

In addition、he was appointed commander of the Emperor Guard at the same time.
(It seems that this position was originally one of Fujiwara clan's territories.)
By these means、Nakamaro became the head of the Fujiwara clan both in name and reality.


"It seems that Tachibana-no-moroe is plotting a rebellion."

In 755AD、someone tipped off such information to the sick Shomu.
However、Shomu never tried to adopt it.
(He was still in power after his abdication.)

Shomu may have been thinking about the balance of power within the dynasty.
However、Tachibana-no-moroe was finally forced to resign from his post.
In the end、the informant(and more)'s plot for his downfall was successful.

※I don't know the name of this informer now. 2023040314:23 (japan time).
※According to the Japanese text I compiled before (lol)、it seems that this was an informant from a Moroe's attendant. 2023040317:41 (japan time).

Next 756AD、Shoumu and Tachibana-no-moroe died one after another.
The internal circumstances in the dynasty further deepened the confusion.


The representative clans of the Anti-Fujiwara clan were the Tachibana clan and the Ōtomo clan.

"He secretly insulted the Emperor's court."

Shortly after their deaths、one head of the Otomo clan was arrested on such suspicion.
However、the charges against him were insufficient evidence and he was quickly released.
(It would be reasonable to assume that this was originally someone's conspiracy.)
But、he was eventually relegated to Tosa in Shikoku、then he was exiled there.

"We cannot afford to overlook this situation any longer."

And taking this opportunity、the extremists within the Otomo clan began to conspire to overthrow Nakamaro.

Friday, 14 September 2012


Shomu’s grandfather's older brother's son named "Funado".
According to Shomu's will、he was appointed Crown Prince.
(His mother is unknown、but his grandmother was Fujiwara clan.)

By the way、Shomu's great-grandfather was called Emperor Tenmu.

Tenmu was originally not first in line to the throne.
(Of course、he was eligible for the throne.)
He won the battle against the emperor (his brother's son) and ascended the throne.

※Perhaps(uncertain)、the name Emperor Tenmu is his posthumous posthumous name.
To put it in extreme terms、it might have been a manner of not calling his name directly from his retainers、like "his Majesty."

※Perhaps no one called him Tenmu while he was alive (even if everyone knew his name was Tenmu). 2023040317:13 (japan time).

And at least when I was a child、the emperor he overthrew was a prince who had not yet ascended to the throne.
Recently、I think many people think that he was already on the throne at that time、but I don't know what the current established theory is. 2023040315:34 (japan time).

"Let the person who inherits the blood of Emperor Tenmu inherit the throne."
Shomu's will also contained such a meaning.

"His daily conduct is not suitable for a crown prince."
However、Funado was soon stripped of his crown prince position by Nakamaro for such reasons.
After that、Ōi、who was of Tenmu bloodline as well as Funado、became the crown prince.
He married the widow of Nakamaro's dead son and lived in Nakamaro's mansion.

By the way、at that time、it was prohibited to use the names of the emperor and empress.

Kamatari and Fuhito was originator of the Fujiwara clan.
Nakamaro prohibited the use of their names as well as those of the emperor and empress.

※This probably means that the use of the same Chinese character is prohibited.
Is pronunciation also?

※The fact that the founder of the Fujiwara clan is included means that this may be the name of successive emperors and empresses、but if pronunciation is included in the condition、Japanese will probably die out (lol). 2023040316:04 (japan time)。

Is the Japanese syllabary as character not exist yet?

At that time、Japan did not have its own characters、Japanese people applied the sounds of the Chinese character to the sounds of the Japanese language and used only them as phonetic equivalents.
I think that was the situation.

Oh、at the same time、the Chinese character was used as the Chinese character in the same way as Japanese today.

"Japanese is a language created by the devil to hinder our propagation."
It is said that missionaries who came to Japan in the 15th century said so (lol).

※"I have no idea what the situation was at the time."
This is my true feeling.

But if that is to avoid names with the same pronunciation as the common name (maybe it's not so different from the name of the common people at that time) of the emperor and empress, it may not be such an unreasonable condition.

From my memory、in China、the public use of Chinese characters used in the names of the emperors in office was prohibit.
Replace it with a different Chinese characters、or create a slightly different Chinese characters for a generation.
I think it was that kind of response. 2023040317:07 (japan time).

In 757、Nakamaro assumed the position of head of a newly established (de facto) military organization and seized military power over the nation.

The anti-Nakamaro faction within the dynasty was purged one after another by being demoted or exiled to the provinces.
People who were driven into a corner plotted a rebellion against Nakamaro.
However、the plan is exposed as a matter of course、and they are arrested one after another.

Ootomo-no-komaro was a central figure in this rebellion plan and was killed under torture.
It seems highly likely that Tachibana-no-moroe's son was also killed in prison.
Nakamaro's older brother was also demoted to a rural area due to the arrest of his son.
(I don't know what it has to do with this rebellion plan.)

In 758AD、Emperor Kouken was abdication、Ōi was became next Enperor Jun-nin.
Naturally、Nakamaro gained enormous economic power and an unparalleled dictatorship.
※At the same time、he got the name "Emi-no-oshikatu".

mountain pass

After assuming unparalleled power、Nakamaro resumed his policy of territorial expansion against Emishi's living area.
In 760AD、he finally attains the post of Dajou-daijin (the most powerful position among his vassals).
This was a position that influential members of the Fujiwara clan had been hesitant to take up until now.

Both in name and reality、Nakamaro has risen to the top of Japan.

However、in the same year、the empress of Emperor Shomu、who was the spiritual pillar of the imperial family、passed away.
The previous emperor Kouken and the Emperor Jun-nin.
As a result、discord between the two gradually surfaced.

At the height of Nakamaro's power、a subtle shadow began to hang over his power.


In 761AD、Nakamaro's family members were appointed commanders of important military bases near the capital one after another.
And one of Nakamaro's sons was appointed as head of the government office that had jurisdiction over the capital.

In this way、Nakamaro steadily consolidated his power in the vicinity of the capital together with his relatives.
And of course he tried to reconcile the two emperors.

By the way、around this time、Kouken began to show affection for a certain monk.
This monk's name is Dōkyo.
She believed his prayers cured her disease.

The following year、partly because of that、the relationship between the two emperors decisively collapsed.

"I run the nation."
"Jun-nin should only perform the daily trivial rituals of the imperial family."
Kouken declared so.

※Later、Kouken tried to hand over the throne to Dokyo.


The seizure of power in this era was accomplished in the form of becoming a maternal relative of the emperor.
Jun-nin's empress was the widow of Nakamaro's dead son.
This method is irregular、but it probably meant the same thing.

However、with this proclamation of Kouken、the premise of Nakamaro's power disappeared before he knew it.
And in the same month of this declaration、Nakamaro's wife、who was the chief of the inner palace、passed away.


golden years

from めぞん一刻 15 桜の下で

amaterasu kingdom dimensionsⅣ‐11-5-THE BEGINNING OF THE END OF THE BEGINNING☺️